
Taboo caused by love

A young girl named Kiara Yung belonged to the family of witches but she didn't know. She lived her life as a human. She was unaware that she was a witch because her mother committed a taboo.Due to the sin her mother committed, Kiara was sent to the human world. Kiara grew up with her father and lived a normal life and fell in love with a guy named Lewis Quinn, whereas there was an ongoing war between the witches, vampires and demons. The vampires wants to dominate every other creature including humans. Lewis is a vampire, he finds out that the woman he is madly in love with is a threat to his people. Kiara finds out about her true identity, Will their love prevail or will it be destroyed ???

Merit_Asenogwan · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Leaving my past behind

"Kiara please don't cry, you are the only person I have left in this world and I can't watch you cry or see you in pain. Your mom is dead and gone forever, please let us move on with our lives and leave our past behind us. We only have each other left so we should live our lives as if it was our last. Please Kiara". He pleaded.

"Okay dad" she replied while she cleaned her tears. "Dad I am also sorry because I brought back the pains you passed through when mom died and made you suffer all over again. I promise never to talk about mum again and never ask you questions about her". She said while she forced her self to smile.

They both hugged each other.

"Mr Lucious aren't you going to work again". Qwen asked.

It was then Lucious remembered that he was supposed to be in work right now. He checked his watch and realized that he was very late.

"Oh!!! I forgot". he replied while he used his hands to hit his forehead and knotted his brows.

"I am sorry dad, its all my fault". Kiara said.

"No!!! Kiara it is not your fault. Lucious replied. He took the file he came for and hugged his daughter again before he left.

"Don't forget about the party and make sure you both look stunning tonight". He told them before he left to work.

Qwen noticed that her friend was still very sad and devastated. She noticed that she was crying again.

Qwen ran to her and hugged her. She cleaned the tears dropping to her face.

"No need to be sad, everything is going to be fine. Never think you are alone because you have your dad, my mom and me with you. Even if your mom might not be here with you, we are always here with you and we will always love you". Qwen comforted her with a smile.

"Yeah!!! I will leave my past behind and move on with my life because I have all of you beside me". Kiara said bravely as she hugged her.

"Yah!!! I like your spirit". Qwen said.

"But what about my strange dreams, what am I going to do about them". Kiara asked.

"I don't know but do you think we should tell your dad about it". Qwen asked.

"That is not even an option, I don't want my dad to worry about me and I promise him never to talk about anything connected to my mom or ask any questions either". Kiara said.

"Yes, that is true but we have to figure it out or else it continue hunting you". Qwen said.

"Yes I know, why don't we search for my mom's family and find information about them. Maybe they can be a pathway for us to discover the mysteries about my dreams but till then lets forget about them and concentrate on the party at the hospital". Kiara suggested.

"The party starts by 5pm so I will go over to Rex's house and I'll be back later". Qwen told her.

"Okay, whatever, but make sure you are back before 4pm so we can have enough time to prepare". Kiara suggested.

"Okay, but you will be bored here, so why don't you follow me to his house and maybe we can go out for shopping and have lunch together". Qwen suggested.

"I rather not ruin your date with Rex. Why don't you just go his house while I just wait for you so we can shopping together". Kiara replied.

"Okay but don't be too bored". Qwen said to her.

"Yah I won't". Kiara replied.

Qwen took her phone and her bag and she left the house to Rex's house.

Kiara just stood there and watched as Qwen exit the house. She still felt very sad and emotional. She went to her room and slammed the door.

"Why are all these things happening to me? What did I do wrong or who did I offend? Why was my mom taken away from me? Why"!!! She asked while she asked and looked pathetic. She cried and asked her sorrowful question but got no reply.

Suddenly she noticed that the pink strips on her were glowing. Her tears touched her amulet and the pink pale emerald started glowing. She was very surprised and scared of what was happening. She had never experienced anything like that before.

Suddenly she felt strong powers surrounding her. The light in the room suddenly off then darkness swallowed the entire room. The windows opened and the entire room was cold like in her dreams.

She was shivering and panting. She felt like the strange man creature in her dream was coming to kill her like he promised.

Suddenly she saw a bright light. The light poked into her eyes, it was too bright for her to see anything. She only noticed that there was someone in the light and she felt it was a female.

"Kiara!!! Kiara"!!! The voice called.

The voice sounded so familiar to Kiara because it wasn't her first time of hearing the voice.

"I am your guiding angel assigned to be with you and take care of you. Don't be scared, I will take good care of you. Remember you are not alone, I am with you always and as for the man threatening your life, I have already taken care of him. So you don't need to worry, everything is going to be fine. Whenever you need just touch the emerald on your amulet and I will come to you. Till then good bye". The voice said to her.

Good day my lovely readers. I will like to inform you that I would not be able to publish and update my chapters. I have exams throughout this week but I promise to give a double release after the exams but till then

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