
You Lost To Fate

After Thirteen bid everyone goodbye, he waved at the crowd and walked away.

The moment when no one could no longer see his face, the faint smile on his face disappeared, and was replaced by a brooding look, which made the two Pocopocos, who were perched on his shoulders, quiet down.

They could tell that Zion was in a bad mood, so they didn't want to make any noise because he might get angry at them for being rowdy.

Only the teenage boy's footsteps echoed within the hallway that was bereft of people. He was thinking about something, and the more he thought, the more determined he became. 

Whatever was going inside his mind, no one could really tell aside from himself.

Pica and Pico gave the teenage boy side-long glances, but kept their beaks firmly shut, for they believe that Zion was up to no good!


Ashford Clan's Healing Ward…

Clark abruptly opened his eyes, and immediately propped himself up in a sitting position.