
System of Magic: Two Gods

A war between gods destroyed countless realms. This war led to universal doom. Many gods perished and new ones appeared. The universe was divided and was taken over by different races. The race’s thirst for power led to many rulers starting wars. One of the wars unleashed an evil power that Daimi stumble upon.

Universal_Stories_8068 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Experiment

I woke up in an alleyway and realized that living as an orphan, waking up in such a place was normal for me. Each day, I would take on random jobs just to get a piece of bread to survive. As I stumbled upon a poster lying on the ground, I reached down with my dirty hands and picked it up. The words on the poster were simple:

"Person needed. Come to location:

1836, DT, 47F.

Huge sum of rewards."

I pondered for a moment and questioned, "Isn't this convenient? But isn't this the location of Baron Bozolo the second?"

Although I suspected that it might be a trap, the promise of a substantial reward intrigued me. What could a baron possibly do to me? Filled with excitement, I decided to make my way towards the location mentioned on the poster.

Upon arriving, an overwhelming sense of malevolence enveloped me, as though something terrible was about to occur. I approached the front door and knocked, hoping for a response, but there was silence. Confused, I double-checked the address on the paper, and it matched what was written.

Turning around, a sudden hand grabbed me from behind, covering my mouth with a drugged cloth. I attempted to resist, struggling against my captor, but ultimately succumbed to unconsciousness.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself bound to a chair, with a bag over my head. Realizing the gravity of the situation, I continued to struggle until I heard footsteps approaching. Fear coursed through my veins as I questioned, "Who is there?"

The bag was forcibly removed from my head, revealing a man who declared, "I am the baron of this place. I thought you were aware of that when you came here."

Confused and still fighting to break free, I asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Well, since you willingly came here, you must have heard about the reward, right?" he replied. "But we can't have you spreading word of this place, can we? So, the only option left is to eliminate you."

Terror consumed me as I cried out, "I don't want to die!"

"Considering the strength of your mana core, I allow you to live," he sneered.

"And don't even think about attempting to escape or seeking help. I have spies everywhere, ready to eliminate you in an instant."

Feeling hesitant and afraid, I obediently remained silent, unsure of what to do next. Suddenly, the baron called out to a man named Steve Haven, who promptly entered the room, holding something in his hand.

"Steve Haven, come over here," the baron shouted, as the tall man walked over to him.

He handed something to the baron, which I soon realized was an injection. As the baron approached me with the needle, I struggled in terror, pleading with him to stay away.

"N-no stay away!" I scream.

Bozolo went right behind me and stabbed the edge of the injection through the back of my head. The injection flow in the liquid to my head making me unconscious due to the shock and pain from it.

Filling all of it in my head. He pulls back the injection and throws it across the room.

But it was too late. The injection had been administered, and I soon began to feel strange sensations throughout my body. My body boils like a steam pot. My eyes which are closed open back with blood flowing out of them.

The pain was so bad, I woke up from it, but that wasn't the end of it. My bone felt like being mended and destroyed with it repairing back to a stronger bone. I couldn't hold my scream. It was just too painful. Shouting the loudest I could do due to the pain. It didn't do anything only pain and agony prevailed. My hand started to shed its old skin and turn much finer and more milky. My eyes which were bleeding stopped. My ear felt like being drilled, there was blood flowing out of it through both my ears.

"Not bad. This person seems to last longer than my merchant." Bozolo complimented.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the experiment came to an end. Clenching my hands allowed me to feel the roughness of my bone, it felt like I destroyed a city easily with my bare hands, My hearing extended beyond what an average human could hear, my vision allowed me to see further like an eagle, and my skin shed off like that of a newborn baby.

"Finally, that took long enough." Turning my head I saw Bozolo clapping his hands.

The baron clapped his hands and complimented me, saying that I had become more handsome but my core hadn't improved much. Feeling unsatisfied with the results he told Steve Hevan to bring Greg Deen over here.

Steve Hevan left the room with only Bozolo and me left in the room.

"Another test subject that doesn't live up to my expectation."

I don't want to say anything as I'm afraid of what this dude could do to me while I'm tied to the chair.

Opening the door, Greg Deen appears. He was wearing a more relaxing outfit like he wouldn't even care about the situation. Look at his hands he was holding a jar of white pills.

"Bring it over here," Bozolo commanded.

Greg Deen walked up to Bozolo and handed the jar to him, Bozolo grabbed the jar and opened it. Grabbing one of the pills he closed the jar and handed it back to him.

"This should knock you unconscious and make you lose every single memory that happened here."

Grabbing my mouth he shoves the pill right through my throat and pulls his hand back out giving me a cough.

My body felt an electric shock which slowly made me lose consciousness.

"For today the experiment has ended. Bring him somewhere far. Don't forget to ask Steve Hevan to help you with the transport." He commanded Greg deen.

——— —————— —— —— —— ——— ————— ——

Back with Greg Deen and Steve Hevan riding a wagon on top of the sky with my body lying on it.

"Let's drop him to some cave or some." Grey deen said.

"Yeah, we're at it let's kill him so we don't want him to somehow wake up and memories what had happened to him." Steve Hevan felt that if he allowed me to live then there might be trouble in the future.

A few minutes later, they landed on the ground. Steve Hevan grabbed the body and jumped off the wagon with Greg Deen.

Steve Hevan walked inside the cave by himself and threw my body in it. Snapping his finger a small fireball appears out of his finger. Redirecting his finger to my face he blasts it. It was able to penetrate through my front face.

Blood starts spilling out and my brain started to pours out of it.

My life was cut short.

"That's pretty disgusting, to say the least, some random monsters is probably gonna eat him, so I'm gonna leave now."

Walking out of the cave he and Greg Deen decide to fly their wagon back to the kingdom.