
Hide And Seek In The Rain [Part 2]

"They're almost here," Thirteen said.

Subconsciously, the Wanderers who had accompanied him firmly grasped the weapons in their hands.

The sixteen teenagers, including Sean, Heidi, and his three subordinates, hid behind the trees, closely watching the muddy path their wagons had passed half an hour ago.

Their plan was to ambush the Lizardmen using the strategy Zion had formulated.

Although they were still uncertain if it would work or not, they had no choice but to implement it to the best of their abilities.

Their goal was simple.

To successfully act as decoys so that the non-combatants that were hiding inside the cave wouldn't be targeted by the Lizardmen.

Tiona's clone, who had spied ahead, informed her Master that there were forty Lizardmen currently headed in their direction.