
Symphony of Ice

In the perilous kingdom of Szépsés, the heartbroken siblings, Angel and Jack have one wish, survive. Follow Angel and Jack through heartbreak, trauma, and war as they discover their true calling. As their stories intertwine with those around them, they will grow, they will fight, but most importantly they will survive.

jpkfictionwriting · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: The Demon Within

In the country of Szépség, one of the twelve countries of the world, the town of Eldama existed. Eldama dotted the landscape with green and blue clay rooftops, which symbolized the only resources that Eldama had to offer, Jade and clay. Eldama located near a ravine had a wealth of clay at their disposal, making use of the clay the citizens would make the clay one of their main materials in the day to day life. Houses, pots, pans, and even more. Not to mention what any young girl would want for her birthday, toys.

Jack is dressed in a short-sleeved, grey tunic with little wear, and some brown cloth shorts, connecting the two a small lengthened rope that acts as a belt. Unlike most boys in this town, Jack had brand new brown boots that his parents bought for him last month, on his 14th birthday. Jack's parents gifted him an allowance to buy his sister a nice present for her 11th birthday. However, when looking in the market for a gift for her he saw a new action figure that he wanted to add to his collection. Based on the price tag he could buy both his new action figure and a doll that was off to the side. While the doll was crudely made it would still make Angel pretty happy. However, drifting into thought Jack noticed a pie on the table. His friends and him were talking the other day about pulling some pranks on the surfs. A pie would be perfect, after all, who likes getting pied in the face? The pie was a bit cheaper then the action figure which left him with the possibility of buying a better gift for Angel, or buy himself some candy. Lost in thought Jack is tapped on the shoulder. The young man who was a little short for his age, a little chubby, and a little dumb was Michael. Michael is Jack's closest friend to this point.

"Jack let's go, I wanna get to the park before sunset so hurry up doofus." Michael says.

"Ok ok"

Leaving the store Jack looks back, wondering if he made the right choice as the pie and candy sit on the shelves begging the next passerby.


Angel's Point of View

 "Mom why do I need to train today? It's my birthday!" Angel asks in a whiney tone.

"The world does not stop for birthday girls, neither do your responsibilities. Remember that well Angel." A booming voice can be heard.

The thirty-four-year-old mother wore a jean jacket that cut off at the hips, with a tanktop undershirt being a hair shorter, and a leather belt holding up black jeans. Her short black hair was restrained by a hairband with her initials marked on it, RT, Rebecca Thuringia. Annoyed by her mother's insistence on making her practice today, she coughed up an attitude. "Yea, my responsibility is to relax and not do this stupid practice!"

"Angel do not speak that way to your mother. Again from the basics, we control the water in the air all around us, and move it closer together." Rebecca responds."Yea yeah, and later on I can make it into ice using gravity and the weight of ice to defeat my opponents. Just like this." Saying that Angel begins forming a water ball above Rebecca's head dropping, letting gravity do the rest.


"TODAY IS FUN AND GAMES ITS MY BIRTHDAY!" Angel yells while stomping her way back into the house.

 A bearely man begins walking up to Rebecca holding a rolled-up piece of paper. On his ring finger he has a silver ring with a small jade ontop. Wearing a blue cloth jacket on top of a white cloth shirt, with cargo shorts. Rebecca looks up taking note of the man, decicing to start the conversation before he got here.

"Jocko, go discipline your daughter just spilled water all over me!" Rebecca angrily says, while she is pulling the water out of her clothes forming a ball above her hand with her own vapor magic.

"Sorry honey, but no time. Guildmaster Brandon just gave me an emergency quest. We're one of the only ones that can handle it.""I told Brandon we were taking the day off because of Angel's birthday," Rebecca scoffs."Yeaaaaa, you see I told him we could handle it since the only other person in town as Azrael is burying his late wife today. I think we could cut the man a break just this once." Jocko says in a feathery tone."Uh-huh. Whatever. Let's head out and you can tell me about Jack's training."As they begin to walk towards the outskirts of town, Jocko fills Rebecca in about Jack's training. "Well, he is pretty talented in Ice Elemental Magic if I'm being honest. He's able to enhance his entire body so far, hasn't had any issue with the cold yet, and has been able to summon a rigid ball of ice on his palm so far. Honestly, in about five years that boy will probably surpass me.""Well, he does have you as a master and as a father.""Oh please, we both know his talent comes from somewhere else.""Where is he now anyways?""I gave him some money to head to the market to pick out a present for Angel today. Him and Michael are going to play for a bit at the park and be home before dark. If he stays out late today, of all days, he will be getting the whooping of a life time i swear.""He'll be back, he cares about his sister too much to let his stupidity get the better of him….probably.""That probably didn't sound to convincing," Jocko responds in a laughing manner."Let's wait and see," Rebecca states, ending the conversation.

Jack's Point of View

Jack and Michael are sitting in the park when some of their other friends walk up to them. "Hey guys, we are setting up some teams for football, you two interested?" The kid known as Tommy asks.

"Hmm, what are the teams looking like so far?" Jack responds.

"Well, it is me, you two, and the other Michael against the west side kids. So you down to play or no?" Tommy impatiently says.

"Sure why not."


"Ready Set Hut," Tommy says.

The ball flies to Michael, my best friend, he paces backward trying to look for an opening to toss the ball. I am sprinting as fast as I can pushing one of the west side kids out of my way. Breaking through I am looking back towards Michael. Our eyes meet. At that moment I knew he was looking at me. I have to create a larger opening. Using my adrenaline-filled muscles I quicken my sprint gaining some ground from the kids chasing me. That's when the ball begins to spiral through the air. He overshot. The ball is going to land above my head, taking a quick breath I launch myself in the air grabbing the ball in my hands. As I head towards the ground, I land in a forward roll, ensuring that I can keep my earlier momentum. As the tips of my toes gain traction on the ground, I leap into a sprint. The Westside kids are catching up to me. I Keep running, running like my life. One of the bigger kids closed the gap and launched themselves towards me, slamming my back with their weight. I did not falter, I shrugged off the tackle, breaking loose from their grip, and kept running. Then I made it. TOUCH DOWN!

My team comes up around me and begins to give me some high-fives, after all that did win us the game! Man, I can certainly get used to this attention. However, through the circle surrounding me, I watch the other team walk on over to us, not going to lie they look pretty pissed off.

One of the boys began to speak, "You didn't win. Jack is a cheater. He used physical enhancement magic. No other way for him to brush Tony off like that! We want a rematch!"

"Like hell, I cheated, What do you take me for? A Loser like you?" I responded annoyed as hell."Ah yes, the cheater instantly switching to insults and getting offended when he is called out.""The fuck do you mean! I did not cheat. You got proof or are you just a sore loser?""The only proof we need is that you're a wizard and you shrugged off Tony like nothing. Only a wizard using magic can do that!""Oh so you think because I took the time to learn magic, that I am a cheater? News flash kiddo, its called having muscles. Oh wait I am sorry I shouldn't be mean, you're just a kid who hasn't gone through puberty yet!""You used magic! Cheater! Cheater! Cheater!"The rest of the Westside boys began to chant this ridiculous claim."Would you shut up? We won fair and square!" I gave a grating response.

The ring leader, came up closer to my face, chanting this stupid slogan while spitting. This fucker really thought getting closer and spitting in my face would be a good idea. I through a right hook knocking the kid on the ground from shock. Leaping down on top of him I began to pummel his face, while he put his hands over his face. I didn't even notice Michael and Tomy grab underneath my underarms and yank me off the kid until after I was standing on my own two feet again.

"Jack, calm down they're just sore losers. Let's just go to our spot and relax." Michael states.

 "Fuck know that kid knows what's coming to him. I'll show him I can pummel his ass without any magic." I began channeling my magic trying to rip out of Michael and Tommy's hold. While I am struggling the kid hurriedly gets back on his feet and bolt, while screaming for his dad. I decided it's probably best to get going before that kid's dad comes here swinging. I relent to Michael and tell him lets go to the spot. Heading out my mind keeps going in circles on beating that kid more and more. He deserved it after all? How dare he accuse me of cheating? I played fair and square but I am a cheater just because my parents forced me to learn magic. LIke seriously! Do they know how hard it is to learn magic? It is not easy and its not something I am going to abuse for a simple game of football. Magic is meant to protect those who can't protect themselves. My dad always told me, "With great power comes great responsibility" which is a bit cliche but it means a lot to me. How dare this kid accuse me of using my magic on this? It is such a childish thing to do. For fucks sake, I didn't even notice we are at our spot. A nice little getaway, as the interaction for several nearby alleys opens up a cool little rectangular location with the overhanging roofs from the nearby buildings giving us some shade. We have a few sacks of wheat hanging over here since the bakery uses this spot for storage. Perfect spot to just lay on the soft sacks and chill.

Deciding to lay down and relax on the bags of wheat, I close my eyes and let myself just take in the darkness and quietness. Well, that was until someone started leaning over my face, of course, it's my best mate Michael.

"Jack you got to get your anger under control. Me, Michael, and Tommy almost got dragged into this charade. I know we're young but when you're older getting into fights can end badly. People dying at the tavern is pretty common just because someone decided to pick a fight when drunk. Really makes me worry dude."

Interjecting Tommy makes a comment, "Hey I mean survival of the fittest if you ask me. I wouldn't worry too much." In response, the other Michael states, "Jack is pretty talented in magic compared to all of us to be honest. He can probably hold his own as long as he doesn't bite off more than he can chew."

My best friend decided to add some two sense, "Just because he's talented doesn't mean he won't make a mistake. Getting an ego is like dumb as fuck because that's when you start to bite off more than you can chew."

Deciding that this conversation about me was getting tiresome I began to speak up, "I mean if you ask m-" Just at that moment, a seething pain shot through my right arm. Shooting up to my feet screaming, I take hold of my left hand with my right hand. Staring at my hand, the lines of my palm began taking on a darker color, and little red dots started to form on the tip of my fingers. The pain just kept getting worse feeling like someone took a knife, stabbed me, and then playing a twisted game, they began twisting the knife. I looked up my voice becoming strained as I continued to scream, seeing Michael with a look of worry. He was frozen. Why is he frozen now of all times? Call a doctor I am dying! Please just get me some help! I saw Michael's mouth moving, and the shadows around me began to shift around. Maybe they are fucking finally running to get some--- THUNK.