
251. Gladys's Bitterness

After the fourth day, Gladys and the baby came home. The baby can breathe well and is developing quite rapidly. It happened because Gladys milk came out quite a lot. The baby drinks until he is full.

Returning to her parent's house didn't make Gladys feel any better. All the way home, she just stared at the car window, not wanting to look at her baby, who her mother was carrying. She could not and did not want to see the child.

"Gladys, you haven't given this baby a name," her mother reminded her.

"It is up to you. I don't care," Gladys replied, still staring at the street.

"Are you sure?" asked her mother. "Should I just call him a boy? He is a very handsome and adorable boy. How could you not give him a name?"

Gladys sighed. She hated the child so much. So why did she have to think of his name?

When she arrived at her house, Gladys rushed into her room. She was surprised to see her room turned into a nursery.