
Chapter #41

AN: Compared to the last time I wrote lemons, this one was better but I still find it awkward to read afterwards... Also I find it really awkward when people talk during sex, so I can't come up with lines for Zeno...


Seeing Saeko in a good mood, Zeno decided to strike the iron while it's hot and unwrapped the blanket.

They looked into each other's eyes for a second before Zeno went for the kiss.

Meanwhile he was also taking off her clothes with one hand while the other went to her breasts.

Saeko moaned, Zeno was kissing her fervently while wherever he touched felt hot.

In the heat of passion she tried to reach for Zeno's clothes but he was already naked.

All she got her hands on was his sculpted muscles, her hands naturally trailed downwards to his hard member and started pumping it.

Zeno's hand had reached her cave of wonders at that time and he started to explore it with his fingers, making her moan.

They stopped kissing at that time, Saeko was out of breath while Zeno was looking at her with eyes full of passion.

The scene of Saeko with her hair messed up and out of breath was too erotic for Zeno.

Luckily his mental fortitude has gotten stronger over the years and he could hold his primal instincts in check.

While Saeko was expecting another kiss, she saw Zeno gesturing at the door. There she saw a bundle of pink hair and a pair of orange eyes looking through the slit of the door.

'Saya!?' Startled Saeko didn't know what to so. They got so far and she didn't want to stop, thinking about Saya's obvious crush on Zeno, Saeko decided that Saya could watch all her want.

'My man needs many more women after all.' Saeko nodded to herself before going back to taming Zeno's dragon.

Zeno didn't mind Saya watching either, so he continued his exploration while sucking Saeko's breasts.

Although he noticed Saeko's moans grew louder than before...

Deciding she was lubricated enough, Zeno stopped her hand and positioned himself at her entrance in missionary position and started pushing in.

Saeko felt no pain, her hymen was torn during training but she thought it would be painful during her first time, yet all she felt was pleasure.

Despite knowing he wouldn't hurt her, Zeno started slow before he picked up his pace.

His entire body was biomass and he could adjust whatever he wants, there was simply no way for him to hurt his partners during sex unless he actually wants to.

"Mmmm! Harder!" She moaned, Zeno was more than happy to oblige.

Soon Saeko had her legs wrapped around Zeno, with him holding her shoulders as support while they were kissing.

Feeling her insides writtle Zeno knew she was close to orgasm so he got ready himself.

"Zeno I am close! I am cumming!" Saeko's voice was loud enough that Zeno was pretty sure her father must have heard it from across the hall.

Saeko clamped on his dragon, refusing to let it go. In return the Dragon used it's breath attack. Eventually Zeno pulled out of her.(AN: LOL)

Zeno gazed into Saeko's eyes and saw nothing but love, her eyes were slowly closing due to exhaustion.

Zeno gave her a chaste kiss. "Goodnight Saeko."

The moment she slept, Zeno's seed invaded her body. Wrapping her in a cocoon of biomass to start infecting her with Goldlight.

After making sure Saeko was doing alright in the cocoon, Zeno turned towards the door and a tentacle of biomass opened it wide.

Behind the door was Saya who was furiously masturbating while taking big whiffs of breaths.

Zeno was dumbfounded before he realized something, Saya was showing symptoms of being drugged by an aphrodisiac.

He took a sniff himself before he realized it was his own pheromones that made this mess. His eyebrows twitched and he quickly dispersed it while flushing it out of Saya's system.

"So my dear sister. Did you enjoy the show?" asked Zeno as her mind got clear.

Saya blushed but she didn't run away, her talk with her mother made her realize things she ignored before and she was still horny after watching Zeno devour Saeko.

"I want it nii-san! Give it to me!" Saya crawled on fours and got close to Zeno who was seated at the edge of the bed.

He made a backrest pillow with his biomass so he could enjoy the sight of half naked Saya crawling better.

"Hmm, I could... But why should I bother with some tsundere? You know I don't like tsunderes." Zeno curled his lips in amusement.

Saya stilled for a second. She really wanted to yell she wasn't a tsundere but even she didn't believe that at this point.

"Please nii-san, I won't yell at you again..." Saya took a whiff from Zeno's dragon. She was just waiting for Zeno's approval at this point.

"I would have liked to make you beg a bit more but I am still unsatisfied from before. Go ahead." Zeno nodded and laid back.

Saya gave a hesitant lick, then her eyes widened in shock because unlike what she expected Zeno tasted like her favorite dessert.

She didn't know Zeno could change the flavor to whatever he wants, he naturally made it her favorite to encourage her.

Saya got even more enthusiastic as she took Zeno's dragon in her mouth with her eyes trained on Zeno's face while one of her hands went back to her pussy.

Zeno wanted to create a tentacle to invade her in the meantime but decided that he wasn't that depraved yet.

She was horrible in Zeno's opinion but he knew she never done something like this he didn't mind since her teeth couldn't harm him.

She must have realized it because she stopped before she enveloped the dragon between her breasts, started going up and down while licking the head poking out.

Deciding that he had enough, Zeno grabbed her head and pushed it down making her swallow.

The rest spilled over her mout painting her breasts white. Saya was disheartened to see all his spunk covering her instead of going down her throat.

While Saya was licking the precious seed off her breasts Zeno got up. He got behind Saya while she put her upper body on the bed, sticking her butt towards Zeno.

Zeno gave an appreciative slap, making Saya moan, before he lined up his dragon to her entrance and entered her well lubed cave.

"Mhmmm!" Saya moaned, feeling herself get filled up.

She didn't even wait for Zeno to start moving before she moved her ass left and right showing she wants more.

"This horny tsundere." Zeno gave her another slap before he started to move, quickly picking up speed.

"Harder nii-san! Slap my ass!" Saya screamed in between her moans.

At this point Zeno was suspecting it wasn't just his smell that got her like this.

Giving her another slap Zeno grabbed her waist for better grip and increased pace to inhuman speeds.

Saya's eyes rolled back as waves of pleasure hit her, she felt like she was a small boat in the middle of a storm barely able to stay afloat.

The last piece of her sanity crumbled as Zeno adjusted his size to be able to hit her womb.

"YESSS! Fuck your slutty sister nii-san! Make me pregnant!" Saya screamed.

Zeno emptied everything in her with a grunt eliciting another loud moan from her before she slumped on the bed completely passed out.

Soon Saya too was wrapped in a cocoon of biomass, Zeno placed her next to Saeko.

"They get tired too easily." Zeno sighed, hoping Goldlight would help them with their stamina.

"They're just human while you are a mighty dragon. What did you expect?" Yuriko retorted from the entrance of the room.

"Enjoying the show?" Zeno asked in amusement seeing her flushed face.

"Don't expect me to get on my knees like my daughter. We got reports saying they got everyone they could in the bunkers." Yuriko turned around and began to leave the room. "It's high time you should tell us what's the next part of your plan."

"I'll leave that to my doubles. I am not leaving my girls." Zeno waved her off.

"What about my husband?" Yuriko asked.

"Meh, he will turn to ice with the rest of his kind." Zeno shrugged.

Yuriko nodded with a small smile of gratitude.