
System Break

What happens when you have nothing to lose, so you agree to become a subject in a sketchy experiment. What happens when this experiment ends up being a game and you're an alpha tester. What if the game wasn't in a computer but (spoiler free) What if the Alpha testers are helping create the system the game is based on. I was a brash kid and after getting a war wound I became a bitter bastard. I was given a second chance at life because of something called a high qi-count. I could die, but it's all good cos my current situation sucks. I am Benzhi and this is my story. PS I had nfi what I was in for. . . https://linktr.ee/Skully5812 the above linktr.ee has links to all my other novels, amazon page, discord, youtube and instagram. . . No shameless author review. I want the readers to have their say. . Something about the Author. Under my pen name Skully I have been writing online web serials since 2017. . I fell in love with a couple of stories, TKA and Savage Divinity and thought I'd give it a try in mid 2017. My first story was Hardcore Qi Worlds which was published on Gravity Tales and Royal Road. One of only 2 or 3 originals on Gravity Tales. . I felt like I made a lot of mistakes and there was a distinct lack of modern sci-fi so I started Daedalus in 2018. I published it on here under Skully_ and on Royal Road. It's now on Amazon as 4 books and the 5th will come out this year. . This year I'm writing a lot more than last year. I have Spiritmaster which will go on to Kindle Vella and Amazon. And System Break is designed for webnovel. I plan to write 1,000 chapters for System Break before its completed and the major arcs are planned. At the 6 month mark I plan to have 380+ chapters.

Skully · Du hí
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198 Chs

The Svartalfar

Research Lab - Earth Year 2031

Technician Shi tapped his card and a door slid open to a sleek office. One of the directors was sitting behind his desk squinting at his monitor. There was plush carpet and a new prototype pod in the corner.

Shi cleared his throat. "Sir, subject eleven just selected a unique race."

The director looked up with his eyebrows raised and mouth open. "I thought all the vessels were programmed for human - is that possible?"

Technician Shi's eyes squinted. "Apparently so. I'm watching the data and its very interesting. We've got a new ability in our system. Tree-run."

The director sneered and said with mild contempt, "So, eleven is good for something. Keep a close eye on him."

Shi's eyes sparkled and he bowed. "I am sir, I am." With tablet under his arm he turned and left.

The director stroked his chin and with glazed eyes looked at his experimental pod.


The North – Unknown Qi World

I slept like a baby, curled up on the soft grass next to the dignified willow. I couldn't remember the last time I slept without restlessness. It was a calm, yet invigorating sleep. My peace was only disturbed when I woke.

Gisael was standing over me while staring at me with a blank expression. It was neither approving, nor antagonistic. Her wiry form possessed intriguing curves, so I inspected her body as she continued to stare. Her breasts and nipples were plainly visible as her green hue, and sporadic foliage did little to cover them. The gentle curve of her hips accentuated her flat stomach. She was fit. Super fit.

When my eyes finally met her bright teal eyes her blank expression had turned to one which conveyed her antagonism.

Gisael began to scold me, "Mother endows you with these gifts, and all you do is lie there staring at me as if you were hungry?" She waved a hand towards my body.

I looked down at my own form and gasped. As soon as I did vines retreated before my eyes revealing my own green tinged skin. A large leaf failed to cover my erect penis adequately which only slightly horrified me. I was so overjoyed I felt zero embarrassment.

I leapt to my feet and the vigour Mother had bestowed upon me ran through me like a roller coaster. I felt good. No, I felt great. I couldn't quite recall if it was better than I was in peak physical condition back in spec ops days, but it was close. Damn close.

I ran across the glade - jumping and laughing. Gisael turned to watch me and a smile cracked her stern demeanour for a moment, before it disappeared. I felt strong, but light at the same time.

"Where's Mother?"

She looked towards the willow, "She's resting."

I followed her gaze. I sensed a connection between the willow and Mother. It wasn't only from Gisael's inference. "Thank you, Mother," I called to the tree and immediately felt silly.

Gisael approached from behind and placed a hand on my shoulder. She stated flatly, "You're looking much better now, but can you tree-run?"

I turned to look at her. I was surprised by her words because it seemed to me she was not exactly overjoyed with Mother's decision to welcome me. "What do you mean by tree-run?"

She showed me her teeth, it wasn't a smile, she was like an animal. A predator. An apex predator to be exact. She then ran towards one of the large trees at the edge of the glade and scaled it quickly and easily. Her hands and feet gripped the trunk effortlessly. In moments she stood on one of its strong lower limbs looking down at me. She obviously had no fear of heights.

Her teal eyes were challenging me to follow, and I didn't need any more encouragement. I ran towards the same tree and attempted to climb it as she had. I was just as naked as her – just as green.

With bare feet and a distinct lack of tools, my feet gained little purchase. As my hand slid down the trunk, I fell and landed in a heap. I rolled onto my back and looked up at her. She was shaking her head and stifled a laugh. Although no noise escaped her lips, her eyes were laughing at my failure.

Her mouth opened and she said, "Even a child can do this."

I wondered what I was doing wrong. Mother had turned me into a – "What are you?"

"A guardian of our new forest," she answered.


"Mother and I travelled here from our old home," she answered. "Are you going to climb the tree or talk all day?"

"I mean," I asked again, "What are we?" And I indicated my altered form with my hand.

"We are known as Svartalfar. But we call ourselves the people," she replied.

"So … not a wood elf?"

Her face displayed either confusion or contempt - I could not tell. "No." While her tone and the slight shake of her head conveyed that she thought the question was stupid.

My mind turned back to the problem of tree-running. It had to be an ability of the Svartalfar or whatever they were called. And when I thought of it as an ability, it dawned on me to check my HUD. As soon as I concentrated icons and text appeared in the corners of my vision. The empty boxes were flashing so I mentally activated the first when a list appeared.



Tree-run, L1

Qi Body Enhancement, L1

Qi Strike, L1


Ignoring tree-run, I placed Qi Strike in the first slot. I then placed Qi Body Enhancement in the second slot and Tree-run in the third. Now three of my six slots were filled. I had to work out how to activate them.

I focused on the third - tree-run - for a moment, and something happened. I felt different. There was a tingling on the tips of my fingers and the soles of my feet. Without another thought, I began to climb, and it was easier than climbing a ladder. My hands and feet stuck to the tree with enough grip for me to propel my way upwards. It wasn't like sticking like glue, because I was able to move freely. My hands and feet only dislodged when I wanted them to.

It was easy, almost too easy. I didn't like it. It felt wrong.

I felt like I should have worked for this ability and it was just handed to me. It was a reward for becoming a Svartalfar, like Gisael. I rationalised it as a racial ability. I was soon standing next to Gisael.

"How's that?"

She peered at me and nodded once. "Good." She said succinctly. "Now follow me," she repeated her earlier command.

She brushed past me and her smell washed over me. I took in a deep breath through my nose and savoured it for a moment. Then I turned to watch her from behind.

She was magnificent, in form and style. And she was all I could think of as she leapt from one tree to the next. Leaping, gliding and landing easily. She then climbed gaining more height before she paused and turned to check on me.

"Are you stupid?" She asked unkindly.

I shook my head and grinned. I was too busy admiring her and forgot to follow. Without hesitation, I ran and took the leap to the next tree. I wasn't the least bit afraid that I would fall to my death. This was a game, and the worst that could happen was I would end up back in the testing facility. There was a possibility that I could re-enter the simulation, so death held no place in my mind other than I would prefer to stay.

"Good," she said and moved with the speed and grace of someone not only born to tree-running but someone who had mastered it. I had to focus just to keep track of her, and even then, she circled back on a few occasions to lead me on.

After two hours of climbing and strategic falling, she waited for me in a particularly thick convolution of branches.

"This is my spot," she declared.

"Do you sleep here?"

"I rest here often," she replied.

"May I enter?" I asked before stepping foot into her space.

She nodded before she sat down on her crossed legs. "There are many things you need to learn," she stated and tilted her head indicating I sit down across from her. After I got comfortable, she continued. "Your tree-running is adequate," she said and it sounded like high praise coming from her.

"Thanks." It was not new to me that I picked up a skill quickly. I had been a talented athlete since I was a kid.

"Why are you here?" She asked changing the subject suddenly and peering into my eyes.

"I could ask you the same question, but … I am here because I want to be."

She exhaled as if she had been holding a deep breath, "That is a good answer." She reached out and touched my hand before she took hold of it. "I want to trust you as Mother does, but it is not easy for me. You are not one of us, but suddenly you are. It is not natural."

I opened my mouth and closed it trying to think of the right thing to say to her.

"I agree," I said. "It's not natural. Yet, here I am. I won't do anything to harm you or Mother."

It was slightly strange using the word Mother for a Svartalfar title. I had never had a Mother, so I was confused but not conflicted. I wondered if it would be harder for other humans. But it was just a word and just a title. I imagined that it was a shortened version of Mother Nature, except she was only concerned with the forest.

She continued to hold my hand as she inspected me. She leaned closer, "Your eyes are a strange colour." She placed a hand on my cheek as she peered into my eyes.

I didn't have a mirror, so I asked, "What colour are they?" And we both laughed. She realised that I had no idea.

"They are blue. The deepest blue in the centre and the outer eye is white with a blue tint." She was so close I felt her breath on me.

I pursed my lips. "That's strange, does it mean anything?"

She laughed, and the sound sent a thrill through me. "You know nothing, yet I am supposed to know everything?"

I put my hand behind her head and leaned closer with my lips next to her ear. "I know one thing," I said.

"What do you know?" she breathed the question.

I placed my hand on her cheek and tilted her face towards mine before I kissed her. She jerked in surprise but did not break the embrace. I laced my arm behind her and pulled her closer as we continued to kiss until she was pressed against me. She ran a hand over my bald scalp and behind my head, and I shivered at her alien touch.

I was the first the separate from the kiss. I think I was more surprised that she didn't immediately push me off than she was by the kiss itself.

She looked at me with curiosity shining in her eyes. "Why did you do that?" she asked.

I found the question strange, she wasn't offended but was confused by the kiss. "Because I find you attractive. You are a beautiful."

Her eyes smiled, but it did not extend to her mouth, "I am a Guardian in my prime. A daughter of the forest. It would be strange if I were not beautiful."

I could not help myself. I burst into laughter at her response. And she continued to look at me like I was a strange beast she was studying.

"We do not have time for sex now," she stated as if discussing dinner. "There is much for you to learn and many trespassers in our domain."

"So later?" I asked and laughed.

She studied me and the silence drew more words from me.

"Trespassers?" I asked, "Like the goblins?"

"The Ferals," she corrected. "The portal storm brought many new threats into the land. And the ferals are moving into the forest in numbers."

"Portal storm?"

"It's what Mother called the disturbance in the sky," Gisael said.

"Oh, the swirling purple mass that sounded like a thunderstorm? That was a portal storm? And what does a portal storm do exactly?"

"It brings enemies from other worlds," she replied.

"Is that how you and Mother arrived? Through another portal storm?"

"No," Gisael replied. "A gate guardian came to our clan. It invited us here to settle. It is an opportunity for us, so we agreed, and they sent Mother and I ahead."

"Just the two of you?" I asked.

"Three now," Gisael observed. "You will have to ask Mother if more are coming. I do not know her plans."

"Do you want to go kill some ferals now?" I asked remembering I had left the spear back in the glade.

She stared at me. "It is good you are willing to fight, but there is much for us to do first. You need preparation, and I need to scout the enemy. Follow."

I watched her as she stood admiring her form with a grin. I recalled her words, 'there is no time for sex – now.' It sounded like a raincheck to me.