
Taboo caused by love

A young girl named Kiara Yung belonged to the family of witches but she didn't know. She lived her life as a human. She was unaware that she was a witch because her mother committed a taboo.Due to the sin her mother committed, Kiara was sent to the human world. Kiara grew up with her father and lived a normal life and fell in love with a guy named Lewis Quinn, whereas there was an ongoing war between the witches, vampires and demons. The vampires wants to dominate every other creature including humans. Lewis is a vampire, he finds out that the woman he is madly in love with is a threat to his people. Kiara finds out about her true identity, Will their love prevail or will it be destroyed ???

Merit_Asenogwan · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Vacation 2

"So you both want me are inviting me to a vacation to an unknown place...both isn't it supposed to be just the both of you"? Kiara asked.

"First of all...the place is going to be a surprise to both of you and secondly I felt it would be fun with you around and I don't want you to be lonely...who knows you can find your romeo there also". Rex replied.

"But if you don't want to come, you can stay...we are not forcing you". Qwen added.

"I haven't said anything yet Qwen...I would love to come but I feel that Qwen won't like my presence there anyways". Kiara replied as she stared at Qwen.

Rex and Kiara stared at Qwen until they got a reply.

"You both should stop staring at me like that and in fact I have no problem with her coming but we have to discuss first". Qwen replied.

"Okay...but don't say otherwise later. So I will have to take permission from my dad and what is the supposed time for vacation"? Kiara asked.

"Hmm...we will leave today and besides your dad is already aware and he also permitted you. But now you can start preparation now because it is going to a week vacation while I'll inform him about your response". Rex replied while he went outside.

Meanwhile Kiara and Qwen just stared at each other until Kiara broke the silence.

"I am so sorry for how I behave...I hope you can forgive me". Kiara said with a pleading look.

"Okay...besides I hate keeping grudges". Qwen replied.

"Thanks...so you will be going home now right"? Kiara asked.

"Yah!!! I have to start packing also because we will leave by 12noon.

"So Kiara, I already informed your dad...he said you should have fun and enjoy yourself and also bring a cute guy along with you". Rex said.

"Okay I'll try and I will call you when I am done preparing". Kiara replied.

"Okay...nice". Rex said while he left the house with his girlfriend. They drove off while Kiara went straight to her room.

"She was feeling very excited and nervous at same time but she didn't know why she had that feeling. She felt it will be a better way to forget about her mum but she didn't want to ruin or interfere in Rex and Qwen's relationship either. She knew that her friend wasn't too happy and Qwen didn't like the idea that she was coming along but she agreed anyways. She also had a feeling that she would find someone special there even though she wasn't ready and open for a relationship.

But firstly, she had to call her dad to confirm ail that was said. She picked her phone and dialed his number but unfortunately for her his number was switched off. She knew that he was very busy at work that was why he couldn't take any calls.

She just decided to pack some of her belongings such as her clothing, makeup, hair brushes etc. She carefully packed everything in a pink travel box. She applied some makeup on her face. She made sure that she had all she needed because she didn't want to forget anything.

After she was done, she gave Rex a call as promised and she was asked to wait for them at the park close to her house. After she got that information, she quickly went downstairs and was about to leave her house when I phone rang. It was her dad.

"Hello!!! Kiara...have you left the house". He asked.

"No!!! dad but I am about to". She replied.

"Okay...I just wanted to make sure you weren't late. Her dad concluded

"Hmm...dad...thanks a lot for permitting to go for this vacation. It means a lot to me". She replied with a grateful look.

"Okay...but I am really busy and I can't talk now but I will call you when I am done". He replied and ended the call.

Kiara went straight to the park as instructed. She waited for about 10 minutes before they finally arrived with a bus.

Rex came out of the box and instructed her to come in and she did without asking any questions.

After she entered, she noticed that it was just Qwen and Rex and the driver that was in the bus then she wondered if this was the medium of transport they will be using.

She also noticed that her friend, Qwen was sleeping which was weird. She asked why she was sleeping by this time then Rex told she was really tired because she didn't get enough sleep last night.

"Hmmm...Rex...are we going to use the bus to travel to the place". Kiara asked curiously.

"No!!! We are just using the bus to get to the airport where we will be boarding a flight to our surprise destination". He replied her.

Few minutes later, they arrived at the airport. They carried their bags from the bus and they woke her up. The bus driver drove away while Qwen and Kiara to wait for Rex in the waiting room.

They waited for Rex for about 5 minutes. Then he finally came and handed them a visa each. He directed them to a place where their names would be called before they entered the plane.

Luckily for them, their names were called immediately they arrived. They entered the plane and they sat together. Kiara and Qwen sat together while Rex sat behind them.

The plane started and flew off. Kiara was already used to this because she always traveled with her father and Qwen wasn't exceptional.

"Where do you think we are going to"? Kiara asked.

"I have no idea...but I know that it is going to be fun because I over heard his brother telling him that he prepared a lot for this vacation". Qwen answered.

"I hope so". Kiara replied.

"We have arrived at Kiland Island". The pilot said.