
Chapter 17: Heritage x the curse of Muramasa

Tom was currently feeling the greatest shame of his life.

He still remembers how everyone even Shiro made fun of him for not knowing Magecraft

So he was studying a book that he had come with the swords in the box

Magecraft for Dummies Vol 01 Tracing

By Magus of Flowers

They would see it, he will be a great Magus


Saber could not wait to make fun of Tom, she knew that possibly this was one of Merlin's jokes

She and her knights had been through many of them by the Magus

She still remembers when she put something weird in the gentlemen's wine and they all turned into women ...

Although funny it still bothered her a lot to remember how Gawain and Bedivere had bigger breasts than her, she laughed a little when Lancelot, Kay and Tristan became little girls

Or when the accident with Lancelot happened


Arturia was changing, preparing for a workday like any other

- My King! We have an urgent matter! for at ...- she was stupid seeing Arturia

-Lancelot-Resisting the urge to make him forget everything by beating Arturia gave the best excuse she could think of-I need you to help me hunt down Merlin! Look what he's done to me! -She said she seriously on the outside while in her mind she panicked

- My King! This gentleman of yours will see that that cretin pays for what he has done! - Shout the knight of the NT- I say lake - I will inform Sir Bedivere and Sir Gawain together attra- -

- How much more do you plan to stay watching me! - I scream very annoyed

Panicking Lancelot looked around. He saw the bucket of water with great fear when he saw that a rope was formed and a man of water hanged in it

He knew that his mother watches him at all times

He quickly dumped the water. And he put the bucket on his head

Unfortunately that did not save him from his terrible fate ...

- I'll make you forget what you saw! - Arturia yelled before kicking Lancelot out the window

The poor knight fell silent from the castle window, rolling in the mud and mud

Finally he fell into the nearby lake, a little tired he decided to lie there for a moment

A maid who was passing by, was about to throw away a few breadcrumbs that were left there

Which calleron on the very battered Lancelot

Thus unleashing the greatest human VS animal battle

A flock of ducks swimming across the lake saw the crumbs on the knight and without hesitation they went on the

- No! Get away! Arrgg! - the erratic movements caused part of the Knight's armor to fall, leaving a "certain area" unprotected

A duck saw the opportunity and pecked there

- AAAAAARRRGGGGGG !!! - A scream full of pain and madness resounded along with the squawking of ducks

... Lancelot was not the same since then.

Every time he saw a duck he went crazy and started an attack against it

He required her or Mordred to knock him out for him to calm down


{In a dimension isolated from the rest of the multiverse}

A meeting was taking place between the greatest ...

* Tack * Tack

- Everyone stand up for the session! - Said Zelretch - Receive the president of the council! - He said

While another Zelretch appeared

- My dear colleagues! I have come to inform you that I have found a parallel universe with a guy who is possibly as funny as Emiya-chan! - Said happy Zelretch (F / SN Original)

- Wow, for such a special boy to appear it must be something very big is about to happen - said Zelretch - For you to have summoned us something that involves us it should have happened - Said the old man with the jewels (F / KP AU)

- And it will certainly be something Exciting! - said another Zelretch (F / E AU)

(KW: I want to combine a lot of plots so they will be purely AU)

-The young Emiya and her Boyfriend will bring us a lot of fun -said the original Zelretch as he looked at his counterpart -He has the luck of Young Kamijou after all-

They all smiled wickedly at the mention of the young man who was one of his preferred victims along with the original Emiya Shirou

Elsewhere in the multiverse a porcupine-haired boy, a Counter Guardian, and a red-haired Servant in Chaldea felt a chill as if something bad was about to happen.


Tom had studied so much that he believed his brain would break

But it was worth it

He had convinced Rin and Archer to wear teacher cosplay.

Whereas Shiro for some reason put on his student uniform and stuck to him the whole class

He wanted to yell "Show me Emiya-sensei!" But he feared that it would lead to a bad end


Tom woke up with Shiro in a strange black room

There Tom returned to see the two men he saw before, only now there was another man too

He looked like a carbon copy of the original Emiya Shirou only in Japanese clothes.

Just when he he turned to see them. He was shocked to see Shiro

- You are my descendant, right? He said with a happy voice as he gently stroked Shiro's head like a caring grandfather would.

- Who are you?! Shiro shouted, although he did not remove the hand that was stroking his head, he felt very familiar and comfortable

- You could say that I am your ancestor, my name is Sengo Muramasa - Said the demonic smith with a smile to his new granddaughter

Tom was a bit confused

As far as he knew, old man Muramasa tended to be someone very curmudgeonly like any old man.

Of course what Tom did not know is that Muramasa was surprised to see that Shiro looked identical to his mother and that is why he behaved more gentle

He missed her so much after all

- Little girl we have brought you and the brat - Muramasa said - Because there is something very important that the three of us have to tell them -

- Yes. You know how Mura-chan said! We have to give them some things so they can use our skills easier! - Said the young man with bicolor hair

- Don't tell me Mura-chan! - The old blacksmith was upset

-You also have to educate them correctly- The blond giant said simply and plainly as he brought them a pile of books

He caused a chill on the Master and Servant couple's backs.

They felt like they got into something they shouldn't have done

- 'I curse you Zelretch!' -Shouting in his head Tom while he saw with tears in his eyes the mountains of books that the brunette kept bringing

[You brought evil to yourself Tom] Sakura said in a mocking tone

- 'What a disgrace!' -


{Time-skip (Hours later)}

Tom and Shiro lay like corpses on the ground after Karl's study session

Muramasa and Charles were feeling a bit worried about them

After all they knew how terrifying Karl was as a teacher.

- What happened to you? - Charles asked his counterpart Ruler

-I taught them what each ruler should know and made them memorize each book, he said proudly

The blacksmith and the knight couldn't help but look at him in horror

They knew the Ruler was a strict teacher, but this was already terrifying.

Muramasa decided to tell them a little about himself so that they would be distracted from the memories of his "Study Session"

- Shiro. I think we should talk a bit - they both got up and saw Muramasa - I'll tell you about my dream - Shiro's eyes shone

- Which! Which! -She said while she jumped

All the men in the room couldn't help but smile, she was so adorable after all

- Long time ago...

{Narration} (Imagine the voice that you think best suits Muramasa to narrate)

Long ago when I was still in my prime

One day a young woman approached my smithy

The young woman was arrogant and extravagant

She wanted me to fulfill a request that she knew that with my skills I could not do

She wanted a sword

But not just any sword

One that will cut karma, negativity, and ties

A sword that will cut fate

Believing that she was crazy I made her from my smithy

Not without first hearing his curse

- I curse you and your offspring! Yours will never taste peace and quiet! Their lives will be an eternal agony! -She yelled angrily as she vanished

... At that moment I made the worst mistake I could have made

First my son

Then my wife

In the end I was alone

Sad and sorry I looked for a way to rid myself of this curse

But sadly there seemed to be no way to fix it

Even an old friend of mine who was an onmyouji couldn't help me

He told me that the woman who had cursed me was a high grade elemental

So there wasn't much hope

Dejected I retired to live on a lonely mountain

Until I remembered her request and thought

If she forged the sword she wanted, will I be able to free my descendants from the curse?

From then on I dedicated myself entirely to working forging and forging swords without stopping

As time went by, my motivation changed a bit.

I didn't just want a sword

I wanted to create the perfect sword

One that was one of a kind, something special

I wanted to erase this curse and leave something for you to be proud of me

{End of narration}

- You did? - Even knowing his answer Tom decided to ask

Muramasa just smiled at him

-No. I haven't made it yet but ...- She turned to see Shiro-I'm sure that with your help she can do it-she said before extending her arm and reciting the Aria of her NP

- I looked for the last sword once.

A steel blade that does not cut through flesh, bones, or life.

What I am looking for is the elimination of resentment.

The cutting of ties, fate and chance. -

Shiro was fascinated by the landscape full of fire and swords

- That is, to free yourself from Karma.

Upon his arrival there are innumerable tools.

Carved on a thousand swords, forming a pile of swords.

This is the place where all roads intersect.

This is the place where all wishes flow.

This is the place where all deaths await. -

They could see the swords break by the fire and meet at a single point

- I've given my whole life to get to this moment.

The heart of the sword is here! This is my Tsumukari Muramasa! -Reciting the last line, Muramasa was left in sight with an aura of fire around her as she held a shiny golden Katana

- Take a good look at it Shiro, this is the sword I dreamed of creating - Muramasa said as he saw Shiro looking at him with bright eyes - It is still incomplete, And I ... I can no longer complete it - there was a bit of sadness in his tone

- But ... You if you can, you have what I lacked - He smiled affectionately - An old "Friend" of mine and the other two have given you four swords - Tsumukari Muramasa almost tightened too much when I mentioned his "friend"

As Charles and Karl stared into the void with dead fish eyes

(Note: souvenirs from Vietnam)

- Those swords were of my best creations Myōhō Muramasa and Myojingiri Muramasa - Said the blacksmith - I know you will know how to use them and ... As for Tsumukari Muramasa I have placed it in your Unlimited Blade Works - When he said the name of the Reality Marble, no he could avoid smiling it felt good for the one that even after so many generations his descendants will not forget the swords

They then saw Muramasa approach Shiro and hug her

Disappearing into his arms

A red and gold light shone on her

When the light faded, they saw how she was wearing an outfit similar to Muramasa's.

Clear only more covered

-This is my last gift to you my dear granddaughter-were the last words of the Japanese blacksmith before he completely disappeared as a smile adorned his face

- I will not disappoint you grandpa - Emiya said with determination


While with tom

- Wow Mura-chan likes epic outings - Charles said with a slightly childish smile

- Hmph - Karl just crossed his arms, but still there was a small smile on his face

-We are your ancestors, I am Karl der Große and the idiot over there -she said she pointing to Charles who was smiling brilliantly- It is Charlemagne-

- It's Charles! - He shouted with annoyance - It's not that I don't like that name, but it's just a heavy name for me to carry these days. - Said the cheerful bicolor with a strange air of seriousness

Tom only saw them with a drop of sweat

[You can tell they are family] Sakura said with a giggle

-'... I don't know if I should be happy about that'-she said as she watched her two ancestors argue like little children

- You are not ready to receive my share of the inheritance - Karl said - But don't worry, you can receive Charles's just look -

Charles nodded and began to release his NP

-I finished- he said as he put his sword in front of him

- Everything that can be an ephemeral fantasy, I see this place without limits.

Exemplifies the Heroic King, O'Twelve radiant swords that travel the wide world -

He leaned in slightly as twelve colored lights illuminated his sides

He soared into the air with six pairs of blue swords and six red ones.

Two blue wings like those of an angel formed behind him

- The sacred light that will never fade, the bright colors of the infinitely changing shape. -

The wings broke into twelve bright and colorful weapons that pointed forward as they floated around Charles.

He raised his sword high, the colored lights swirled around the sword and turned white.

- Relive the legend! Give this sword my paladin power! -

- Joyeuse Ordre !!! -

A huge white beam shot out from his sword, closely following twelve colored beams lighting the way as they exploded alongside the white

Showing both power and beauty

Tom was moved by the NP

-'It's so beautiful'-he thought as he watched the lights fade after the attack

- This is all I have to give you - Charles said seriously - The weapons of my Paladins, my honor and my faith -

He gave Joyeuse with a smile

- Never forget the comrades who fight by your side - Said the bicolor - And more importantly - Said seeing Shiro - As a King and as a man you must always take care of your queen -

Then Tom started to glow in colored lights

When they disappeared he was left in a suit identical to Charles's but in black and red

After that Tom and Shiro woke up

... Just in time for the arrival of Angra


There are two chapters left to start Kaleid


Omake: Chaldea pt 06: Rivalry

(POV 3 person)

Today Gudao and Gudako were happy

It was time to try your luck in summoning Servants

A while ago they were lucky enough to summon the younger version of EMIYA and Tom

They were very curious if their streak of good luck would continue or they would have to suffer in the eternal tofu mapo

What awaits our young Masters?


(POV Gudao)

... My mood could not be worse

Gudako and I haven't been able to get anything good in a while

- Come on Come on please come I beg you! - It seems that my dear little sister finally broke

Normally I would laugh a little awkwardly and try to cheer her up.

But I really was in the same way as her so I can't do much

- Senpai, didn't you save some of Saint Quartz from the last mission we had? - Asked my cute Kohai Mash

… I ignored Gudako's betrayal-filled look and went to my room to get my emergency Saint Quartz for rainy days

When on the way I met Tom

- Me. Master is good to see - Tch fucking handsome guy

- Tom, would you like to accompany me to summon more Servants? - Maybe it can help me increase my luck

He seemed surprised for a moment until he smiled and decided to follow me.

If I knew something when I met him, it is that he loves Gacha as much as I and Gudako


(POV Tom)

I followed Master to the summoning room in Chaldea

- Failure! failure! failure! - Gudako-chan at least you could try to make what you want less obvious

I thought with a wry smile

Placing the Saint Quartz, Master began the convocation, nothing happened

I could see Master slowly sinking into despair, Gudako smiling at the sight of her brother failing

Until a Card from a Golden Spearman appeared and faded into a rainbow, appearing a young man with black and white hair and blue eyes. His outfit mainly consists of a black and white tunic with blue accents, black pants, thigh-high armored boots, and a short white cape with a black trim. Aside from his boots, his left arm has a gauntlet, and he wears a set of skirts at the waist. A sword scabbard hangs on the left side of him, and red markings cover his gloved right arm.

It was hard not to be shocked in his presence

After all, why the hell does he look like me ?!


(POV Gudao)

Could not contain it

I cried. I cried like I never did I really wanted to show off to Gudako

And he opened it because he was not ...

[Class: Lancer / Saber]

[Real Name: Charles Magnus (Thomas Gray)]

[Alignment: True Neutral]

[Strength: A +]

[Resistance to]

[Agility: A +]

[Mana: EX]

[Luck: D +]

Class Skills:

Mount: C +

Magic Resistance: B

Personal skills:

Successor Of Holy Knight Emperor: EX

Holy-Demon: EX

Military Tactics: B

Charisma: A

Golden rule: B

Double invocation: A

Mana Burst (Light): A

Noble ghosts:

[Joyeuse (Holy Sword of Joy) A +]

[Joyeuse (Divinity Shortsword) A ++]

[Durandal (Invincible holy sword that cuts existence) A]

[Longinus (Spear of Destiny) A +]

[Lancea Longini (Blood from the body of the son of god) A]

[Chasse sauvage (Wild Hunt) B]

[Verg Avesta (Hate in a hopeful heart) E - EX]

[Carloman paladins (Legendary paladins) A]

[Charles Patricius (My Fleeting Glory) EX]

[Aestus Estus (The Original Flame) B +]

[Unlimited Blade Works E - EX]

.... Please nerf, I mean isn't this guy fucking broke ?!

-Yes, it seems that you are the one who invoked me -he said with a happy smile, I really want to hit him

"I'm like, you know, one of those rebellious Servants ... I think, well, don't get obsessed with the little things!" - Small things?! You are a 5 STARS!

- Think of it like winning the lottery. Now go ahead and give me some orders! You can call me Charlie or Charles whatever you like! - It looks tempting ...

- Stop there crazy! - Scream Tom

Now that I see it they are really identical almost as if they were the same person

The two looked at each other in silence

- I will defeat you - Tom said looking at him with challenge

I moved next to Gudako and drank some of her popcorn to see the show

- Come and try it, whenever you like! -He said in a challenging tone with a smile

- Wow, they seem very friends -

And ... because they both look at me like I'm an idiot


A presentation of what the MC will become more or less

The Archer is the one from Arch 01

The Lancer is what it will be during the next Arches 02, 03 and 04

With those skills

Can you guess which Servant he mated with?