
System Summon

A young man by the name of Aaron is murdered on earth and instead of fading into nothingness, he hears a feminine voice in his head... “Your soul has been selected to join the cycle of transmigration yet due to unknown circumstances there seems to be errors in your reincarnation... to correct this errors, you will be given an unique skill.” Follow the main character on his journey to become peerless in the new world with his unique skill.

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System Summon

Aaron laid there in a puddle of his own blood with conflicting feelings. He was angry that he couldn't save his brother, scared of what would happen after death, sad that he never got to find love, happy that he didn't have to continue living after failing to protect Aziym. Aaron went from feeling a burning sensation to feeling a numbness around his wound. Soon it felt like thousands of heated needles were piercing his pores and all he could do was lay there and take it.

Aaron began to space out as his breath slowed from its previous staggering and his eyes shut for the last time. He could hear the hurried steps of the group that attacked he and his brother and the sound of sirens but soon even that faded. It was as if the darkness from the alley enveloped the brothers and they became that same darkness. After what felt like forever, Aaron gained consciousness but instead of the past events all being a dream, he was alone in darkness where he couldn't event see his arms.

He tried to move around but it was as if there was nothing to move and nowhere to move. Time seemed to glitch and after what felt like eternity, there was a speck of silver light in the distance. Aaron wasn't able to reach this light but almost like it knew of this restriction the speck of sliver light began to multiple all around the darkness. Silver specks covered the vast darkness and soon it transformed the domain into its own.

The silver space made a beeping sound before Aaron for the first time in what felt like forever experienced pain. It was something like a migraine but far worse in comparison, as quickly as the pain entered his mind was as quickly as it left. In substitute was a feminine but automated voice which began to speak. The voice seemed to come from Aaron's very being.

"Your soul has been selected to join the cycle of transmigration yet due to unknown circumstances there seems to be errors in your reincarnation... to correct this errors, you will be given an unique skill in which you will be able to reincarnate into another world... a stronger world with your past memories and have another chance at life. Treat this chance responsibly because there will be people who aren't happy about you gaining an unique skill when not even they have them. In three seconds you will leave this place and awake in the new world. 3..."

Aaron tried to scream to this woman and ask questions but the more he tried the more he realized there was nothing he could do but accept his fate and hope things worked out after the countdown

"2.... 1...."

Darkness once again consumed Aaron and his consciousness along with him

As if a light was being flicked on and off slowly in a dark room, Aaron soon regained consciousness and the first thing he saw were lights far in the distance illuminating the surrounding dark. Before he could fully understand what was going on he felt a sharp pain in his side and almost at the same time a thud could be heard. Letting out a deep groan Aaron rolled around on the cold ground before a wall caught him. The impact with the wall caused him to spit out a mouthful of blood as his pupils shrunk and his head tilted down.

After taking a few moments to get his mind right, Aaron slowly looked up to see three tall and muscular men a few feet away from him. They all had on dark armor and a short sword on their hips. The man in the middle seemed to be in charge as he looked at Aaron with his mocking brown eyes and began to speak. His voice was cold as if he was speaking to a complete stranger.

"Get up you worthless dog before I hit you seriously. Dogs like you should grovel on the ground and kiss the boots of your masters before patiently waiting for your orders. Hurry and complete your chores before we begin our march or I'll have to use you as my training dummy again."

Aaron didn't known why but he felt an instinctive fear of this black haired and brown eyed man who seemed to be in his late thirties. The man seemed to be a leader or at least someone in a high position by the way he spoke just now. As Aaron pushed himself off the ground and to his feet there was a slight halt in his steps as he experienced a sharp pain in his mind.

Distant memories invaded his mind and as Aaron tried to focus on them he realized that these weren't his memories, they were the memories of a boy named "White Worm" his parents died when he was born and somehow he found himself enslaved before he could even see his mother. After being cared for until about the age of six the boys was taken to the Quiran slave army and sold to them as another recruit. For the next six years he was beaten and trained as a child soldier, trained in basic combat and survival tactics. By the time he reached the age of twelve the soldiers had seen White Worm as a child genius and selected along with a few tens of other children to be imparted cultivation techniques earlier than normal so that they could get a head start in their training and be of more use. Things weren't bad before but they weren't good considering White Worm was enslaved and had never seen his parents.

Compared to how he would be treated later those days were like heaven. After a few months the soldiers realized that White Worm was unable to cultivate which led them to believe he may have been some kind of demon beast which would have explained his snow white hair and blood red eyes. They then imparted him with a demon beast cultivation technique but sadly for him that didn't work either. He was then cast aside into the lowest rank a Quiran slave soldier could be, he was treated as a dog which was essentially the laborers and meat shields of the army. They carried all the gear for the soldiers, cooked, cleaned, slept with if ordered, were training dummies etc. and when fights broke out they were put on the frontlines to save the soldiers some time or hopefully distract or make the enemy soldiers hesitate when seeing unarmed people on the frontlines. It was rarely ever effective considering they were fighting cultivators and demonic cultivators at that.

Aaron remembered all this and also who the man in the middle was, he was known as "Wolf Lee" and he was a dog driver soldier. Their jobs were basically to manage a small group of dogs like White Worm along with a few proper soldiers and travel to other encampments to help in fights or other labor that was needed. He never had to do anything aside from paperwork and delegating to his officers to manage the dogs and bootlick the higher ups in the camp. Aaron's chores were to clean the latrines of the soldiers and help clean the laundry using his memory, Aaron did that was required of him and half a day later one of the older dogs named "Old Jiang" informed him that he was to get ready for the march so that he and the other dogs could charge on the frontlines when the soldiers went to confront their enemies. Old Jiang was in his early twenties and was at the first stage of the body refining realm , he became a dog after he got stuck at a bottleneck for more than two years and has been a dog for almost three years now. Luckily he has managed to survive by sacrificing weaker dogs and has become an older dog who keeps the younger and new dogs in line.

Aaron put on the bright red robes that dogs were supposed to wear and grabbed the quarterstaff they were provided and hooked it up to his back. He traveled to the meeting spot which was at the northern exit of the camp and soon marched in formation with the soldiers. One experienced soldier was leading the dogs on the frontlines and the actual soldiers followed a few meters behind them.

After a few hours of marching they reached the battlefield and Aaron as usual fought his fellow dogs to get to the middle of the dog formation as the enemy soldiers unleashed their attacks on the dogs who were trying to flee while some attacked the enemies out of anger. They were like lambs walking to their own deaths and soon only Aaron, Old Jiang and a few other more experienced dogs were left. A few enemy soldiers had been killed by luck or being overwhelmed by dogs and now the experienced soldiers of the Quiran slave army began their counterattack on the enemies.

Quiran seemed to be winning but they weren't even trying to protect the dogs against the lower level enemy soldiers' attacks. They were all early stage body refiners but to the dogs they were gods descended to the earth to unleash their divine wrath.

Soon only Old Jiang and Aaron were alive and Old Jiang was pushing Aaron forward, intending to use Aaron as a human shield. As one of the enemies began to unleash his final sword attack on Aaron, the enemy soldier got arrogant and simply stabbed the air towards Aaron without much control and this allowed Aaron to suddenly stomp on the foot of Old Jiang and throw himself to the ground. With these quick and simple actions, Aaron was able to hit the ground and roll to the side which allowed him to narrowly escape his death. Old Jiang on the other hand was pierced through the chest and shock filled his eyes as Aaron heard a familiar voice in his head. That female voice from before he died had finally returned to him.

"Hello master, this will be the last time we speak but this is a blessing. After this exchange you will have full access to your unique skill and be able to battle the heavens unlike in your previous life. Your task is to become peerless in existence and to aid with that your unique ability will allow you to summon a subordinate to serve you on your journey. The requirements are that the person must have a strong connection to you, they have to have died before your own eyes and they must want to be reincarnated to serve you. If these requirements are met then the only thing left is to find a body in which has died within three minutes and allow the spirit of your subordinate to inhabit that body and gain a system of their own which is derived from your own."

Aaron was confused but suddenly he noticed Old Jiang be stabbed through his chest and remembered how Aziym has died with him on earth. With these brief thoughts that only took seconds, a ringing could be heard only by Aaron before another voice was speaking in his mind. This time it was a man with the voice of his brother Aziym.

"A majority of the requirements have been met and the only thing left to do is for my host to accept his reincarnation. I will now rip him from the cycle of transmigration and if he accepts then he will join the summoning system and be reincarnated into the body of Jiang Quiro, born of the demonic dragon bloodline."