
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs

Take Uzumaki

A few hours have passed and Take's eyes opened they seemed to carry a light that wasn't there previously, his body felt lighter, stronger, it felt like his... suddenly realizing the soft heat of a pillow on the right side of his face a small smile spread across his face as he flipped around facing the opposite way to find a blue dress in his line of sight slightly confused he looked up to see a pair of green eyes staring back at him before he could speak she slightly giggled

"Welcome back Take... you know your the first to enjoy this, Zabuza would be pissed if he found out"

Not understanding why Zabuza would be mad as Take sat up

"I don't know why, it was really comfortable...Thanks, for the talk I needed it more then I thought"

Reaching out moving a piece of Take's white hair behind his ears

"Don't mind it Take, are you ready now or do you want to rest some more"

Shaking his head

"No I have used enough of your time... It's time to push back the loyalist once and for all"

With a slight smile on her face and slight concern in her eyes she spoke

"Are you going to join the fight? Know that the funds you have provided is enough"

Standing up and offering his hand to help her up as he spoke

"I feel most comfortable on the battlefield...well except for the time I was out resting on you... I don't like think I will find anything that will beat that"

Earning himself a slight chuckle

"Ara Ara~ don't go catching feelings Take, I may be single but I'm not willing to hop on a man more then half my age (seeing the confusion on his face), know what... Never change Take stay cute and oblivious your whole life"


After gathering everyone in the war tent Mei was about to speak when one of the Rebels spoke out with some anger

"Why is that fucking kid here, we have no need for useless children that still reek of milk... and what was you guys doing by the tree... You trying to steal Mei for your self you litt-"

Mei looked towards Take

"Take if you will"

Take nodded 'Projection Of The Shinigami' a killing intent like this world has never seen descended upon the people in the tent as an outline of the Shinigami himself seemed to float behind Take, While using this 'skill' Take spoke coldly

"If none of you can stand due to this measly killing intent dont expect me to see you as even a hint of useful (the killing intent climbs as the outline became more pronounced) non of you can even stand but look at your fearless leader... isn't even breaking a sweat you all are worthless...(activating his sharingan) STAND UP YOU CANNON FODDER AND PROVE YOUR WORTH"

One by one the higher ranked Mizu Rebels struggled to get on their feet only for the pressure to increase once again

"Is this the most you lot can pull together, can't even stand infront of a mere child that still smells of milk how disappointing I was expecting greater things from a place called the 'Bloody Mist'"

As he finished speaking the pressure disappeared as the rebels started murmuring amongst each other saying things such as 'Demon', 'Child of the Shinigami', that he was the 'Decent Of The Shinigami' some going as far as calling him 'The reincarnation of the Shinigami' he neither denied or agreed to any of these while Mei spoke out

"As you have seen and felt for your self Take is no normal child, he grew up in war unlike anyone here has ever seen fighting day by day earning his scraps just to get by if anyone has a problem with him joining you on the front line you are free to test your metal against his"

Then a random rebel yelled out

"Isn't he the one that healed a majority of our troops with that weird rain and dried up the ground for almost 4 hours"


"I Swear it was"

Hearing this a slight smile appeared on Mei's face

"That is correct he casted a combination jutsu that did the things you speak of..."

A single voice spoke out

"The Gentle Shinigami..."

Unknown to everyone this moniker will stick to Take like sap to hair as it spreads like wildfire through the lands 'The Gentle Shinigami' a rather contradictory name but no other could fit him better


After sorting out the war meet half of the rebel forces marched(?) toward the heart of the loyalists supplies being two islands away they had quite a trek ahead of them during this time Take was sorting through his mind going through the information that poured within, apparently his eyes have evolved into the Enternal Mangekyou Sharingan but due to the work that Hikomori Uzumaki did on his genealogy they have been dubbed the Enternal Seal Mangekyou Sharingan with his pupils looking like a Tribal Sun with Seals Surrounding it like the points of a pentagram

As he was sorting through this he found two abilities associated with his eyes the left eye being 'Yahato no Kami' and his right eye being 'Ame no Mihashira' both of these abilities where god sends in Take's eyes as they approached land Take saw a large force not far from the shore before he could announce it one of the sensors beat him to it

"Estimated 800 Shinobi by the shore atleast half are churning level chakra"

They all looked towards the bow of the ship to see Take standing there with a bow not much Taller then he is (By now he's around 135cm the bow is 145cm with it's curves) as an golden arrow rested on the bow string slightly arcing outwards as a slow mellow multitude of chirping sounded out 'Holy Lightning: Raijin's Mark'

The moment Takes finger slipped off the bow string a crack resounded quickly followed loud thunderclap forcing them to cover their ears as a streak of light shot towards the loyalists forces faster then they could follow, in the time it takes to blink an outward explosion of golden lightning rose into the sky causing clouds to form as the bow in Take's hands disappeared doing two separate hand seals 'Manipulation: Raijin's Wrath' 'Darkness: Veil Of The Abyss' the rebels watched in awe as the lightning in the clouds visibley traveled towards the center over the loyalists when suddenly black dominated the world

Unknown to them Take casted 'Darkness: Veil of the Abyss' to combat them going blind from the


Everyone felt the shockwave caused by the explosion followed by the rocking of the boat as the 'Darkness' Jutsu dropped they saw that nearly a quarter of the loyalists have simply disappeared while the rest are fumbling over each other attempting to gain their eye sight that was robbed

Jumping of the boat they all rushed silently thanking the Gentle Shinigami in their minds as they cut down the loyalists


This continued for some months earning Take a spot in the bingo book

[Take 'Gentle Shinigami' Uzumaki

Age: Unknown (Estimated 10 Years Old)

Height: ~150 Cm

Features: Long pure white hair and Heterochromic Eyes, Feminine Facial Features

Description: User of Various unknown jutsu is thought to have a total of 8 bloodline limits but is possible there are more, Known to have the Sharingan showing he is of the Uchiha clan decent along with a mutated Ice release showing his connection to Yuki clan, despite his age he has shown a great deal of skill on the battlefield mainly equipped with a bow and short sword


Hi no Kuni: (Alive) ¥100000

Mizu no Kuni: (Dead) ¥5000000

Rai no Kuni: (Alive) ¥150000 + Harem

Rice/Sound Country: (Alive) ¥300000 (Dead) ¥100000]

Although Take was kinda of surprised knowing that villages he never even seen let alone stepped into their country want him dead/alive Mei explained that when new Kekkei Genkai show up everyone wants their hands on it no matter the cost especially when said person has 8 never heard of before Kekkei Genkai alongside both Ice release and the Sharingan, although Take asked Mei what a harem was she refused to tell him going as far as threatening him

"If I ever find out you got or want a harem I will melt you dick off my self..."