
Synergy: My System is Possessed

Dan's life has been on autopilot since a traumatic event, until he reunites with his old friend Melisa, who seems to have undergone a drastic transformation in a short time. However, Melisa is hiding a heavy secret that could change the world forever. Suddenly, Dan gains magical powers of a warrior, but he soon realizes that he is being haunted by the person who possessed those powers before him. As he struggles to make sense of it all, he finds himself trapped in a power struggle that could put his family and loved ones in danger. Dan's grip on reality begins to slip as his powers change him in ways he never imagined. But he is not alone in his fight. With the help of his companions, Dan must defeat god-like beings who are conducting simulations using different worlds, including their own. The truth behind these beings and their simulations is bigger than anything Dan could have ever imagined. As he slowly embraces his powers, he must also save himself and his family from the unknown dangers lurking around every corner. Join Dan on his journey as he fights to protect his world and loved ones against all odds. Will he be able to defeat the god-like beings and uncover the truth behind their simulations? p.s: mc will start out weak and timid. It will take him some time to change for the better. Also, he will not have issues with killing people, but he won't go out of his way to do that. A.N: This is my first story on this site. Please help me get better by leaving suggestions. Extra tags: #smartmc #averagelookingmc #weaktostrong

Karthik_Kumar_5864 · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Imminent Threat

Melisa's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and disbelief as she uttered, "This... this shouldn't be happening. Celeste never said anything about this."

The full weight of the unfolding chaos in the world had finally dawned upon her. As Brad and the others informed her of the dire situation outside, Melisa came to understand the true extent of the crisis. Since she entered the contract, her training had focused on fighting the otherworldly monsters, not her fellow humans. She believed that by stopping their advance, she would restore normalcy to the world. But now, everything had spiraled out of control, surpassing her wildest expectations and becoming a catastrophic event of unprecedented proportions.

Fiona pressed for answers, a mix of curiosity and concern in her voice. "You promised to explain everything, so what the hell is going on?"

Melisa drew in a deep breath, steeling herself for the weight of her words.

"Around two and a half years ago, I made a contract to eliminate this monster threat." she began, her voice tinged with a sense of responsibility. She paused, taking a moment to gauge the reactions of those around her, only to be met with blank expressions. "In exchange, I received these powers..."

A sudden interruption came from one of the victims, her voice filled with anguish and accusation. "Wait a minute! You knew about all of this? Why didn't you do anything to stop it!?"

The anger in her voice resonated with the others, causing tension to mount. Melisa locked eyes with the girl, feeling the weight of her words. In a tone laced with guilt and empathy, she replied, "I had no idea it would escalate to this extent. This was never supposed to happen..."

"But you let it happen!" The girl refused to listen.

Melisa's voice trembled with remorse as she witnessed the girl's anguish. "I am truly sorry... I..." Her words faltered, unable to find the right way to offer solace in such a dire situation. The girl's intense gaze bore into her, reflecting a turbulent mix of anger, confusion, and pain. Overwhelmed, she turned away, her friends following her inside the dormitory.

Brad, sensing Melisa's conflicting emotions and the desire to reach out, spoke up. "Is that why you left the school?" he asked, trying to understand the situation.

Melisa let out a weary sigh as she saw the girls walk inside and turned towards Brad. "Yeah, I wasn't allowed to tell anyone," she said. Her gaze shifted toward Dan, who stood apart from the group, lost in his thoughts. "But maybe I should've."

Amber chimed in, her curiosity piqued. "So, your powers must be really something. Those assholes weren't even able to touch you."

Melisa explained. "As long as I have my active armor, I can't be injured but..." She trailed off, her confusion evident. "For some reason, I can't maintain it for too long. It's never happened before; it's like something is limiting me."

Ray pointed to the lifeless body on the ground, momentarily forgotten until now. The group's attention swiftly turned to it. "What about that... thing? It seemed pretty damn strong."

A collective unease settled over them, causing them to instinctively keep their distance. Melisa crouched down, closely examining the creature, trying to make sense of it all. "I don't get it," she muttered, her frustration seeping into her words. "They look like the same species, but their armor is different. And the way they fought... it's like nothing I've ever seen."

Brad leaned closer, his voice tinged with urgency. "So, where do these things come from?"

She sighed again, weariness lacing her voice. "They're from a different world, where their only purpose is to wage wars and take control."

Ray's hand rubbed his forehead as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. "We are really being invaded by fantasy aliens..."

"But shouldn't they be using magic like you?" Fiona asked in confusion as she recalled the weapon the alien was using. "Why was it using...a gun?"

"I don't know..." Melisa shook her head as her eyes scanned the area, searching for answers until it landed on Dan, who held the weapon.

They hadn't even noticed that he had taken the weapon from the body and was now holding it as if it belonged to him. Melisa looked at him, completely lost as guilt swirled within her. The sight of him lost and vulnerable reminded her of how she had abruptly left him without a word. His family had always treated her like their own, yet during the turmoil surrounding Dan's father's case, she abandoned him when he needed her the most. And now, with the loss of his mother, his worry for his only remaining family - his sister - was palpable.

Melisa couldn't change the fact that the world around them was descending into chaos, putting those girls at risk. But she had made up her mind: she would do everything within her power to protect Audrey. Taking a deep breath, she found resolve in her decision.

Even though Dan had returned to the real world, his mind was still completely consumed by the vision he had witnessed. No matter how many arguments he could come up with, the fact remained; foresight had shown him being killed by Melisa. He just couldn't wrap his head around why that would happen at all.

The stranger interjected, breaking the silence and interrupting Dan's thoughts. 'Remember what the system said,' he said. 'Your role is to die, so it's not that strange for her to be the one to do it.'

Dan stayed quiet, prompting the stranger to continue. 'According to her own words, she should be able to maintain limit break indefinitely.' The stranger started listing off all the evidence. 'She also knows a lot about her handler and her role.' Dan knew exactly what the stranger was going to say next. 'She's the savior.'

Dan had brushed off that idea before, dismissing it as too much of a coincidence. But now, it was all becoming painfully clear. As he reflected on the past few weeks' events, confusion and doubt began to weave their insidious web in his mind.

Had he ever been in control, or were all his actions predetermined?

Was he destined to become nothing more than a mere footnote in someone else's role, created by some "higher" beings?

When he had decided to take control of his own life, he believed that his choices were his own. But now, all of it was being threatened, and he felt an urgent need to do something, anything. He refused to let some system have the satisfaction of seeing its plans unfold. He was determined to take charge and assert his control.

'You have their weapon and it seems to be effective', the stranger's voice added to Dan's thoughts, 'she is vulnerable right now.'

Dan tightened his grip on the weapon, his fingers wrapped firmly around it as he raised it slowly, the stranger's words echoing in his mind. 'I will try to use it.'

His gaze locked onto Melisa as she closed the distance between them. She wouldn't expect him to attack, so his chances of missing were minimal. He prepared to aim. As she reached out, her hands moving towards his arm that held the gun, he assumed she was trying to stop him, to protect herself. He braced himself to activate time dilation and use force if necessary. But then, something completely unexpected happened.

"I'm sorry for abandoning you," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. "But I promise I won't let anything happen to Audrey." Her eyes met his with genuine empathy and understanding. Though she knew she couldn't prevent the unfolding chaos, she hoped he would still trust her, just as he had years ago.

Dan gradually absorbed her words, snapping out of his trance-like state. He felt the authenticity in her emotions and realized that she was still the same person he had known, someone who had supported him countless times. The one who had accepted him despite his awkwardness and had never failed to uplift his spirits.

Relaxing his grip on the weapon, he let it lower slightly. "Thanks for saying that," he managed to utter, a faint smile forming on his lips which she returned.

'You are making a mistake again.' the stranger warned, his voice resonating in Dan's mind.

"Maybe so, but I won't let some predetermined path control my choices," Dan replied firmly. "Besides, foresight hasn't always been accurate." he reminded the stranger, referring to his first vision of being stabbed that never came true.

'What if this time it turns out to be true?' the stranger questioned.

Dan paused, lost in thought for a moment, before responding with determination. "If it comes down to it...I will always choose myself and my family."

The stranger fell silent, acknowledging Dan's resolute stance. After a brief pause, Dan felt the sensation of full control returning to his body.

Ray immediately interjected as Dan and Melisa's conversation concluded, voicing the burning question on everyone's mind.

"Hold on a second! How the hell did you do that?" he exclaimed, his curiosity demanding an answer. "Was that teleportation?"

Dan paused for a moment, weighing his options carefully. "Yeah, it was teleportation," he admitted, deciding it was best to keep his true powers hidden for now.

"That's insane." Amber chimed in, her voice laced with a mix of disbelief and fascination. "Wait...does it mean you can go anywhere in the world?"

The hope in everyone's eyes fixated on Dan, silently pleading for a positive response. The possibility of escaping their nightmarish predicament with such a power hung in the air.

Dan felt a pang of discomfort, realizing he was caught in his lie, but he quickly improvised. "Well, not exactly. I need to have a clear line of sight to where I want to go," he explained, hoping his response would suffice, at least for the time being.

"Oh..." Ray's voice carried the disappointment that echoed through the group. However, his attention soon shifted to the weapon that Dan was holding. "Why did you take the weapon? Can we use it?"

"Uh... I'm not sure," Dan replied, displaying the weapon to the others. "You can give it a try."

He held out the weapon, but no one seemed to be brave enough to take up on his offer - until Brad came forward.

"Let me give it a shot," Brad volunteered, taking the gun from Dan's hands. However, as soon as Brad gripped it, something unexpected happened. The gun rapidly transformed, reverting to its original form. All its changes were gone, including the trigger that was created when Dan held it.

"Hmm? Why did it change?" Brad examined the gun closely, puzzled by the absence of a trigger. "How are you supposed to fire this thing?"

Intrigued by the anomaly, Melisa took the gun from Brad as she had experience with weapons the enemies used. However, as soon as her fingers touched it, the same capillaries began to dig into her skin, causing a sharp, escalating pain.

"Ah!" Melisa exclaimed, involuntarily dropping the weapon.

"They can't see the interface?" Dan asked the stranger.

'Only person here is her, but yeah,' the stranger replied, referring to Melisa. 'She never mentioned the term or the concept of a handler. She probably only believes what she's been told.' The stranger's observation resonated with Dan, and he couldn't help but agree.

Dan picked it up and said, as it took on its new form. "Maybe it's only compatible with the first person who uses it?"

Melisa was about to chime in when Amber's voice cut through the air. "Where did those assholes go?!"

Everyone glanced around, realizing that the attackers had vanished, except one who remained frozen in fear.

"Now what? Should we go after them?" Amber asked, her frustration evident.

"No, we need to focus on helping the injured first," Melisa replied, immediately turning her attention to her brother. She checked him for any injuries, finding none.

"I keep telling you, I'm fine," he reassured her, attempting to ease her concerns.

Melisa mustered a weak smile and gently placed her hand on his head. But her mind was preoccupied with a pressing question. She spoke to him gently, "How did you end up here? Weren't you supposed to be with Dad?"

He furrowed his brows, as if deep in thought, before responding, "Some people came to our house, and Dad told me to run away." He paused, trying to recall the details. "I ran outside, but I don't remember how I ended up here." His eyes briefly glanced toward the remains of the attacker before quickly averting his gaze. "That man said he could bring me to you, so I followed him, but..."

"It's alright now," Melisa reassured him, her voice filled with tenderness. She knelt, wrapping her arms around him in a tight, comforting hug.

His last words caught Dan's attention. "The guy who was holding him hostage didn't have any teleportation ability." He voiced the thoughts in his mind. "So someone else was involved, but then why not use it in the fight?"

He paused for a moment as he considered the implications. "They knew about her family but not her powers? What was their goal?"

'There might not have been any plan at all,' the stranger suggested. 'They could have been acting on subconscious instructions from the system, fulfilling their roles as it said.'

"To be an obstacle..." Dan concluded, his gaze fixed on Melisa, "For her."

'He may have more useful information.' The stranger said as he turned his head towards the remaining member.

As Dan confidently approached the remaining person, everyone watched with curiosity. Melisa couldn't shake off the ominous feeling, sensing that Dan had something in mind for the guy.

"Get up," Dan demanded, his voice laced with a threatening tone when the man hesitated to comply.

"Dan, what are you doing?" Melisa asked, ready to step in if necessary.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill him," Dan reassured her, before instructing the stranger to take control.

'It should be easier from now.' the stranger's words resonated with Dan, and he felt his hand being placed on the man's head. The interface appeared before him, and the information became clear after a moment.

Strength: 72(+22)

Reflexes: 15(+22)

Defense: 24(+22)

Energy: 5(+22)

Recovery: 12(+22)

In effect: Dispersion_@!\

"Hmm, So the stats are different?" Dan mused as he compared them to what he had previously seen.

'There is at least one less of them now,' the stranger chimed in, 'and the skill is the same. Maybe something happened after you killed the first guy.'

"If whoever helped them can 'disperse' his powers," Dan speculated, "maybe he can 'concentrate' them too."

'The more of them we eliminate,' the stranger agreed, 'the stronger the remaining ones become as the powers get redistributed among them.'

"So it's best not to kill them outright, but keep them alive until we find the one with the power," Dan concluded, releasing the guy and feeling the stranger's influence fade away.

As Dan turned to face the group, he noticed their curious gazes, waiting for an explanation.

"Did you read his mind?" Fiona asked skeptically, her wariness of Dan growing evident. "Is that one of your abilities?"

Dan sighed, considering how much to reveal. "Not exactly. I can understand others' powers, but it doesn't always work."

Melisa's interest was immediately piqued. "Really? I've never heard of anything like that before."

"It's rare, I guess" Dan replied, trying to downplay it. "And it doesn't work on everyone. It seems to be random."

Brad chimed in, pointing to the alien's lifeless body. "Can you read that... thing too?"

Dan shook his head. "I tried, but I got nothing."

Ray interjected, raising a valid concern. "Do we just leave the body like that? Won't it attract attention?"

Melisa's urgency became evident as she responded, remembering her training. "We need to move away quickly. These attackers are usually part of a larger group. We can't afford to stay here."

As they quickly made their way inside the building, Dan tightly gripped the weapon, finding comfort and a sense of reassurance in its presence. The group needed to come up with a plan to ensure the safety of the injured individuals and navigate through the chaotic situation they found themselves in. Dan was well aware that the upcoming battles would push his powers to their limits, but as he glanced at the weapon in his hand, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of security. It seemed to symbolize his ability to overcome the challenges that lay ahead, and he embraced that feeling, ready to face whatever obstacles came his way.

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