
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs


"Oi Oi, you the owner of this mutt"

Take twisted his head towards the voice seeing a rough group of bulky men wearing rough leather armor with signs of a fight visible on it

"Although Id rather you don't call him a mutt yes I am his owner what seems to be the problem"

With his group slightly egging him on as they looked at his clothes assuming him to have some money on him

"I'm going to need compensation your little mutt damaged my armor when I tried to enter the tavern... your lucky I didn't kill it right where it stood"

Removing the hand that was petting Ghost Take spoke in a stern tone

"If Ghost would have attacked it wouldn't just be your armor that suffered... Leave before you reach the end of my nerves"

Pulling a sword from its sheath one of them men pointed it towards Take

"Ohohoho, you sound a confident but yet you don't strike me as an adventurer... you probably never even tasted Falna in your life... drop all your belongings and toss them this way if that mutt or you moves both of you will feel unbearable pain"

Shaking his head as he lightly scoffed

"Last Chance Leave..."

The men started laughing

"Just give up ther-"

Getting cut off as Take disappeared as a thud sounded out behind them turning around they found one of their companions on the floor with a thin line of blood leaking onto the ground looking back where ghost was Take was just standing there

"He won't die but he will be asleep for a while I recommend leaving before you all end up in the same boat as him"

Just as they heard this they charged forward with a yell but was cut short when the door flew open revealing Mia

"What the fuck is going on out here! Get out of here before you scare away my business"

The men went pale at the sight of the Angry Mia and quickly scurried away with their tails between their legs some figuratively some literally

"Now Take would you mind explaining what that's about"

Shaking his head

"Nothing I couldn't handle they thought they could push me around and mug me... but if they would have hurt Ghost... they would have died..."

His last few words although barely louder then a whisper had a hint of killing intent laced in them Mia noticed this but it wasn't enough for her to mind simply shrugging it off but the girls behind her were the same other then 4 of them the remaining 2 were slightly trembling realizing that he scared some of the girls he spoke

"I apologize it seems my emotions took hold of me although it is my first time meeting all of you I hope we will be able to get along... Ghost Behave"

The moment Ghost heard his words he laid down chewing on a piece of dried meat that Take gave him

"Hello, I'm Take Hikomori I'm an Oni last of my race if I'm being honest this is my first time in such a large city... you could probably say this is my first time in a city if you don't count a small village"

"Mia, Mia Grande level 6 Retired adventurer"

"Names Syr Flova, but you can just call me Syr"


"Nyice to meet you Take nyames Anya"

"Chloe Rollo"

"What's up names Lunoire"


As Take looked over each girl his gaze not lasting for more then a second surprising each of them he noticed except for Mia whose was blue they all wore a green above the knee dress with long puffed sleeves and a white collar with a white headband and apron, black leggings, brown boots, and a small orange bow under their collar to tie it all together

"It's nice to meet all of you... I assume that Mia has already explained what might be going on to all of you... so if you could excuse me I have to take this guy (resting his hand on Ghosts head) to the Ganesha Familia to file some paper work then to the guild for an adventurer license... I'll return afterwards for the payment for the meat I provided and your answer, Have a Great Day"

Turning around he left with Ghost following right next to him the moment he got out of earshot Mia turned towards Syr

"So what do you think Syr, you have the best sense of character if the rest of you have anything to add feel free this is the first time I've actually entertained the idea of working with a man when it comes to the Tavern"

Syr rested her chin on her hand as she sat and thought for a second

"Even though his eyes looked over all of us he simply did so to see what we were wearing and our facial features, his eyes never lingered on one of use... no that's wrong his eyes lingered on you Mia but I doubt that means much... he seems like a good guy... looks like a girl though did you guys see his hair I wonder how long it is"

Seeing that they all agreed with what Syr said Mia released a sigh

"Well then looks like you all will be getting used to having him around if he causes any of you any problems let me know"


Take was currently randomly walking around Oriaro due to the fact that he forgot to ask for directions he soon stood infront of a important looking building with 6 multicolored banners on the walls walking in with Ghost close behind he saw a lot of counters each with a long line except for one which only had a few people he walked towards that line ignoring the stares

After a few minutes he approached the girl behind the counter she had pink hair and pink eyes wearing a black vest with a white long sleeved undershirt with a grey bow tie due to the counter he couldn't see what pants she was wearing but he assumed they were black like the vest

"Oh my, are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around before but I could've just missed you... Oh who's this little guy"

Leaning over the counter as she reached her hand out to pet Ghost who drew back slightly causing the pink haired girl to slightly pout

"Don't mind him he isn't used to being pet by others... I have come to sign up as an adventurer and ask for directions towards the Ganesha Familia's compound so I can legalize Ghost here"

Snapping her fingers making a finger gun pointing it at Take

"Alright, I can help you with all of that (sliding some papers across the counter) just fill this out to the best of your ability... have you ever received a gods blessing before"

Seeing Take cock his head with a confused expression she heaved a tired sigh

"So I'll take that as a no... I recommend finding a familia before entering the dungeon, falna-less adventurers tend to not fare to well inside... as for directions to the Ganesha familia compound just look for the coliseum it's hard to miss"

After filling out the paperwork work the pink haired girl went over it

"Um miss? Is there any familia recruiting?"

Rubbing the back of her head with a slightly apologetic expression

"Misha Flott, and there is an open recruitment for the Loki familia tomorrow at the Twilight Manor but I wouldn't bet on it it's Rare...no it's almost unheard of Falna-less getting recruited, do you want me to put together a list just in case it doesn't work out?"

Nodding as he spoke

"Yea that would be great Misha if you could give me the directions to the Twilight Manor and an Inn I would appreciate it"

Sliding a piece of paper over with directions as she asked

"Are you really an Oni I heard that they were...Umm... extinct"

"Yeah as far as I know I'm the last of my kind... Thanks for everything Misha"

"Wait before you go.. can you tell me how you get your hair so hydrated and glossy?"

Shaking his head

"No im sorry it's a secret... But here soon I might be able to provide you with something that could help"

With a wide smile on her face as she extended her hand outward

"I'm looking forward to it"

Shaking her hand before waving bye and leaving the building he went towards the colosseum and then he decided he would head back to the Hostess of Fertility before finding a inn for the night


As Take woke up he quickly gathered his things as He and Ghost ran towards the Twilight Manor in an attempt to get there early, as he neared the Manor he saw a decently sized line starting from the gate composed of men and women from every size, Race, and shape each with their respective weapons seeing this Take realized he didn't have a weapon and cursed himself for forgetting to pick one up but then he realized that he don't even know what type of weapon he should go for

As he thought about what weapon he should use he heard the Gates open as a slightly high pitched voice sounded out

"Welcome to the Twilight Manor, Home to the Loki Familia... Please remain Calm and Orderly during the recruitment phase the first Phase will consistent of 1v1 battles supervised by members of the Loki Familia those who move on will learn of the next phase at that time... I am Finn Deimne Captain of the Loki Familia we are only accepting the first 200 people into the compound at this time of the rest of you could wait your turn we would appreciate it"

Immediately after Finns speech the first 200 people were let in this included Take who was currently looking at Finn who was barely 120cm tall with medium length scruffy blond hair blue eyes and a fair skin tone he was currently wearing a yellow vest over a purple long sleeved shirt and trousers, the 200 were quickly paired and Take was against a large lanky man with dog like feature Take already told Ghost to go lay down near Finn who had a weird expression being next to a wolf as tall as he was but he didn't let it bother him eventually reaching down to pet him which Ghost surprisingly let him do

As Take stood Across the dog like man (Chienthrope) who wielded a two handed long sword and wore a metal breast plate with leg/shin guards and arm/forearm guards

"Umm any chance I would be able to get a short sword before we start this off?"

Hearing his words one of the proctors came over with a cheaply made iron short sword and passed it off to him getting a quick thanks, he didn't know why he choose a short sword but it felt right in his hands taking a breath to calm his nerves he readied himself as he waited for the duel to start