
Taboo caused by love

A young girl named Kiara Yung belonged to the family of witches but she didn't know. She lived her life as a human. She was unaware that she was a witch because her mother committed a taboo.Due to the sin her mother committed, Kiara was sent to the human world. Kiara grew up with her father and lived a normal life and fell in love with a guy named Lewis Quinn, whereas there was an ongoing war between the witches, vampires and demons. The vampires wants to dominate every other creature including humans. Lewis is a vampire, he finds out that the woman he is madly in love with is a threat to his people. Kiara finds out about her true identity, Will their love prevail or will it be destroyed ???

Merit_Asenogwan · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

Help me!!!

When she was about to leave, She felt strong hands dragging her backwards prevention her from going away. The arms were so strong and it grabbed her hard.

"Let go of me you bitch". Kiara shouted.

She was made to seat down where she once sat. The other men were asked to leave them and it was only Kiara and the other man that was they.

"You are really cute puppy and you shouldn't be leaving like that...at least you should enjoy yourself a bit because I also want to enjoy you after". The man said as he caressed her cheek and lips.

"Don't bother yourself...I already have all the drink I need and I have enjoyed myself enough". Kiara said as she tried her very best to leave but all to no avail.

"Don't leave, stay with me and I can give you all the pleasure you need and you will forget about your worries". The man guaranteed as he gave Kiara massage.

"At least my problems are better than you brat and I will rather die than to give you my body bitch". Kiara replied. Suddenly she felt her soothing massage turning into punishment.

"No one denies or rejects me...I have the right to get or to take who I want and I want you right now"!!!

"Oh my gosh...I am so scared".Kiara said mockingly.

"How dare you...don't you know that I can kill you right now and no one will hold me responsible for it". The man said while he shifted closer to her.

"Get away from me you bitch...I don't know you and I don't want to know you either...I need to get back to my hotel". Kiara replied as she tried her best to escape but she couldn't.

Immediately the other two men came and held her hand tightly, suddenly the bar was empty. All the people in the club left including the bar man.It was just Kiara and the three strange men left.

Kiara was so scared, she didn't know what to do at that moment. Suddenly she was made to stand up. The two guys were beside her while the other was in front.

"Dear little chum, like I said no one denies me...I get whatever I want and no one can say no to me. But you little brat think you can do that, I am going to show you a lesson that you will regret". The man threatened.

"Ah!!! let go of me". Kiara shouted at the men beside her.

The two men made her seat again and they held her hand against the chair. Their grip was so tight that Kiara couldn't help but yell.

"Help!!! Help"!!! Kiara shouted as she struggle to get loose.

"Shut up you brat..no one will rescue you... no one can even hear you". The man threatened again.

Suddenly all the lights were off in the bar and they was total darkness.

"What happened why I the lights off". The man asked. But they was no reply

Kiara could hear sounds of swords in dark the room it was as if someone was here.

The fight so intense that Kiara could noticed that someone's blood touched her. She was so scared and she thought that she was next in line but suddenly the lights were turned on again.

"Ah"!!! Kiara shouted as she saw dead bodies lying on the floor and blood stain was everywhere. She decided to leave the room and go back to her hotel before she would be held responsible for what happen even though it was partially her fault.

She ran as fast as she could to the hotel and hoped that Qwen and Rex hadn't come if not they would scold her leaving the room so late at night all by herself. She arrived at the hotel and went straight to her room, luckily for her they hadn't come yet.

She decided to take her bath and watch away all that happened. She freshen up and wore her pink pajamas. She went back to bed but thought of what happened kept on replaying in her mind.

"What even happened to those men? Who could possibly kill them because of me?

From the way they looked, they looked very powerful so who killed them to rescue me"? She asked herself but no response. She heard Qwen and Rex voice and she knew that they were back.

"Oh my god...they are back...I have to sleep now if not they would suspect that something is going on.

"Meanwhile outside the room , Qwen and Rex just came back from their best experience ever. They were supposed to go to a romantic eatery but plans changed. They went to a party meant for couples only and it was a blast. It was the best party they ever attended.

Qwen was really tired because today was really stressful for her.

"Good night Rex and I love you". She told him.

"Same dear and I love you more baby". He replied.

Qwen entered her room and Rex did same.

Qwen saw that Kiara was far as sleep and she was happy for that. She went to the bathroom and freshen up. She wore a blue matching pajamas like Kiara's and went to bed.