

Although he tried to introduce himself I'm multiple languages they only looked at him weirdly and stared out the window. The strangers remained silent.

For 10 minutes he tried to spark a conversation with them. At one point, he even started to speak loudly and very slowly as if he were a clueless tourist.

Then instead of the awkward silence that rang through the car, there was a light tapping on the window by one of the hooded strangers.

This evident body language showed that they were bored. This led to Syn jumping to conclusions like, "how could they be bored if they don't understand me?"

No, Syn knew that they knew what he had been saying. Not only did they understand, they just didn't want to respond and became bored with the whole ordeal.

Syn became frustrated and said, "You know the point of hitching a ride is for the driver to help you to get where you need to go. Not only that but you all are extremely rude not responding to me at all. How can you get into a car with someone and remain quiet? I am Syn Rya and I would appreciate it if one of you gave me at least some directions. Not to nag but if this continues we will end up in the canyons. Which if I'm being honest I would rather not enter."

"As a matter of fact, I refuse to drive any further until someone starts talking" stated Syn Rya who abruptly pulled the car over to the side of the road.

Sighing the tapping stranger sat up. After staring at Syn for a moment they resumed tapping but by that time Syn had gotten a proper glimpse of him. It was as if he was staring back at himself. Only This stranger has a strong determination in his eyes and was considerably younger than he currently was.

"Hey, do I know you? I mean you look scarily familiar. Like my same face familiar. What's your parent's name?" Syn questioned.

"Uh, no. But I do know you. Quite frankly we're running out of time. I should have known you wouldn't go quietly. Why do you drive so slowly? We've been leading you to the canyons this whole time and were still nowhere near our destination. I'm starting to think this is a mistake. Are you mad man?" The stranger says.

"Well of course I'm not but you know what? I got you to talk, and boy did you ever. Is this what you've wanted to say this whole ride? Oh, and I still don't know your name or your friends over there. So how about we start with you? And I'll have you know I will drive exactly how I wish. "

"Ugh, you know what this is a waste of time arguing with you. I'm Sen Rya."

If he had been drinking Syn definitely would have choked. "What did you say?"

"Do you know how long I have waited to give you these powers? A year. It's been a year in this world. Oh and this is Elizza Farmer. She came up with the idea to give you these powers and at this moment I don't like the suggestion very much." Sen side-eyed Elizza.

"Good for nothing doppelganger wishing to know things beyond his mental capacity only using 10% of his brainpower." He scoffed. "No wonder, he loses his wife. One would think that after their mother's dying wish was for you to protect her you would have some redeeming characteristics and seriously protect her but no." He mumbles.

"Heh, Aren't you quite the talker? But really how do you have my name. Plus you look exactly like the younger me. Also since I'm older than you technically you're my doppelganger. You're not that bright are you kid?" Syn was never the time to back down from an argument.

"Also do not look out the window innocently what's your name what was he mumbling back there." He directed the conversation towards Elizza.

So she says with her voice a mix of gentle but authoritative saying, " Well if I'm being honest sir you're misunderstanding this situation. Yes, Sen is incredibly disagreeable, and stubborn, with an incredible knack for bad first impressions but we aren't here for joking around. Like they say on my planet if a luck bush is rotting you don't burn the whole bush you just remove the bad. This is bout timing we are the future."

Hi! To everyone who has read to this point, I hope you have enjoyed it so far. If you would like to give any feedback I'd be happy if you did.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DecayLegendcreators' thoughts