
13- the burrow

It was Mrs Weasley. She looked over to me obviously confused on why I was still here. I explained to her that my mother hadn't come and collected me. It had now been an hour since everyone got off the train, so if my mother was going to come she would've come by now. Mrs Weasley was obviously aggravated by this as she held my face and pulled me into a hug. She could tell I'd been crying. I felt weak for crying. But Mrs Weasley had this presence of a kind women, someone you could tell everything to. She obviously wasn't going to leave me on the platform, she held my hand and grabbed my things. We were obviously going to aparate. I waited for mystic to climb into her cage and then I held onto her hand. I didn't know where we were going but anywhere was better than kings cross station. I didn't say anything as I was thinking to much about my mother. Why didn't she come and collect me. She hadn't written to me all year and now this. We had aparatted to this house. I suspected it was where the Weasleys lived. It was magnificent. It was much higher than my house in London. It was called the burrow and I loved it.

I have spent two or three weeks by now living at the burrow. I have been been sharing a room with the youngest Weasley child as she was the only girl. Her name was Ginny. I had never had any siblings but living with the Weasleys had changed that. I felt like a part of the family. I loved playing jokes on the others with Fred and George but we also played quidditch all day. It was much more fun at the burrow than at my house. I lived in a muggle neighbourhood so I wasn't even allowed outside on my broom or to let mystic out as she would scare the neighbours. Me and Ron had also become really close during this time as we were the same age and best friends. We would spend all day together playing wizards chess and just laughing about random things. I loved it here at the burrow. It was like a second home to me.