
Chapter 18: Final Battle

(POV 3 person)

Shortly after Tom and the Idiot passed out

EMIYA was talking to Saber about sword maintenance

And Rin, Illya and Sakura were competing in a video game that Tom had taught them to play.

Street fighter was called

- Ha Eat this flat! - The albino said victoriously to the older Tohsaka

- And with what right do you say it ?! - The Tsundere snapped at him furiously

While Sakura just laughed outside

- 'He's very irritable when his chest is unfortunately mentioned, Added to Nee-san's list of weaknesses' - As sweet as it may seem on the outside, years with the Matou worms gave him a scheming mind like no other -' Fufufufu Tom and Shiro-senpai will be mine. '

- '... How childish they are' - EMIYA thought without realizing that she is the most childish of all


(POV Angra Mainyu)

The moment was approaching

Angra realized

That she would hurt her more?

See her dead women? ... Or see them blackened and corrupted?

She felt that she would have fun like no other



-'We're screwed'-EMIYA thought as she saw Angra and hers Shadow Servants of hers approaching

-'Tom's NP could stop them but if he does ... will he disappear? ' -The Archer felt horrible she would have to lose it again-'I have no choice ... It's time to take out the heavy weapons'-she thought as endless planes of weapons passed through her head ready to be projected

-Trace On-his magical circuits came to life, his hands filled with the familiar weight of married swords, ready for use.

She never gave up on anything

... And this will not be the first time that she does it


{After Tom and Shiro wake up}

(POV Cú Alter)

Avenger said he could fight whoever he wanted

Obviously. I chose the bastard that got away from me last time

I had to make him pay

He made me drop a cool line and then leave

That is not done !!

I could see him, his prey was leaving the house next to the red-haired girl from the last time

... Although something felt different about her ... Besides her outfit of course

He snapped her fingers and twelve swords (6 Red and 6 Blue) were fired at the Shadow Servants.

Pushing away the corrupted Servants, giving the Archer time to charge an attack that ... Wh-What ?! How is it possible that she has that sword ?!

"My core twists in madness," she said as she placed the sword that looked like a twisted drill into her large black bow.

- Caladbolg !! -And she dropped the Broken NP

The "arrow" hit the Shadow Servants less Berserker destroying them

The debris flew through the air leaving a huge crater where enemy Servants used to be.

... those useless

Ha that she would expect of them

- It's natural. The weak die first -She said with a bit of arrogance -That is the law of all War! -

- Does that apply to you too? - I heard a voice behind me

... It was the cowardly bastard

- With what right do you say it? Coward! - really annoying

"He wasn't running away!" It was just a tactical retreat! Understood?! - Scream annoyed and embarrassed the bicolor


(POV Tom)

Time to beat up the mad dog

- Lap dog! -

... A silence spread across the battlefield as the Berserker's eyes flashed angrily

- Big words! -He said as he moved at high speed in front of me -For a weakling! - I fully received the blow to the side of my head

-'Damn it if it hurts'-he got upset as he touched the place where the wound left by the Berserker had been

- Now I will end your miserable life -

- I will slaughter them all without exception. Release all

curses -

The aura around him began to grow harsher and heavier.

A red mist with black tints came from his feet and covered his

of his body completely, leaving him covered.

Tom got ready he knew that if he didn't do it he would most likely end up impaled on his spear.

-Without moderation. I am ready to challenge the

despair ... Curruid Coinchenn! -

Cú Alter pushed the mist aside, rebelling in a new guise.

He had a black helmet with red lines covering his entire face and a long

red horn above. Also gloves with big sharp claws

skeletal that seemed to be able to easily pass through anything, in addition, their

his tail got longer

This is the NP of him. An armor

made from the skeleton of the sea monster Curruid, whose ribs were used to make Gae Bolg, and where Cú Alter releases all of his

go to.

And boy had Tom earned it

Since normally Cú would save this NP as a last option or a trump card

[Tom you will have to go with everything if you don't want to die]

- 'Look, I hadn't noticed. Did you just notice it ?!' -He said with Sarcasm

Snarling the Berserker charged against him

- Damn look where you go - I barely managed to stop him by a hair with Joyeuse and Zangetsu

Not even with the help of both swords he could avoid being thrown flying

-Ufff this will be a very long night- Sigh as he launched into battle with the Altered Servant


(POV Shiro)

Even if it wasn't all

Much of Grandpa's knowledge of how to wield swords

Added to Tom and ... Tsk the old woman's training

I was able to improve my way of sword fighting a lot

In my left hand is Myōhō Muramasa and in my right hand is Myojingiri Muramasa

- 'Whatever I do I won't lose' - The redhead thought as she saw True Assassin getting ready to fight with her


(POV Rin)

- 'H-how could they beat this beast in the first place ?!' - Rin thought

- GROOOOAAAAARR - The roar of the Shadow Servant was heard

He was very fast and he didn't even want to imagine what it would be like if he were a complete Servant.

He was running. He reinforced his body as he threw Gandrs with his jewels at the shadow-shrouded black giant.

- GROOOOAAAAARR - although it seemed to have almost no effect other than to slow it down

She could almost feel her tears coming down when she saw the great amount of jewels that she lost in this "battle"

- 'Uwaaahh ~ I-I'll have to live with Shiro from now on!' She thought with tears in her eyes, how Edelfelt's oxygenated blonde would make fun of her


Damn he could even hear her annoying laugh in his head

-'... Although maybe the gains outweigh the losses'-she thought at the same time that memories of the dishes prepared by Tom, Shiro and Archer passed through her head

That was food of the gods! And if she wanted to continue enjoying her food she had to survive

... With a strange motivation, the Magician continued to flee


(POV 3 person)

With a hole in his side full of blood Tom kept dodging the claws of the Berserker

- Is this all you have ?! - I shouted Cú alter to Tom - Can you only dodge ?! -She said with a voice tinged with mockery and contempt

... What he didn't know was

[Is everything going according to plan?]

- 'Yes. When he enters this form he will be practically a talking beast '- A calculating gleam appeared in his eyes, courtesy of Military Tactics B -' If I am lucky his mind will also become similar, then it will be easier to fool him, so I will let them give me some of the cuts from his claws and a "serious wound" '-

[Why would you let him hurt you?] Sakura asked a little confused

-If he sees me running and fleeing he will believe that he has not only the advantage, but also the victory already in his hands ... That will be when I will destroy his butt'-she said wickedly in her head

[You are evil]

-'The Gacha too'-she thought as she remembered all his money, tears and soul lost in the intense hell called Gacha addiction

[... I have no words, words to contradict you]


Everything was going according to plan

Which alter was inadvertently guided like a dog chasing a ball

Right at the point when he was about to hit Tom squarely by piercing his body from the inside similar to ULW

... He was pierced from the center of his chest by a gigantic golden claw ?!

At that moment when I heard a sweet and beautiful voice

- Bad dog, touching Senpai is wrong - He said

The consciousness of Cú vanished giving place to an eternal darkness

... And how did this end like this?

Earlier that day ...

- 'Sakura, what is "Gift" for?' -

[Gift: allows you to give away things you got in the Gacha, isn't it very simple?]

- '... Yes' - A lightbulb lit up in his mind

It could work

- 'Sakura uses my daily Gacha' -

[Okay ~]

* Ding

[You have obtained the Moon Cancer Class Card]

[Additional: BB having created Alter Egos, these are integrated as Sub-forms of the letter]

[You have obtained Aestus Estus (The Original Flame)]

An evil smile arose on his face

He had a plan. A very big one depending on how he turns out he could die or something much worse

... And so we come to this Sakura in the form of her Passionlip using her golden claws to crush and tear poor Cú

- I made it Senpai! -He said happily as the Berserker's shattered body disappeared in specks of light

Anyone else would have found it scary or disgusting

... But Tom was not just anyone

"Well done Sakura-chan," he said as he stroked her head

Sakura jumped a few little while she smiled

Her eyes shone with cunning as she saw how Tom stunned watching his large breasts bounce

"She's super dangerous," he thought as he tried not to look at Sakura's breasts too much. "In more ways than one."

Tom knew that he had to treat her very carefully when he was in this form.

A slightly tired Sakura fell on his chest

A smile made its way onto her face, held her in a way that she could be comfortable in his arms

He bet that the girl would not lose control of herself with all the power given by the card.

Apparently she won


(POV 3 person)

Archer had taken care of all the Shadow Servants

Now with the help of Rin they managed to make Shadow Berserker fall into the trap they had prepared

- GROOOOAAAAARR - Berserker's shadow roared angrily

As he smashed the ground trying to escape the trap

Archer, Rin and Illya knew that at best that trap would only give them a few more minutes to prepare to defeat him.

Saber carried Excalibur, the Prana that she shared with Tom and Shiro was enough for her to use it without fading

- GROOOOAAAAARR - Angry the shadow went towards them


-Ex-Saber said as she watched the black Giant run at high speed towards them

... I no longer had a chance

- Calibuuur -

All the sky lit up by its light

So Berserker's shadow left as he gave one last look and smile to the little girl who was his Master.

It was truly admirable how he Berserker despite being in that state

He never, never tried to hurt the little red-eyed girl

Illya cried when she saw her ex-servant say goodbye

-'... Berseker'-she spoke the class name of her Servant sadly as she remembered all the times that she had been cared for by him.

... None of them noticed the shadow that lurked in the dark

I was looking for an opening

Some weak point to exploit, to get closer and take them in their black mud


Shiro had her body covered in cuts and wounds

But she could proudly say they were worth it

She had managed to cut off Hassan's arm

But not just any arm

... He was the one helping her to use his NP!

Even though that didn't matter much

She did not know about Hassan's ability Self-Modification

"Keheke, you lost," she said as she put his arm in his place preparing to release her NP

When a surprise attack was assaulted

A shower of arrows pierced his entire body leaving him like a porcupine

Poor Hassan didn't have the slightest chance of survival

As a coup de grace he was cut by Shiro with Myōhō Muramasa

Somewhat tired and frustrated by her enemy, the redhead sat on the floor

She looked from where the arrows came, only to be greeted by Archer which she left after giving him a mocking gesture

"... I won't say thank you" She said with a Shiro smile as he started to get up.


Everyone was happy

This war was already over

- Don't claim victory! - Tom said seriously - We still have to fix things on Mount Enzou -

The girls felt a bit embarrassed about it.


Already having in front of the Great Grail

Rin was in charge of deactivating it forever since only she understood how she should do it

... Or so they were planning when a giant shadow emerged

He was addressing the girls

Tom using all his speed intercepted the shadow preventing it from reaching the girls

He was trapped by the shadow and the black mud thus leaving the stupefied girls safe.


Tom had stopped the shadows of Angra who tried to catch them

But instead...

- Ahahaha! -An evil laugh came out of the shadows he looked just like Tom but with white hair, bright yellow eyes and white skin to the point where he barely considers himself healthy

The girls were shocked

- Uhmm, what should I do with you? -He wondered aloud as he smiled gloomily at the girls

Cold sweat filled Saber and Archer's backs

They knew that although Shiro had improved and learned to handle the Katanas, he could not put up much of a fight, he was on the verge of fainting.

All the weariness of his battle against the True Assassin had taken its toll.

Illya and Rin had spent a lot of Prana reinforcing their bodies and on jewels that they used against Shadow Berserker

Sakura was also tired, even if she had the power of the Moon Cancer card she was only maintaining her form by sheer force of will

After all, no matter how strong her letter was. She had almost no experience using it

She used her shadows to try to stop the Altered Servant in front of them

It would be very difficult to fight and defend them all

... But was there another option?


{Tom's mind}

They had taken his body

But he wouldn't give up just like that

Angra looked like him, totally black hair, tanned skin and full of tattoos, wearing red and black rags over his body.

In her hands she held Tawrich and Zawrich two Claw-like daggers that are easy to use.

- You don't understand it - said the Avenger with downcast eyes - Do you understand the pain of enduring every millennium, every century, every year waves and waves of negativity ?! Do you think you can bear each of the curses in your own flesh?! ... All the epidemics, plagues and plagues ... I suffered them because of you, those who wanted to live "without sin" - He said the last mockingly

Tom could feel the complicated emotions in his voice

Disgust, annoyance and hate

But more than anything loneliness and pain

- It's time for them to feel what I felt !! It is time for them to bear their sins! -

- Curse of Hate - Blood-colored flames rose

- Curse of Rage - Black flames joined blood red

- And all the evils in the World. Answer my call !! -He said as the tattoos on his body began to glow blue

- My hated illimited will bring a new chaos to this world worthless !! - uttered as the flames merged into one

Behind him thousands of shadows rose to shape deformed and evil animals

- Verg Avesta !! I yelled as the monsters and fire made their way towards Tom

-'Shit this will get difficult'-he thought while he saw the shadow monsters- 'I hope the girls can stop me outside, after all this guy can't use all my abilities'-

- Bankai - Tensa Zangetsu -

He was not willing to be eaten or corrupted just like that.



Saber kept Tom at bay while he wielded Excalibur

Archer had noticed that the alter was not using projection or Tom's abilities.

In other words, he only had his strong body and regeneration

That discovery relieved much of their burdens.

What's more

They could tell that there were times when he couldn't control his body well.

Archer, Rin and Illya were filled with hope

- 'That means he continues to fight for control' - They thought with a smile

... And his hopes were not wrong

Cracks appeared on Tom's body

- No! Not now! They must die! They must die! THEY MUST DIE! - He yelled madly as he tried to move his cracked parts

Soon the alter looked up, his eyes were blue again

- Go for the Grail Arrgg! "I grunt when the cracks in his body began to ignite in blood red and black flames" I'm almost done here, "She said as his entire body was wrapped in a cocoon that was formed by what they recognized as Gluttony.

... They would truly scold the idiot for scaring them when he threw himself into Avenger's shadow.


{POV Tom)

He had managed to dodge the Avenger's Verg Avesta and fire his slash


He looked at his left arm where he used to hold Zangetsu

He was black and green, a putrid smell came from him

It hurt a lot, it no longer regenerated

... A bit of the Verg Avesta had touched him

"I guess I'll go the way of the one-armed," he thought as he quickly used Joyeuse to cut off the rotten arm.

Angry. He unleashed Gluttony to everything he could control

- Now you want to fight Emo! -He yelled as he threw himself at the Avenger

- I like it that way! -Said the Avenger, he gave lots of blows to the left of him in the form of mockery for his loss of his left arm -Manco! -

With several bulging veins on his forehead Tom was ready to return the favor to the bastard.

"... This got personal," he said with a smile that sent chills to the Avenger

[You used the smile that girls always give you, right?]

- 'Yep. Hehehe is all scared '-

Tom wanted to laugh as he watched his "Rin-style" smile terrify his enemy.


{POV 3 person)

- Umm. It took longer than I thought young ladies - The girls were greeted by a voice

Which to Rin's great chagrin she knew

- Kotomime! - She said in a poisonous way

-The only unequaled eh -said the false priest with a smile on his face -That surprised face is priceless Rin-chan-

Rin felt disgusted at having to be near the Kotomime

Saber was wide-eyed, from what she remembers this guy was Assassin's master in the previous war

But ... as she was still alive

Her Master was supposed to have killed him

- It's mine - They all turned to see Archer surprised which gave the false priest an icy look - I'm going to enjoy it as you can't imagine - He said giving him a big smile that would freeze anyone's blood


{POV Tom)

Coming out of the cocoon that he had formed with Gluttony

Tom emerged once more

- * Haaa how troublesome- He said as he looked at his new left arm covered by a holy sheet

He still had a little trouble moving it

But the more time he spent the more she felt his arm adapt to her body

Increasing his speed he arrived in an instant to the cave where the Great Grail was located.

What he saw there surprised him

EMIYA had killed Kotomime

Rin was dismantling the Holy Grail

And Saber with Illya took care of Sakura and Shiro who had already fallen unconscious from having used too much energy

-Uhm-Archer, Saber and Illya immediately turned to look at him as Rin concentrated on the Grail -He was a little late -She said as she scratched the back of her head


The epilogue of the first arc remains and now

Why use Passionlip and not Kingprotea or BB itself?

Well that would be why I couldn't get her out of my head after having been bumping into various Bad Ends in Fate Extra CCC for her part