

Torn between the past and the present, Sybil doesn't know what the future holds for her. She is faced with difficulties as her past comes back to hunt her. Her destiny becomes intertwined with a dark Garnet prince, Azriel who will subject the world to captivity and misery. Unexpected events occur for Sybil who is left to choose between Love and fulfilling her destiny. But is left shattered by the ones she trusted. Azriel on the other hand is a strong and domenering being who will stop at nothing in acquiring what he desires.....even if it means destroying what is dear to him. He is a nightmare dressed like a daydream to Sybil.

Black_Miee · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Not Surprised

'Honk!!!' Diana's car drove into the parking lot. Sybil was somewhat ehxcited to see her but was ecstatic about riding in Diana's newest car. Recently, she bought a brand new grey Tesla leaving her to drive her 'shabby' 2019 Nissan Altima. Diana is a rich kid who loved spending money that Sybil didnt know where it was coming from. She had assumed Diana was from a rich household but she was an orphan... like herself.

Somehow Diana managed to secure a job for her at the Golden Globe editing company and she would be forever grateful for that. She had probably used her influence to secure the job but Diana said otherwise.

She got down from the car looking smoking hot. 'Did she have a hairdo?' Sybil wonderd.

Diana was wearing a grey sweatpants with white tank top and a white Nike air force sneakers. It was as if her long legs were made for those pants. Her look was to die for. She has never been the type to dress to appease others....unlike her. She dressed according to her mood and the weather season.

"What's with the pink hair Big D?" Sybil asked as she was engulfed in Diana's hug. She wasn't a hugger but Diana was and there's no way you could say no to Diana. No one could resist her charms.

They stood there embraced in each others hug for a while. When they pulled away Sybil looked at Diana from head to toe and seemed to appreciate her new look. Her hair was pink. Her extremely long hair was now at shoulder length and it was beautiful. It brought out her perfectly and beautifully shaped oval face.

"Shall we go now? I know what you're craving and just where to get them." Diana said as they got into the car and drove off.

Sybil was excited to be in Diana's car again. The car was the definition of luxury...for her. It was filled with the latest technologies she had never once decided to take note of until now. They drove in silence as they were engulfed in their own thoughts. While Sybil was admiring the car and scheming on how to talk Diana into giving her one.

They arrived at Darr's pastry shop and Sybil was more than excited.

Her granny always brought her here when she was a kid. They'd come her to calm her down after she'd thrown tantrums at the other kids back at the orphanage. She didn't want to remember her life back at the orphanage. She dreaded it.

They walked in and took their seats by the window overseeing the street. Their favourite spot back when they were kids.

"I'm going to get our orders you stay put okay?" Diana said as she left for the counter. Sybil simply nodded too tired to utter a word. She simply stared at the view of the street and how beautiful the trees look outside. it was Spring and the trees were looking lush and greeny. Immersed in her own thoughts, Sybil didn't notice the little talk of delay that was going on at the counter.

Diana went over to the counter to get their orders. "The usual please".

"And that would be....?" the lady at the counter asked.

"Oh my I'm sorry I thought you were Stacy. where is she anyway?" Diana asked her.

"She quit". the lady replied not wanting to further explain herself.

"hmmm. Ok. I'll take two chocolate filled doughnuts and two ice teas to go. Oh and also one chocolate cupcake." Diana ordered then something clicked at the back of her mind. " Where's Darr?" she asked.

The lady didn't seem like she wanted to answer that question but she didn't want the shop to get a bad review for ignoring a customer. "He usually stays on that chair reading a news paper. Is he not well?" Diana said as she pointed to a rocking chair place by the window seat overlooking a flower shop across the road. She waited patiently for the lady to reply.

"Darr's dead". she finally said.

"Oh my God. I didn't know. When? how?" Diana asked frantically. Darr was a good old man who seems perfectly fine. How then did he die?

"...." the lady wasn't willing to answer anymore questions from Diana because she seemed to be prying in a little bit too much. Their order was ready and packed. Diana took the orders and paid with her card. She headed over to Sybil by their table.

She was deep in her little world and didn't see Diana coming with their orders. "What took you so long? " she asked as she looked at the counter to see if there was a line, but there was none.

"Nothing. Just talking with the new counter girl." Diana replied.

"Stacy's gone?" Sybil asked.

"Yeah. And that's not the only person that's gone..." she paused to give a suspenseful dramatic effect to their conversation.

"....." Sybil waited for her to finish the sentence she left hanging.

"....Darr's dead Sybs". she dropped the bombshell or so she thought.

Darr was like a grandfather to them and his sudden disappearance made them sad even though they new he was old and frail, he still looked agile and healthy so his sudden death over night made them a little sad and unwelcoming.

"ohh" was the only word Sybil could utter after hearing the news.

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