
The Heart Is Strong But The Body Is Weak [Part 3]

The Warsor Black Hounds were very intelligent monsters.

They were not the strongest monsters in the Furvus Grasslands, but they were the most adaptable. 

These monsters choose their opponents wisely. One can even say that they bully the weak, and fear the strong.

But, due to this mentality, they managed to survive in a place where everything was darker than black. 

Taking advantage of the chaos that was happening inside the camp, they deftly navigated through the extremely narrow paths between the holes in the ground and made their way to where their comrade was held.

With one powerful jump, they landed safely at the rear, unnoticed by the Trolls, Ogres, and Tigerkins, who were preoccupied facing off against the Golden-Eyed Hyenas, who were taking punishment from Thirteen's merciless arrows.

With blood flowing from his nose, the seven-year-old fired one arrow after another. Each arrow landed on his target's eyes, blinding them completely.