
You Will Keep It A Secret From Him, Right?

Inside one of the luxurious guest rooms in the City Lord's residence, Thirteen sat on the bed while twirling a Five-Leaf Clover in his hands.

He was looking at the space in front of him and checking the information on his Status Screen.


< Unique Quest! >

Quest Category: Chain Quest

Quest Name: The Thirteen Trials

< First Trial  Completed! >

— Escape the Houdini Desert!


< Second Trial Completed!>

— Find a Five Leaf Clover


Note: Well, not bad. You remind me of myself when I was your age. But, you still have a long way to go if you want to come home.


Thirteen rolled his eyes after seeing the message from his Old Man after he completed his second trial. 

Now that his second mission was over, it was now time for him to see what the Old Fart had prepared for him next.