
Taboo caused by love

A young girl named Kiara Yung belonged to the family of witches but she didn't know. She lived her life as a human. She was unaware that she was a witch because her mother committed a taboo.Due to the sin her mother committed, Kiara was sent to the human world. Kiara grew up with her father and lived a normal life and fell in love with a guy named Lewis Quinn, whereas there was an ongoing war between the witches, vampires and demons. The vampires wants to dominate every other creature including humans. Lewis is a vampire, he finds out that the woman he is madly in love with is a threat to his people. Kiara finds out about her true identity, Will their love prevail or will it be destroyed ???

Merit_Asenogwan · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

Father and daughter

As he was about to leave Kiara's room, he noticed that Kiara's bed was wet.

"Darling why is your bed wet did you pee on your bed" he asked.

"No dad why would I" she replied.

" So explain how your bed got wet," her father said with a confused look on his face.

"Ummm... I... I... hmmm" She stammered,

"You did what Kiara" her father said.

"Hmmm I mistakenly poured water on my bed while I was sleeping" she lied again.

There was a surprise look on his face.

"How did you pour water on your bed in your sleep", Lucious asked.

"Dad it is a long story". Kiara answered ."I am sure you will get bored so I think you should forget about it". "You should also prepare for work while I prepare breakfast" Kiara suggested.

"Not this time young lady, you can't escape my question today and infact I am not going to work today". "So I have all the time to listen to your so-called long story".

He sat on the bed and faced her with an "am all ears" look. Kiara was confused because she already made up her mind that she wasn't going to tell anybody about her strange nightmare.

She has to think of something fast because they is no escaping for her today.

"Oh lord help me" she said in her mind.

Hmm, dad... I... I..."

" You are stammering again Kiara". Lucious told her.

"Yes I know dad, it is just that it is difficult and embarrassing to say it at loud"

"So you peed on your bed, wow Kiara you are actually admitting it" Lucious teased

I didn't say that dad, she replied.

I know but your stammering is a making me feel otherwise.

"OMG!!! dad, stop saying that it is really embarrassing". "What happened was I left a jug of water on my bed last night and while I was sleeping, I kicked the jug and then the water poured on the bed", she quickly lied .

An "O" formed in Lucious mouth. He was so surprised at what he heard and he couldn't believe what he just heard.

Lucious knew his daughter was lying but he was shocked and surprised at what he heard. He couldn't even understand why his lying to him.

She was even going extra miles to hide the truth. He didn't want to stress her up because he felt that whatever she was going through was already stressing her out and also unusual, that why he decided to be secretive.

"Okay darling, "what ever you say, but next time you should be more careful so you won't soak the entire bed. He father told her.

Okay daddy, I will.

"So where are we going today, since you are finally less busy , I think it is better we spend a lot time with each other today".

"We should go out and spend time together". Kiara suggested.

"Kiara , I think you should take it slowly, one step at a time". "I am sure you have things you want to do today also". Lucious told her.

"No I don't dad" she replied. "The only thing I want to do is to spend time with the best dad in the world" she told him . "Do you know who that is"?

"No Kiara I don't" Lucious answered.

"It is you of course dad" she said

"Aww, really!!! am i that special" he said happily while pinching her cheeks.

"Of course dad you are very special to me and I love you so much" . She said while enveloping him with a hug.

"Okay darling, but I think you should get ready while I prepare breakfast", Lucious said.

"Okay dad I will get dressed and come downstairs as soon as possible" She replied as she jumped out of the bed and runs into the bathroom.

Lucious watched her awkwardly as she enters the bathroom and he couldn't help but smile.

Kiara is a tall beautiful girl. 5,8 tall Fair in complexion, with a sexy body structure.

Her boobs were the perfect size and her hips were not exceptional.

She has a very beautiful skin tone. She has lean waist and very wide hips such that any clothes she put on suits her perfectly.

Kiara hair was dark and long with three strips of pink. The strips of pink usually glows whenever she is sad, angry or in trouble. She didn't really understand why it glowed but she didn't want it to bother her.

During high school, Kiara was the most adored and admired student by both boys and girls. Most of the high school girls were jealous of her beauty because she caught every guy's attention. This made the girls not to be noticed.

Kiara was definition of beauty. She has won Prom queen five times consecutively. She is jovial , social, friendly, loveable and nice person

She goes to different parties and clubs at night with her friend Qwen. They often go out because they was nobody to control or monitor their movement .

They did this because Lucious and Sora worked late at night and sometimes they often spend the night at the hospital. This made them frequent at their night parties or clubs.

She got invited to a lot of midnight parties and clubs because of her beauty and her body structure which has attracted guys to her.

She has dated a lot of them and suffered heartbreak by them. She found out that they didn't love her but only wanted to use her for pleasure. Due to this she often breaks up with them.

After one heartbreak she gets into another relationship and eventually gets an heart break after one month.

She has suffered severe and several heartbreak. Because of that Qwen advice her to take a break for now and focus on herself. She also told her not to involve herself in any relationship