
196. A New Singer

"Hello, Adam," said Mr. Danang. "Let me introduce. This is Rissa."

"Hi," said Adam, then Rissa shook hands with him.

"Let's go inside first," said Jelita.

Risa and Mr. Danang go inside. It turned out that the room was quite long and spacious. Jelita invites Rissa to sit on a chair. Mr. Danang sat next to her like a father dropping his daughter off to register for school.

"What's up?" asked Adam, who had just sat opposite them.

"So, Rissa wants to apply to be a singer in this band," said Mr. Danang.

"Oh really. I'm so glad to hear that," Adam said.

"I'm only here as an intermediary. For further, please discuss it directly with Rissa. I'll say goodbye first." Mr. Danang stood up and also Rissa.

"Thank you, Mr. Danang," said Rissa, nodding with a smile.

After Mr. Danang left the room, Rissa returned her focus to look at Adam. The man looked about the same age as her, but his face looked charismatic, like a leader.