
Tainted Salvation

In the Kingdom of Galsbourg, Rainier Hansen ruled as an absolute Tyrant. Having known nothing but loneliness and power, he's used to getting what he wants. He felt that his days all blurred into one infinite hollow of duties and boredom until he randomly traveled worlds and stumbled upon a certain carefree female detective, Gwen Hamilton. Soon, she turned out to be his obsession. He had always got his wishes, and that year, he decided he'd present himself a queen. Warning: Mature content

LadyAzalea · Thành thị
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46 Chs

Her Darkness, His Light

Once Gwen was locked in the king's bedroom again, she tried the doors, just to be sure. They wouldn't budge. She went to the windows, and found that they all had sturdy trellis, making it impossible for her to run away from them.

Since it was a private chamber, there were no CCTV cameras. Still, she couldn't see how it would help her.

Having nothing else to do, she showered and cleaned herself three times, yet she still didn't feel clean enough. She gave up afterward, and just dressed up.

The wardrobe had its own room altogether, where his suits, shoes, watches, and expensive accessories lined up.

Sally said several maids had tidied a part of his wardrobe and put some essentials for her. It's the first door on the right, she had informed her.

She opened it.

She didn't see any jeans or trousers. She only saw dresses. They were all in neutral colors. At least she wouldn't hate the colors.

It's the underwear that bothered her. Everything was either from silk or lace, or both. Something she wouldn't choose for herself. Yet, having no other choice, she just began dressing up.

The dress reached a little under her knees.

With her hair wrapped in a towel, she then sat in front of the TV and turned it on.

She frowned as she found the channels were different from those she usually watched.

No matter how many times she scrolled through the channels list, she couldn't find those familiar ones.

A chill ran down her spine.

She turned in the direction of the doors. She had checked earlier. The doors were still locked, by his order, no doubt.

Sally said she should dial number 25 on the landline if she needed her.

She was alone in that luxurious bedroom, she could have some privacy and do what she needed to do.

Taking a deep breath, she reread the name of the TV channels.

One was called Galsbourg News, and she clicked it.

It was the breaking news.

"His Majesty would cut the ribbons at the new and highly improved Royal Library later this noon, making the 25 levels library building open for the public."

Gwen screamed at that.

No, no, no, nooooo!!!

What is this, a TV Channel that plays along with him?

And it's as if she could hear his voice. "I am Rainier Hansen. And you are in the Kingdom of Galsbourg. I am the King of this Kingdom."

Her heart beat so fast. She felt like fainting.

Hurrying to the landline, she dialed 25.

"Sally, can you bring me some newspapers? I want to read them."

"Today's newspaper, Ma'am?"

"Today and everything within the past month."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Sally directly texted the King, because that was his instruction.

"Her Majesty wants to read newspapers from the past month."

"Give them to her," the King replied.

Meanwhile, as Gwen waited for Natalie, she realized there was a laptop in the room, on Rainier's desk.

She ran to the mahogany desk and tried to turn on the laptop. She didn't recognize the name of the brand, but it started when she clicked the power button.

However, it wouldn't start the system because it asked for face recognition.

Before she felt really devastated, Sally arrived with a trolley. On it was three boxes full of newspapers.

She eagerly reached for one. The newspaper's name was "Galsbourg Media" and she read the paper's address. She checked the newspaper headquarters' address. It was at Broadstower, Galsbourg.

She scanned the pages of that day's paper. The news was normal, but she didn't find any of the current news from the last time she heard her father watching the TV at her house in Seyrside, Kilare.

And there was half a page about Rainier, the King, who was going to cut the ribbon at the library.

Her hand began to tremble.

She dug out more papers and scanned them all.

There were articles about Rainier every day.

On parliament meetings.

Giving a speech at a university.

Visiting a natural disaster's location.

Visiting factories, farms, and schools.

Is he a real king? Is this really a parallel universe?

She started to feel dizzy and hyperventilated.

She tried to take a deep breath, but instead of feeling refreshed, she became nauseous.

"Ma'am? What's wrong?" Sally asked, terrified because Gwen was suddenly gripping the armrest tight.

"Can't -- breathe!"

Frantically, she turned and saw the rows of tall windows. Wanting some fresh air, she got up, thinking to open one of those.

But her knees gave way and she fell to the floor.

"MA'AM!!!" Sally screamed. She quickly held Gwen and soon, she was sitting on the floor with Gwen on her lap.

She grabbed a fistful of Sally's suit, fighting to breathe before everything blacked out.

Natalie's eyes widened before she quickly took her walkie-talkie radio.

"The Queen has fainted! She said she couldn't breathe! Get an oxygen mask, and call the Royal Doctor! Now!!!"

A guard went into the room carrying a portable oxygen mask. They put the mask on Gwen's face and she seemed to slowly breathe better.

Her eyes fluttered open.

The guard then brought her to the bed.

When the Royal Doctor arrived and checked on her, she said Gwen just had a severe shock. She must be kept in a calm atmosphere, with no stress triggers.

She was given a mild shot to ease her muscles and a light dose of sleeping medication.

Afterward, Tae Eul fell asleep.


Once Rainier was done with his meeting with the ministers, he went straight to the new library and officially opened it to the public.

When it was over, he checked his phone.

Sally called 3 times.

Then he checked his texts.

She said, "The Queen seemed to have a panic attack and had trouble breathing. We gave her an oxygen mask and called the Royal Doctor. The doctor said she's stressed and has to rest. She's stable now, sleeping."

He then signaled his secretary to come closer.

"Cancel my schedule for the rest of the day. We're returning back to the palace."
