
Chapter 23: Fall

(POV Tom)

{Emiya State}

Tom was desperately trying to teach Miyu how little he understood from the books on the small table in the room.

- 'Evil' - He had come to a conclusion - 'Those two are evil, this must be their plot to bring me down and get the position as best older brothers' - He imagined the faces of Shirou and Kushiro with evil expressions placing books too difficult to understand for him - 'As if I was going to allow it!' -Arming with determination he opened one of the evil objects (textbooks)

- Is there a place you want to see, Miyu? - Tom asked the girl who was concentrating on reading the books with a small smile

At least if she asked him something he could save her poor head from continuing to read this evil being in a square shape with leaves and letters

- I want to see the sea! - She exclaimed - I want to see the place where the sky and the water meet and I also want to feel the sea breeze! Hear the sound of the sea and see the waves! -He said doing the pose that made the girl from the Titanic

- 'The sea...' -

- Understood - Said he stroking the girl's head


(POV Shirou)

On the way to school Tom decided to tell Shirou and Kuu about his wish to see Miyu's beach.

They both happily agreed to prepare for the trip.

The three of them felt a look on them coming from the direction of the elementary school.

A little confused they saw a girl run after her gazes met

- 'It would be nice if Miyu could come here too' - Shirou thought

- Does something happen in elementary school? - Asked a voice suddenly

- Ah, not nothing - Said the redhead simply

Trying to ignore Tom who was making mocking gestures at him about his relationship with Sakura while he was behind him

- Ah, could it be that you like younger girls or if Senpai? - Sakura said sweetly

- That? - He looked at her dumbfounded

Tom looked at him in disappointment as he shook his head from left to right.

- ... I'll have to call the police ... - Kushiro said

Making Shirou panic who was trying to stop her

- If so, remember that I am younger than you and also a little sister - She said with a cute smile

-'Go get her tiger'-Shirou felt a chill on her back, he felt that he could hear Tom say that to him

He quickly decided to ignore it and focus on what Sakura said.

- Sister? - Asked puzzled - Do you have brothers, Sakura? -

- Yes. I have an older sister-he said without losing his smile

- I see, I did not know - answered the redhead scratching the back of his neck

Sakura quickly turned her back on him

- Senpai do you know what I'm thinking right now? - She said without turning


Kushiro approached Tom that he saw everything with crossed arms and a smile

- Is it happening? - she asked excitedly

-Yes- He said with male tears running down his face- Our idiot is growing-


- Huh? At morning practice? - He said ignoring the face palm that Tom and his sister gave each other

- No! - She said with a giggle, turned to look

- 'That smile' - Emiya thought hypnotized for a moment

- I think it is the happiest moment of my life -

- Seriously? - The bewilderment was obvious in his voice

- Yes. Sometimes you annoy me, but you are also kind - She turned once more looking towards the city - I still go to the same school even though there are not many students ... I can study and be in a club ... I think ordinary life it may be the happiness of some people - Sakura looked at him with a little embarrassment

She felt bad

She hadn't been able to tell him

- 'I wish we could be happy together, senpai' - The violet haired girl thought - Although it sounds a bit cheesy, don't you think? -

- No, not at all - He answered without hesitation, imagining what a normal life would be like next to Miyu, Kushiro, Tom and Sakura

- Huh? -

Now it was Sakura's turn to look at him puzzled.

He looked at her with a soft smile

- I think the same -

... The redhead treated as something produced by his imagination the voices that she heard behind him

- Let go! Let me go, I'll kill him! How can you be so dense, you idiot ?! - Tom yelled trying to jump towards Shirou with the intention of opening his head and see what the hell made the redhead so idiot

Fortunately Kushiro stopped him

Sakura just looked between her senpai and hers her brothers with a drop of sweat on her forehead


(Student Council Room)

(POV Tom)

... how the hell did it end up like this

I looked at the table around me

On the right is Sakura

She glares at Julian

- '... Okay this is weird' -

[Have you seen yourself in a mirror?]

- 'Even by my standards, this is strange!' - Tom yelled in aggravation

Apparently it was a bad idea to tell Sakura what happened yesterday

She seems to firmly view Julian as her "rival" in love for Shirou.

And that was further reinforced when she saw how Shirou gave Julian a lunch.

Ah! Interesting fact

When I arrived in this world and I had enough power, I took Kushiro to rescue Sakura from the Matou worms.

So she's still a Tohsaka

Apparently Rin stayed studying in the clock tower

Also some things changed

Angelica seems to have emotions ... because she gives me a scary look when she fed Kuu

Kuu gave him a triumphant smile

* Haaaa

Women are an inexplicable mystery


(POV 3 person)

Sipping her little juice Julián shot Shirou a look

- Why do you smile? -

- Huh? Sakura also asked me the same hehehe it seems that I look different from normal - Shirou was surprised by Julian's questions

"You have a more disgusting face than usual," said the blue-haired man sharply. "Why are you happy?" -

-Well ... I saw a girl in her elementary building in the morning -he said a little thoughtfully- she was very far away, but I could tell that she was very cute-

Everyone in the C.E. They were silent looking at Shirou with terrifying looks in case of the two men, the women gave him a look full of disgust

While Sakura looked disappointed

- N-No, wait, they are misunderstanding! -waving her hands at full speed with the intention of proving her innocence

The intensity of the gazes did not diminish at all at her words giving Shirou the feeling that he was a criminal before a jury that is about to give the death penalty.

- I was just thinking that she could become friends with my little sister! I wasn't thinking of anything weird! - Finally relief filled him when he saw that everyone realized his innocence

-I didn't know you had another sister -said the Boy with glasses as he threw the juice box

Serving himself in a cup some of the tea that Kushiro had prepared Julian continued listening to Shirou

-Ah ... yes ... her name is Miyu, she is a good and intelligent girl- The redhead without noticing it began to talk non-stop about the strengths of his little sister, taking a drop of sweat from everyone present

Siscon without remedy

That was the label with which they had marked Shirou in their hearts.

- Where is the girl I saw in the morning from? She was blonde and she had her hair tied in a ponytail, she also seemed to be from a wealthy family -he said thoughtfully looking at nothing

Julián and Angelica were surprised by the description of the girl

The bluehead spilled his tea on top of his pants

"What's wrong with you? Didn't you get burned?" - Shirou worriedly approached Julian to help him but he pushed him away

"No. She was not hot," he said through clenched teeth, it was obvious that she hurt a lot

- Why are you playing strong? - The Emiya said tiredly

Angelica wondered at what point her brother had become so ... joto

Sakura gritted her teeth, a furious look was present on her face as she watched with jealousy as Julian was cared for by hers, her beloved senpai, while she was adjusting her glasses and giving him a victorious smile

- So, what do you mean ... -

-You were smiling why were you thinking of your little sister -said the Kaichou while he cleaned his glasses

-W-What an ugly way to put it-the fake janitor complained-You and Sakura are exaggerating just because I'm in a good mood-his voice was full of offense embarrassing Sakura

-I want to tell you one thing ... I don't care if people lie to me-she said slowly looking out the window

-The ones that do make me want to vomit are those phonies who pretend to be otherwise because yes-her voice was full of contempt

- Until a while ago your smile gave me that impression -

That left Shirou dumbfounded.

- It disgusts me, seeing you with that idiotic face, but since it is not a forced smile - Julian swallowed his other words - 'Even brilliant I would say' -

- 'Shirou' - Tom thought with concern

It would be weird if after years of being with him and with Kuu she didn't see him as her brother

- I think that is a thousand times better than that you were pretending -

"I didn't know." His expression broke for a moment, worrying Tom, Kuu and Sakura

Angelica just snorted at that.

There was nothing she hated more than a knockoff ... No. To say that she had a thing against fakes was wrong she hated Fakers

That's why it bothered him to see the redhead approach the black-haired man

Only she would have to hug his arm

Her big, muscular arm ...

- 'Grrrr Laugh while you can idiot! Soon he will go crazy for me! And you ... you will not be more than a memory ha ha hahahahaha '-Despite what appeared in her thoughts Angelica kept her face without emotions on the outside

- You hurt me ... The phonies do not realize how pathetic they are - He said, adding salt to the wound

With a hand on his chin, Shirou looked at Julian with a smile.

- You talk a lot when you wear a tracksuit, huh? -The mocking tone of her made a vein bulge on her forehead

- You want to fight, moron ?! - Shout facing the Emiya

- Well, what do you want for lunch tomorrow - Shirou said with a happy smile

- What, where do you get that from? Don't screw me, that's why I ... -

- Shirou - Tom perfectly interrupted the jot - I tell Julian to say something important to Shirou

Shirou tilted his head in confusion, until a lightbulb lit up in his head.

They both talked seriously about what they would say to Miyu

-'Kiritsugu never doubted ... '- he thought in bewilderment-' Still, why ... me? ' -

He still remembers when Tom told him that if he tried to go through with Kiritsugu's plan he would give him a hard time and even worse was when he received a four-hour scold from Kushiro.

His body still received ghostly pains from the beating he gave it later.

So Shirou learned that his sister was a total sadist.

(KW: Never mess with Mama Emiya's kids)


As the men chatted they totally ignored the battle between the women

Kushiro, Angelica and Sakura

More specifically the redhead and the blonde were fighting like kindergarten girls, poor Sakura was just trying to calm them down

... This is how a day passed like any other


The night had come

Kushiro came with three black coffees and one with milk for Miyu

- What are you doing, Miyu? - Tom asked with a smile trying to see the book in the girl's hands

"I'm looking for constellations," she said, happy that her brothers and her sister will agree to accompany her

- The constellations? I did not know you would do something so romantic - Tom said before a joking smile appeared on his face - There is a child that my tender little sister likes - He said with a loving voice repressing the assassination attempt in his words

Miyu's face turned very red when Shirou at the speed of light arrived with both of them, in her eyes there was a killer glow

- Miyu, what is the name of the boy you like? - Said he entering Ultra Sis-continto mode

- Eh-that ... The movement of the constellations and the stars should not have a meaning outside of physics - She said covering her face with the book - That is why I wanted to know the reason why photos and illustrations are used in this book to give meaning to how they are aligned -

The two men looked at each other and sighed

- Did we give you too many picture books? - Shirou said with a hand behind his head

- Huh? -The girl tilted her head with a cute expression

Both men were left as if lightning had struck them

- 'Is' -

- 'So' -

- 'KAWAAAAIII' - Both Sis-cons screamed in their hearts

* Ehem

Coughing and bringing the two idiots back to reality, Kushiro arrived with a tray of coffee for the four of them.

The three of them each sat close to Miyu

"The old man used to enjoy seeing the stars from here," she said with a sigh when she remembered the man.

- Old? Mr. Kiritsugu? ... Why? -There was a lot of curiosity on Miyu's face when she asked that question

Everyone saw the stars as she snuggled together

Miyu with Shiro and Kuu with Tom

"I don't know," she said with her head up looking at the night sky. "I still wonder what Kiritsugu felt when he looked at the stars?" -

Shirou was lost in thought

-'Miyu's divine power has not appeared for years' -Looking at the stars -'He may have lost it completely'-

- 'If that was the case...' -

-If he could make a wish to the stars ... If possible, if only one could be fulfilled. -She said before looking at her companions -I wish they were my brothers-

Everyone looked at her with surprise, the girl without noticing it continued speaking

- That ... is not possible right? -She said as she took a sip from her cup of coffee

- No. It wouldn't be possible - Tom said making both redheads look at him with a frown - Because we already are - The three approached and hugged the little girl

Shirou smiled

-'It doesn't matter if Miyu no longer has her powers, even if the world is going to hell'-Joining in the comforting embrace, she thought from the bottom of her heart

She looked at her sister, Tom and Miyu

-'I have to make myself strong'-for a moment her eyes flashed in a steel color -'I will protect them'-

... A will of steel began to forge within him


The long awaited day had arrived ... and together with it the truth should be revealed to the girl

- The day came - Tom said - Are you afraid? - I ask the girl with a gentle voice

- Afraid? Why should she be scared? I have my brothers to take care of me! Will we see the sea? - Miyu asked with great joy

As she followed her brothers and older sister who were heading to where they found her

The two redheads and the he bicolor felt extremely guilty

- Shirou-nii, is it a long time to the sea? -

- Then we will go there - Tom said patting his head

- After? -

- A long time ago we decided which would be the place to take you first - Shirou said when they started to go through the buds near where Miyu used to live

In sight of her was a shattered house

- What's this? - She said looking at three piles of moss covered stones stacked one on top of the other

- The graves of your real family - Kushiro said holding Miyu's small hand

- You remember? - Asked the redhead

- It was here that we met - Tom said with a smile, which was soon erased when he knew what would happen

he gave him a quick look around, she had already spotted Julian a long time ago.

He still didn't understand why she can't attack him

[What happens is that the plot in this world is stronger, and Julian's Plot Armor as an antagonist will not allow you to finish it until he fulfills his objective]

-'Tsk stupid plot, fucking Plot Armor'-He clicked his tongue in annoyance knowing that from now on he would have a harder time breaking the plot

[Maybe this doesn't stop you from giving Shirou a "gift"]

- 'Finally something in my favor!' -

Everyone in the place looked at Tom weirdly that he laughed like a fourth grade super villain

- 'I have something perfect for him' -

[Activate Gift]

[I selected the gifts]

[What will you give him, Tom?]

-'Easy, I have some repeated things that touched me in the Gacha'-Through his head he ran the list of repeated things that he had thinking which would be suitable for Shirou

Ignoring the conversation that continued

- And it was in this house where you were born - Kushiro said showing him the place where they were

- This is my home? Are these the graves of my mother and the others? - Asked the girl with great confusion - Why is it? She-she kept talking without paying attention to the redheads who saw her asking what she was referring to

- No matter how hard I try, I can't remember anything at all - She said feeding the doubts and concern of both

(KW: Mom Emiya on the attack)

-But ...- her little hand touched one of the stones-I can still remember ...

The warmth of my mother's hands -

The image of a beautiful black-haired woman holding her in her arms crossed Miyu's mind, leaving her with an involuntary smile.

-I see ...- Shirou said as he rested his hands on his pants with his eyes downcast

- Back then, they left me totally alone - His eyebrows furrowed as if for a moment he had a bad memory - I was alone, but Mr. Kiritsugu, Tom-nii, Shirou-nii and Kuu-nee saved me - A loving smile replaced his previous sadness, without noticing how he destroyed the two redheads inside

- 'I must say it' - Shirou thought - 'I'll tell him and we'll start from scratch Like a real family!' -

-You're wrong, Miyu-her hands were clenching very tightly-At that moment Kiritsugu and I ...- I look at her sister who just nodded at her

With her heavy spirits he continued his previous words

-We did not save you -She said finally revealing her expression full of guilt

- Huh? -Expressing her bewilderment aloud from her I look at hers Onii-chan

-The reason why we saved you and why we took you in ...- She closed her eyes, clenched her teeth angrily -It was not for your well-being! -Her voice tinged with regret

- Onii-chan, what are you saying? - Miyu asked with a little fear

-The real reason ... is that we wanted to use you as a tool to perform a miracle-she said before receiving a blow to the head from her sister

- O-Ouch, Kuu, why was that? -

- You scare her idiot! -Said the redhead as she pointed to the girl who was trembling with fear

- To perform a miracle? - She repeated - As a tool? -her voice broke with each word, as if she did not want to accept the truth

The truth that ... for her siblings she is just that ... a tool

- But you see, Miyu, now I ... - In panic Shirou looked for a way to calm Miyu


- What a stupid thing! - A voice tinged with annoyance and great will be heard

Tom, who had already returned from her reverie, looked with a frown at the place where that voice came from.

Julian Ainsworth approached step by step where the Emiyas were

"It's complete stupidity," he said without a shadow of a doubt.

-What a stupid way to develop the story, morons-his voice full of anger was heard, he began to remove his glasses before breaking them with his hands

- So it was you, Emiya Shirou! -Her voice sounded poisonous

Shirou blinked in surprise to see his friend here.

- Julian? What are you doing here? -

Kushiro wanted to hit his idiot brother on the head for not noticing the reason why he would be here

- Without a doubt, it's her, isn't it Erika? Ignoring Shirou, the Ainsworth told the girl that she had suddenly appeared behind him

-Yes -the girl answered giving Miyu a look- Although it is likely that most of her abilities have disappeared- There was a bit of disappointment in her tone

-But ... The container is still intact-Miyu reflected in her blue eyes, trembling with fear

- I've always been watching this area - Julian said without paying attention to Shirou's cautious gaze

- If someone entered conscientiously, or was part of the Sakatsuki family ... -

He said he as he approached the Emiya

- Or was he a thief! -He said at a distance where his noses could almost touch

- What are you saying? - Shirou shouted, moving away from him.

- The attack that consumed the city five years ago ... The pillar of light that released it was activated from this place - Narro pointing around

-I have been waiting for this for a long time, the miracle of this world ...- his breath began to get weird

- And the thief who stole it! -

- Run away with Miyu! Shirou yelled as he pulled a knife out of his pocket "I'll stop him!" -

- Run away? Where to? - Miyu asked seeing him with almost dead eyes

"What's that? Reinforcement magic?" - Julián said laughing - Are you going to kill me with this shit? -

His scornful voice only irritated Kushiro even more.

That she was sadly stopped by Tom

- 'Why?' - She asked him with her eyes

-'Quiet I'll take care of him'-she replied with a cold smile

In her eyes was an almost imperseptible assassination attempt

- Stop, Julian, your hand ...! - Shirou seemed surprised by what his ex-friend did

- Why ... did it have to be you? - Said the almost whispering with his voice full of bitterness

- Fall - He said when a gate opened below the Emiyas

Miyu watched in horror as her brothers fell from a great height, saved only because Tom used his own body to cushion the fall.

- I've been looking for you - Julian said

- You are the only true miracle that exists in this world -

Miyu recoiled, he did not like this guy

- Sakatsuki Miyu, from now on - she brought her bloody hand to the girl

- You're mine! - I grab Miyu's head tightly making the girl scream in pain

Once fainted he held her in hers arms

- S-Stop, Julian! - Shirou shouted slowly getting up on top of Tom

Even if she hadn't been hurt much, the pain was great

-This time there will be no accident -he said without paying any attention to the redhead -I think this container will suffice-

- What are you ...? -

- Although almost the entire city was destroyed, it is the perfect time to repeat the ritual ... This time it will be a success -

- What the hell are you saying, Julian ?! - Shirou was getting upset

I did not notice that Kushiro had gotten up next to Tom who had already healed his injuries

- Why do you talk like that? - Tom asked

- It's as if ... - Shirou said - As if ... -

- You were the one who caused that shadow! - Shout making the Ainsworth turn to see him

His eyes looked red and evil

-That's right, it was me, he said unemotionally, as if all those deaths had meant nothing.

Kushiro couldn't take it anymore and lunged at the bastard as he traced Kansho and Bakuya

- Julian! - Shirou couldn't take it anymore

Throwing himself with his knife in his hand

Some golden portals opened above them throwing a pile of swords at the Emiyas.

Tom prevented the swords from hitting Kushiro and Shirou

To avoid suspicion he quickly put up an illusion making it appear that the three of them were seriously injured.

- Are you hurt? Stupid little brother - Angelica said with an icy tone

As she squeezed her hands trying to avoid looking at where the illusion of Tom was impaled by the swords she had thrown

"Of course not, Idiot," she said with annoyance thinking that her sister would be better as an emotionless puppet

- Take it and restart the process - He said giving it to Miyu

"What do we do with them," he said looking at the "wounded"

- Leave them alone - he said downplaying - They are no longer of any use -

He turned around and went to Angelica

- Ju ... lian - Shirou said before fainting

- 'Enjoy your little victory, Ainsworth' - Tom thought coldly - 'Because the battle and the war will be won by us' -

[Excalibur Morgan]

[Break limits (X1)]


[Would you like to "gift" these items / Skills to Emiya Shirou]


- 'Your ass will be personally kicked by Shirou' - A sadistic smile appeared on Tom's face


My wicked mind was thinking a couple of things

Should I make a JoJo's bow? And if I did with which part? (1,2,3 are the shortest, I could make them a more or less decent bow)

And the Jojo that would come out would be one of the images that I put in the previous chapter or the originals

I even came up with a way to add to Fem Dio XD, what names should JoJo's Fem have, for now I just remember this

Dio = Dionna

Jonathan = Joanna

Joseph = Josephine

I have no ideas for the others

that sad we: "v