
The Heart Is Strong But The Body Is Weak [Part 1]

Thirteen ordered everyone to have a light dinner early because they might not have any time to eat later once their guests arrived.

When they were done, they quickly got into position and kept their eyes peeled, looking at the darkness around them, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Monsters that were hiding in the dark.

Half an hour later, their guests finally made their presence known.

Thirteen and his subordinates didn't see them.

Instead, they heard them.

The creepy laughter of the Hyenas reverberated in the dark night, making almost everyone, with the exception of Thirteen and Adira, feel their hearts shudder.

There was an eerie, disturbing air about the laughter of the Golden-Eyed Hyenas, which made even the fearsome Ogres hold the shields in their hands more tightly.

These Hyenas were no ordinary Monsters.

They were Jinns, and the reason for their laughter was likely the presence of their most favorite prey.