
14- mother?!

It was a normal day at the burrow and me and Ginny were sat in the living room talking whilst I was braiding her hair. When I heard something smash in the front yard. I ran over to the window to see none other than my mother. She looked furious. I was worried about Ginny so I told her to go upstairs and I would meet her up there in a minute. Mrs Weasley has also seen my mother had she was holding my hand not letting me go. My mother burst through the front door and slamming it behind her making a loud bang as things fell off the shelf. All of the Weasley kids were now on the stairs but Mrs Weasley wouldn't leave my side. I could tell my mother had been drinking and a lot. She started shouting at me saying I scared her and that I should've stayed at the station and that I disobeyed her rules of not going home with a stranger. I was crying now but not a lot so I could still get words out when I cried out.

"YOU LEFT ME AT THE STATION FOR AN HOUR, YOU KNEW WHAT TIME I WAS COMING HOME. WELL IF YOU DIDN'T THEN YOU WOULD'VE IF YOU BOTHERED TO ANSWER MY LETTERS THAT I HAVE BEEN SENDING YOU ALL YEAR. AND ALSO MRS WEASLEY IS NOT A STRANGER SHE IS MORE OF A MOTHER TO ME THAN YOU ARE." Everyone around was surprised at me with this sudden burst of anger. My mother was now furious. She had walked up to me and slapped me across my face. My mother had never laid a finger on me until today. My cheek went red as you could see the outline of a handprint on my face. Thank god I had learnt to control my powers or I would've set my mother on fire or something. Mrs Weasley didn't know what to do. My mother said that I had to grab my things and come home with her. Honestly I didn't feel safe with her I wanted to stay at the burrow with the Weasleys but my mother wasn't taking no for an answer. I quickly collected my things not bothering to say anything to the Weasleys as I would've shouted at them as i was to angry. Mrs Weasley didn't say anything as my mother was shouting for me to hurry up. I ran down the stairs with all of my stuff when we had got in the car and started driving off. We didn't say a word to eachother on the ride home or when we arrived at home. I ran up to my bedroom and slammed my door. I knew this was a mistake when my mother come running up the stairs and forced my door open. Her face was red with anger. This was not the same women that I left a year ago. She had changed and not for the better. She pushed me to the floor as she kicked me over and over saying that if I ever slammed my door again I would never go back to hogwarts and I couldn't risk that. Hogwarts is my home.

I spent the rest of the my time here being treated like a slave and punished severely if I didn't do the work properly. This was not my mother. This was a women who didn't care for her child, her daughter. The worst punishment I had received was I had was not being allowed to go to hogwarts for my second year. My mother laughed at this as she watched me suffer. I was scared of this woman. I was scared of this house. It was nearing my third year. I was allowed to go back this year. I had contacted Dumbledore in secret when my mother had passed out from drinking and explained why I didn't come back to hogwarts for my second year. He said that after this summer I will be placed somewhere else away from my mother which I was so happy about. I had bruises all across my face and body was covered in scars. But i wasn't even allowed to write to my friends. My friends had written to me but my mother just ripped up the letters in front of me, I never even got to read them. It was then when I realised I'd forgotten to clean the house, my mother stormed into my bedroom with a knife in her hand I backed up to go behind my bed but she didn't stop there was no stopping my mother when she was angry especially when she'd been drinking she swung it in the air and slashed it across my face. Luckily it only reached my cheek but I still was bleeding a lot. Since I had learnt to control my powers I was able to heal my cheek but I didn't stop the scar from forming. I had to get out of here. I couldn't live there anymore. My mother had no more love for me. God, she even stopped me from going to school for a year. I missed out on everything, everyone would be ahead of me in my classes. Plus, I wasn't allowed to write to any of my friends all year. None of them knew if I was ok, but I couldn't risk my mother finding the letters. The only person I had contacted was Dumbledore. I didn't even have Mystic, I had to leave her at the burrow as my mother didn't want me to have a way to send letters to my friends. She was my best friend. I was alone until one day I was in the garden cleaning when a white cat jumped over the fence. I had always been good with animals and I could tell it was stray. I decided to keep her, I named her snowball as she was white with grey eyes. Of course my mother didn't know about her. I didn't know what I was going to do. I can't bring two pets to hogwarts. But I was thinking if I left Mystic at the burrow and she only came to me in emergencies. Then I would be allowed to keep snowball. Anyway, I couldn't just leave her. We had a special bond. She was asleep behind my wardrobe on a soft bed I had made for her from my old feather pillows. I woke her up as I was gathering my stuff to leave. She jumped onto my shoulder as I walked down the stairs.

My mother had obviously been drinking as she was passed out on the sofa not even noticing I had come down. I had to get out of here. I left and I didn't look back. I didn't know where I was going to go but anywhere would be better than here. I sat down on the curb outside my house not knowing what to do when I saw something move in the bushes opposite my house. All I saw where bright yellow eyes. I stumbled back and fell onto the floor causing snowball to fall onto the floor. I tried to get a closer look at the thing in the bushes but it was scared off by something. A bright purple bus came speeding down the lane. The knight bus. My ticket out.