
Chapter 26

"…death penalty"

After hearing those words, my body froze and everything zoned out for me. The man kept talking but I couldn't hear any of it.

Shit. Shit. What now? When is the execution going to be? I should really listen to find out but I'm feeling light headed. More people are starting to gather around me and I felt like I was suffocating. Shit. I need to listen.

"…will start the execution in just a few hours while we get the stage set up."

My whole body was shaking. What now? Do I just run up there hoping for the best? What if I get caught? Then I can't do anything to save them? I'm useless.

I clenched my teeth. It's now or never.

I opened my mouth but before I could make any sound, Gun stepped forward and said "We can't execute these weapons"

The man in the middle looked down from the stage he was on and asked "Why not?"

"Even if we kill the weapons here, they will only reincarnate into someone else" he said "just like the last Gun"

I looked up at Gun who was still holding my hand. He really is a knight in shining armor!

The other two leaders still sitting whispered among themselves but Gun kept talking.

"If we keep these weapons alive, we will know exactly where they are at all times."

"What about the first rule? "Keep all weapons separate" Are we just going to ignore that?" The leader standing up asked

"I don't want my child to be a weapon! Nor my future grandchildren!" A woman yelled from the crowd

More people followed suit. They yelled and protested.

"It's not a 100% chance that the weapons will reincarnate in this town!" The woman leader yelled. She stood next to the leader who had taken a seat as the commotion grew.

"But it's still a possibility!" A man yelled

"Even so, we need to get rid of these weapons before they cause trouble" the woman yelled

"We can use them as weapons in separate areas. They aren't technically together anymore" Gun yelled "Then, they won't reincarnate and we'll keep a close eye on them."

The crowed muttered and whispered among themselves while the three leaders gathered together.

I locked eyes with Estrella and she gave me a reassuring smile.

She always does that. She makes me believe that everything will get better in the end. From when we were in school up till now.

Gun squeezed my hand as if to reassure me that he was still next to me. I looked up at his armor-covered face which was tilted down towards me. "Don't worry. It'll be fine" he reassured me.

I nodded and looked back at the leaders who looked as if they had come to an agreement.

The third man who hadn't spoken the entire time walked up to Estrella and the others. He raised an axe above Luna and swung down.


I was terrified. Not for my sake but for the others who were besides me, my brother who was in the crowd watching as our fates were being chosen for us, for the kingdom currently under the control of a good for nothing asshole.

I may have smiled at Cielo to reassure him but deep down, I didn't know what was going to happen.

The man who hadn't said anything this entire time walked away from the other two. He grabbed an axe from one of the guards and walked towards us.

My heart stopped. I turned my arm into my sword but they were tied up behind my back and I couldn't move them very much.

He walked up to Luna and raised the axe.

"No! No! Please! Not her! You can kill me but just let her go! Please!" I yelled

I screamed and pleaded but he didn't even glance in my direction.

"I'm sorry" he whispered and brought the axe down.