
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Kỳ huyễn
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64 Chs


A few weeks before...

Alexa walked through the web like portal and Carna also appeared besides her then they saw it... the Multiversal wide web.

It was a spider web like pattern on a flat podium made with real and powerful connective spider silk.

It had thirty-three different box like spaces within it with the rough half to the right showing the multiverses of light Drana and those to the left showing those of dark Drana and only one in between and on neither side.

It was sort of a map of the entire multiverse matrix, with the spider silk connecting them all, serving as the portals which connected every place that Portia and the others had the ability to teleport to.

They only discovered it shortly after Carna was born since it was located in the centre of her library, the webs between and within the spaces was also known as the Space between spaces.

Alexa looked at it then asked,"So where do we begin searching?"

"Right here."Carna said and left.

Alexa knew she meant the library itself, so got to work.

Several books floated around Carna with ghostly white currents of light flowing from them into her hands as she gained all the eternal knowledge stored within them.

Alexa webbed a book and opened it, but found no glossary which was frustrating, but not as frustrating as the fact that the book never ended, no matter how much she flipped it.

She groaned, looked at the never ending rows of book shelves and said,"We're never going to..."

"...found it."Carna said.

"Oh, I knew we would."

"Of course you did...the prophecy of the Omni crystal states that the wielder is a girl and is in the nine millionth and seventy sixth reality of the three billionth universe on the sky scraper of the matter universe below yours in a forested sector of the planet Mülɔŋ."

(jfytn [just for you to know...] the letter ü is pronounced like a dragged u (can't say double u), the letter ɔ is mentioned like a shortened o and the letter ŋ is mentioned like an n without your tongue touching the roof of your mouth, therefore, the word Mülɔŋ is mentioned Meuuloonn, thanks for your time😁)

"That's a dark forest of dark ice, isn't it?"Alexa asked.

Carna nodded, they really had their work cut out for them.

A spider web crack like portal appeared in the middle of a blizzard then Alexa and Corma walked through, Alexa was the only one immune to the dark effects of the dark ice including freezing over all light Drana, so all she needed was to grow fur all over, while Carna needed to protect herself with a cold spell and a Drana protection spell.

Alexa could barely move through the thigh deep snow till Carna cast a spell which caused all of it to separate before them in a path.

A lilanyst chrone(a kind of plant like organism) slowly swayed in the wind as two people walked by.

The path was covered in several moving and immobile creatures which either tried to find snow for shelter, or simply stood their ground as Carna and Alexa passed by.

They followed the map to a large glacier then looked at each other.

Alexa touched it with her hand and a spider web formed on it and a sizzling sound was heard as the web pressurised it, causing regelation.

Suddenly, the sections of the web below pulled off the ice's surface, making a door like hole, then they walked in.

Carna wrote something on her notebook in the dim light, then tore the page off and tapped the inscriptions, one making it to float and the other making it to produce a bright white light.

The two walked through the cave made of minerals nowhere found on earth, till they got to a T like fork in the path.

"Well..."Alexa said,"...which way do we go?"

Carna looked at her and said,"Both."


"The map states that a pair of people are supposed to complete the quest, you and I, whosoever hid the wielder of the Omni crystal must have known we shall venture the search for her and only wished for the two of us to find her, we needn't stay together, but to split up."

"To find what? What are we even looking for?"Alexa asked.

"This."Carna said.

The glowing 3d image floated before Alexa's eyes then she took a breath of cold air, then said,"Let's do it."

Alexa walked through the pitch black, frigid and dripping cavern, seeing every detail due to her night vision and other arachnid like senses.

She broke down a stone wall then blew away the dust cloud before her in one breath, which was immediately taken away.

She had only seen one place like this before, the Mendenhall glaciers in Alaska.

All the walls of the icy cavern were of a clear turquoise colour with the source of light being a glowing white orb in the centre of the icy ceiling, since the planet had no star.

Alexa was slowly walking through while looking at the ice walls, they almost seemed...alive.

She saw something in the middle of the room, it was a trident like spear made of ice, with intricate carvings and reliefs made on it in translucent shades of pinks and purples.

She barely touched it when she heard a crack and it fell then she caught it and tried fixing it, but it didn't work, till she heard the crack spreading, across the floors to the walls.

She gulped till she realized the cracks were forming in specific shapes, then she swiped the trident and knocked an arrow to a wall and heard a squeal as the place the arrow hit, fell down...dead.

She looked back as a multiple headed, centipede like creature pounced on her and attacked her.

She stuffed the shaft of the trident in one of its mouths to prevent it from biting her and caught one of the other heads and twisted it over the last, then pulled them onto the dents of the staff, piercing through them and water splashed all over her face.

She gagged, never had she been so disgusted by the presence of water in her life.

She stood up and pulled the trident out of the two skewered heads then spun it between her fingers with a confident smile, she didn't remember the last time she had engaged in weapon combat.

She heard a grunt and looked back to see a ten foot tall frost giant which had the body of a buffalo, the arms of a buff human man, the legs of a grasshopper and an angler like head.

It roared in her face, sprinkling water all-over and her wild guess was that it was saliva.

It rammed its head into the floor, taking a big chunk of it with its razor sharp teeth then she did a leg sweep on its relatively delicate legs and as it fell and was trying to regain its balance, she thrusted her hand in its chest and felt a slushie like form of water and gagged again touching its heart.

She pulled her arm out as a clear slime dripped off in thick globules, then she looked towards the end of the cave and saw a multicoloured object embedded in the ice.

She began walking towards it then stopped dead in her tracks and looked back to see the army of cryo creatures behind her.

She turned back towards the key then saw more, then sighed and used a web to pull back the trident, she wasn't going down without a fight, then her gem began to glow...