
12- end of year

I woke up, but I was to tired to open my eyes. I heard two people next to me. McGonagall and Dumbledore, they were talking so I just decided to listen in.

"Albus it's been five weeks, what if she doesn't wake up." I heard McGonagall say with a quiver in her voice. I had been in this hospital wing for five weeks.

"Minerva it's ok she's strong and she is alive." I heard Dumbledore say slowly. "Plus the stone is safe and everyone is safe." He added onto the end. I had saved everyone. I was a true Gryffindor. When they had left my bedside which took them a while i finally opened my eyes and Madam Pomfrey rushed over to me. She was shaking and hugging me. Everyone must of thought I was dead. I was in here for five weeks. I looked at the time. It was dinner, it was then when I realised I was starving. Plus I hadn't eaten anything in five weeks. I politely asked madam pomfrey to allow me to go to dinner. She was hesitant but then she thought that everyone deserved to know that I was awake but I had to go straight back there afterwards. I was so excited that I leaped out of my bed and got changed out of my hospital gown. I put myself in my hogwarts robes and rushed off to the great hall.

The entrance doors were closed so I stood outside them for a minute waiting before letting everybody see that I was ok. I mean, they hadn't seen me awake for over a month. I slowly pushed open the giant doors which caused everyone to look at me. Professor Dumbledore immediately stood from his seat. He started clapping which all of the teachers followed. I looked over to the Slytherin table to see Malfoy standing up and clapping and waving at me. I did need to talk to him but now really wasn't the time. I could see that Hermione was stood up running towards me, tears were falling down her face. Soon everyone in the great hall was clapping. Harry was starting to cry alongside Ron as they both were running towards me. I wrapped my arms round them both as they both just muffled words into my shoulders. I couldn't really understand them but I could tell they were worried about me. I sat down at the Gryffindor table as Dumbledore began to speak.

"Wow, another year gone, it goes so quickly doesn't it. Now for the time you have all been waiting for the house cup. In 4th place Gryffindor with 363 points" the Gryffindor table slowly clapped as we were disappointed. "In 3rd place we have Ravenclaw with 450 points. In 2nd place we have Hufflepuff with 500 points and lastly in 1st place we have Slytherin with a great 543 points." The Slytherin table erupted with roars of triumph. But then Dumbledore started talking again. "Well yes congratulations Slytherin but I believe some last house points are In order. To Mr Ronald Weasley I award 35 points for the greatest game of wizards chess hogwarts has seen for many years. Next to Miss Hermione Granger I award 35 points for the love and kindness when your friends are in grave peril. Next to Mr Harry Potter I award 40 points for the large amount of bravery and courage shown this year. And I now award Mr Neville Longbottom 10 points as it is harder to stand up to your friends than it is to your enemies." Everyone was shaking Neville and cheering but we realised that we're still a long way off Slytherin.

"Calm down i have not finished yet, I have one more set of house points to award." We all went silent as we looked towards Dumbledore wondering who it could be. "To Miss Holly Black." Wait me, I was unconscious for most of this are they forgetting that. "I award a great amount of 65 points for showing great courage and actually willing to sacrifice yourself for your friends safety." The Gryffindor table had erupted in cheers and chants as Fred and George came up behind me and whispered in my ear,

"Thank god you didn't die then Holly." We all burst out laughing. The hangings suddenly changed from green and silver to red and gold. We had won the house cup. I don't think I have eaten that much food in my entire life. I really didn't want to sleep in the hospital wing again as I was truly fine, so I got Dumbledore to speak to her for me and give me the ok to sleep in the dorms as I would have Hermione and my friends looking out for me. She was clearly annoyed by this but didn't go against Dumbledores orders. I was finally getting to sleep in my bed. As we were walking to the common room Hermione said to me,

"Finally you're coming back, your owl keeps biting me as she will only be put to bed by you. She's barely slept Holly, I'm pretty sure she's missed you." I missed mystic so much and I forgot to decorate her cage with the drape that Ron had gotten me for Christmas. We sprinted up to our dorms but we didn't reach the doors before we heard Harry and Ron shout out,

"Hey no goodnight for us then?" Hermione and I laughed as we ran back down the stairs and wrapped our arms round the boys. Harry took hold of my wrist and pulled me to the side. He wrapped his arms round me trapping me in a tight hug. When we pulled apart he started rambling on about how I saved him and everything and if I wasn't there he would've died. I couldn't help but laugh as I shut him up and wrapped arms round him. After we had said goodnight we all went to our dorms. I can't believe that I'm going home tomorrow. Hermione had already packed as I was putting my last few things into my trunk. We said goodnight to eachother as we both collapsed into our beds. It was nice to finally sleep in my own bed.

I woke up before Hermione the next morning, I had already got changed, washed and brought my trunk down to the common room before I decided to wake her. She always stays up super late reading so I always allow her extra time to sleep in.

When we were all down in the common room there was no time for breakfast we had decided that we were just going to eat something on the train. I had made sure to wear Hermione's necklace that she had gotten me for Christmas today and she obviously appreciated it.

We were finally on the train. I was sad to be leaving Hogwarts but then I hadn't seen my mother in ages as she hadn't written to me at Christmas or my birthday. But you know, she probably just hasn't gotten the hang of the sending letters by owl business yet. I can teach her whilst I'm off for summer. We had found an empty compartment so we all climbed in. We were all laughing and eating pumpkin pasties when we saw a certain blonde boy open our compartment door. Harry and Ron both immediately stood up but he just completely blanked them and turned to me.

"Hey holly can I have a word?" Harry and Ron were about to say something when I spoke up first saying that it would be fine. We stepped into the corridor as he began speaking.

"I haven't had a chance to speak to you about the gift, do you like it?"

I didn't know what to say first he called me a muggle and spilt his potion all over me which caused me to nearly get killed by a troll but now he got me a present and is being super nice to me. I decided that I was going to be nice in return as he did get me a present and he seemed nice enough right now.

"Yeah, it's awesome it must of cost you a fortune. And plus I didn't know we were being nice to eachother I thought you didn't like me as you spilt your potion all over me." I could tell he felt bad about that as he stared at his feet before he started talking.

"Yeah about that, I'm sorry. It was just Potter he had riled me earlier in the day and my dad hadn't written to me and he didn't..." he stopped talking as she just stared at the floor with tears in his eyes.

"Draco," he stared at me surprised that I called him by his first name. I put an arm on his arm to comfort him. "We don't have to talk about your father, I know he isn't the best but at least you have one." He flung himself into my arms with greatly surprised me. He started crying tears falling from his eyes.

"It's just he's ruined my life. I could've had a normal childhood but no, my father had to get sent to Azkaban." I wrapped my arms hugging him tight. He didnt know what to do. He's mean becuase of his father. He makes fun of people becuase of his father. He pulled away from me as he finally just said thank you and walked back to the where the Slytherins were sitting. I really felt bad for him you know. He obviously doesn't have it easy. I walked back into the compartment as Harry looked at me obviously annoyed. I was originally sat next to Hermione but I sat next to Harry and leaned into his shoulder. He wasn't annoyed anymore. We all just talked and laughed until we got to kings cross. We all got off the train to meet our parents. Ron ran over to his mother, Hermione was met from the train by her parents and Harry was met by his uncle. His uncle really was a beast of a man. But my mother was no where in sight. I sat down on a bench and just waited.

It had been half an hour. There was no one on the platform except from me. It was my first year and my mother hadn't come for me. She knew I was coming home today I told her a million times. I started to cry as I let mystic out of her cage but she didn't fly. She just snuggled into my chest. She was the only one I had right now. I looked up as I heard clambering of feet coming into the platform. I thought it was my mother so I jumped up and grabbed my trunk. This obviously surprised Mystic as she fell out of my lap onto the floor giving a loud squawk. This gathered the attention of the woman. It wasn't my mother. But I did know who it was and I was glad to see her.