
Taekook ff yoonmin ff( BTS world)

Silentknight1994 · Người nổi tiếng
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25 Chs

chapter 1 #

"Jimin what the hell are you doing.... his mom Mrs park barged in his room making him scared...

Jimin :- I am sorry mom let's go I am ready ( he said and immediately went with his mother ) ....

[ introduction]

This is Jimin 19 years old son of Mr & Mrs park a kind polite person a university student today they are going to his big sister park yoomi house who is married to Min industry young CEO min yoongi his sister is just an greedy person she just married to him for money she give birth to a baby boy so they are going to thier house Mr & Mrs park already met them when baby born but Jimin was busy in exam so that's why he is going today...

[ Min mansion]

Mrs min :- oh welcome ( hug Mrs park ) come oh look who came my cute baby Jimin ( hug him tightly)

Jimin :- ( smile widely) how are you eomma ( Mrs min said him to call him eomma ) ...

Mrs min :- I am fine son how are you come let's sit ....

Jimin :- okay hello appa ( hug Mr min ) how are you...

Mr min :- I am fine son how are you....

Jimin :- I am fine ( look at yoongi and smile cutely) hello Hyung how are you congratulations....

Suga :- ( small smile and rub his hairs ) I am fine mini how are you and thank you...

Jimin :- I am fine Hyung eomma where's noona and baby I want to see baby what you named him ..

Mrs min :- well we name him same as your Jimin cause he looks like you ....

Jimin :- what really ( excited) but didn't he will look like Hyung and noona ....

Mr min :- he is not even on suga or not on yoomi he is a second Jimin and his name is Min Jimi ....

Jimin :- wowwww but where are both .....

Mrs min :- let's go I will take you to him .....

Jimin :- okay let's go mom .....

Both left to upstairs to Suga's room .....

Mrs min :- here's our little Jimi ....( a cute little baby was laying between bed there's pillow on both side of him ..

Jimin :- oh my god he is so beautiful and cute but where's noona ....

Mrs min take baby in his arms and sigh ...

Mrs min :- On her set ...

Jimin :- what but baby is so small ( shook his head ) mumma give baby to me.....

Mrs min :- here ( Jimin held baby ) .....

Jimin :- he is so soft ( kiss his cheeks )

baby snuggle in his chest and then he start crying... oh mo mom why he is started crying ( panic)

Mrs min :- he must be hungry here's his bottle.....

Jimin :- shh baby here's drink ( but baby refuse to drink milk crying nonstop)

Mrs min :- ( tense) he want mother milk but yoomi refuse to feed him cause her figure will disfigured we tried to feed him bottle milk but he drink it only one time it's not ready to drink milk....

Jimin look at baby who is snuggle in his chest sniffing wanting milk Jimin look at Mrs min ...

Jimin :- mom can you hold him for a minute...

Mrs min :- why not but what are you going to do ...

Jimin :- just one second mom ( he immediately left to washroom and removed his hoody and take oil and start rubbing his chest .....

Mrs min :- ( shout from outside) Jimin son what are you doing baby is crying...

Jimin :- mom coming ( he wipe his chest when he see it's wet he smile and wore his hoody back ) .....

Jimin run back to room and held baby in his arm...

Jimin :- mom you can go I will take care of baby.....

Mrs min :- are you sure son ..

Jimin :- ( smile ) yes mom ( Mrs min kiss his head and left)aww baby don't cry ( sit on bed crossing his legs making baby lay on his lap he pull his shirt up and bring baby to his chest who immediately start sucking making Jimin giggle....


Mrs park :- where's Jimin he didn't came downstairs with baby .....

Mrs min :- oh baby was crying so I give him milk bottle he is feeding him.....

Mrs park :- oh and what's up....

suga :- ( on call ) okay Jungkook I am coming yeah file is in my room ( he left to upstairs) ....

suga about to go in but stopped when he here Jimin giggles and look at him with shock face Jimin was feeding baby talking to him ...

Jimin :- sorry my little sugerplum I know my sister is greedy but I didn't know she is also heartless didn't care about you ouch baby drink slowly I am not going anywhere drink slowly ( kiss his head ) ....

suga smile at the scene and went in Jimin panicked but suga was not looking at him ...

suga :- it's okay mini Don't be panick and thank you for taking caring for Jimi ( he smile without looking at him ) I am going to office bye ....

Jimin :- bye ( smile shyly look down on baby who slept )
