

In a futuristic world, where the world is ran by big corporations and people in power, a young man named Adam fortunately/unfortunately gets a system. His System grants him incredible physical abilities and combat skills,turning him into a lethal weapon and ordering him to complete the missions. Adam is initially excited by his newfound power and dreams of becoming a hero, but he soon realizes that his abilities come with a price. His System is also linked to his emotions and body, and the more he uses it, the more he suffers. Despite this, he decides to use his powers to help others and becomes a vigilante, patrolling the city at night and fighting crime. Updates: 2-3 chapters a week The cover doesn't belong to me. If the original owner wants it down please contact me.

BlAkE_M · Khoa huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 10:The Man

The girl slowly opened her eyes, blinking against the darkness that surrounded her. As her eyes adjusted, she realized she was in a small, cramped cage. Panic gripped her as she tried to move, but she was bound tightly with ropes, her hands and feet tied.

She struggled against the restraints, trying to break free, but they only dug deeper into her skin. Fear rose in her throat as she began to scream, her cries echoing in the small space. But no one came to her aid.

She could hear the sound of dripping water in the distance, and the musty smell of damp earth filled her nostrils. The air was thick and suffocating, and she struggled to breathe.

As she looked around, she saw that she was not alone. Other cages lined the walls, each one containing a young girl like herself, all bound and helpless. Some were crying softly, while others were motionless, their eyes closed in despair.

The girl felt a wave of despair wash over her as she realized the gravity of her situation. She had been kidnapped by the group that was kidnapping the other girls.

Tears streamed down her face as she cried out for help, but no one came. The darkness seemed to swallow her, and she felt utterly alone and helpless.

But as the hours ticked by, her hope began to fade, and the reality of her situation sank in.

Suddenly, the door to the small room creaked open, and a tall, burly man stormed inside. The girls huddled in fear, their eyes wide and terror-stricken. The man's face was twisted in anger, and his fists were clenched tightly.

"Why are you crying?!" he bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls. "Shut up, all of you!"

But the girls were too scared to stop crying. They had been taken against their will, and they didn't know what was going to happen to them. They were cold, hungry, and afraid, and they couldn't help but cry.

The kidnappers were getting angrier by the minute. They had planned this operation carefully, and they didn't want anything to go wrong. They needed the girls to be quiet so that nobody would find out about their hideout.

"Get them to shut up, will you, joe?" another kidnapper snapped at his accomplice. "I can't concentrate with all this noise."

Joe approached one of the cages and glared at the girl inside. "If you don't stop crying, we'll have to take drastic measures," he threatened.

The girl tried to quiet down, but she couldn't help the occasional sob escaping her lips. The kidnapper grabbed the cage bars and shook them violently, causing the girl to jump in fear.

"Please, stop," she begged, her voice trembling. "I just want to go home."

Joe sneered at her. "Well, that's too bad, sweetheart. You're not going home but going some wonderful place. So you better shut up."

Saying that the kidnappers returned to the hideout.

There a man was sitting in a chair and was smoking a cigar. The man was unlike any of the others. He was tall and muscular, with a menacing aura that made even the kidnappers want to shrink.

It was the boss. If Adam was here he would be surprised to see the same man who was giving speech.

"Well?" he barked, looking around the room. "What's the status on our merchandise?"

One of the underlings stepped forward nervously. "Sir, we have twelve girls in total and they are all good."

"They're all secured and ready for transport."

The boss walked over to one of the cages and peered inside. The girl inside shrank back in fear, trying to make herself as small as possible.

"Good," the boss said, satisfied. "Make sure they're all fed and watered. We don't want them dying on us before we can make a profit."

The underlings nodded and quickly got to work, knowing better than to disobey the boss's orders. As they scurried around the room, the boss went towards his office, his mind already turning to the next step of his plan.


As he sat in his dimly-lit office, a cigar between his fingers as he contemplated his next move. He knew he had to get the girls to the contractor, but he couldn't risk being caught by the authorities. He had a reputation to uphold, after all.

As his mind started racing with thoughts about the contractor who had hired him to kidnap the girls. He had never met the man in person, communicating only through encrypted messages and a few phone calls.

He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the contractor's motives than just a desire for young girls. He had heard rumors that the contractor was involved in some shady dealings, but the money he was offering for the girls was too good to pass up.

The boss sighed down heavily and ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm his racing thoughts. He knew he couldn't back out now, not without facing the wrath of the contractor and his own crew, who relied on him for their livelihoods.

But as he stared at the pile of cash on his desk, the boss couldn't help but feel like he had made a deal with the devil.

He took a drag of his cigar and exhaled a cloud of smoke, thinking through his options. How would he smuggle the goods?

He could try to smuggle the girls out of the city, but that would be risky.

No, he needed a more subtle approach. He thought back to his previous dealings with the contractor and remembered the man's obsession with security. The contractor always insisted on meeting in remote locations, far away from prying eyes.

That was it. The boss would use the contractor's paranoia to his advantage. He would arrange for a secluded location, one that was difficult to access and well-hidden from the outside world. He would make sure the area was thoroughly scouted and secured, with his most trusted men standing guard.

Once the location was set, he would deliver the girls personally. He had no doubt the contractor would be pleased with the quality of the merchandise. The boss prided himself on his ability to find the most beautiful and desirable girls, ones that would fetch a high price on the black market.

As he snuffed out his cigar, the boss felt a surge of satisfaction. He had always been a man who could think on his feet, who could adapt to any situation. And this time was no different. He had a plan, and he was confident it would succeed.