
Episode 5: A Resonating Roar

A few days later, Leo found himself standing in the village square, surrounded by a breathtaking scene. The sun shone brightly, its warm rays painting the village in vibrant colors after a recent rain shower. The air was filled with the refreshing scent of wet earth, and the gentle breeze carried the distant chirping of birds. A magnificent rainbow stretched across the sky like a celestial bridge, connecting heaven and earth in a beautiful display of nature's artistry. The villagers gathered around Leo, their eyes filled with admiration and awe, as if he had accomplished an impossible feat.

"Tell us again, Leo. How did you do it? How did you take on so many goblins all by yourself?" The villagers gathered around him, their voices filled the air with curiosity and admiration, as they hung on every word of his thrilling tale.

With a beaming smile, Leo struck a triumphant pose, holding his head high. "So you see, I was just standing there, exuding strength and confidence, daring the goblins to face me - 'bring it on, you weaklings!'" His hands landed firmly on his waist, puffing out his chest with pride.

The villagers leaned in, eager to hear every detail of Leo's heroic tale. "And then, with lightning speed, I grabbed the first goblin, just like this!" Leo dramatically reenacted the scene, his hand mimicking a powerful grip as he playfully palmed the head of a young villager who eagerly volunteered to be part of the spectacle.

The onlookers gasped and laughed in amusement, captivated by Leo's storytelling prowess. They hung on to every word, their imaginations vividly painting the scene of Leo confronting the goblins.

However, before Leo could finish relishing his moment of heroism, Asher pushed through the crowd, creating a path by gently separating the villagers. His presence commanded respect, and his rugged appearance added to his aura of authority.

"Flee, disperse! Leo needs time to heal and recuperate. He can share his heroic tale another time," Asher asserted firmly, even going so far as to gently nudge a hesitant child away from Leo's side.

A tinge of disappointment flickered in Leo's eyes, but he understood Asher's concern. They both knew the importance of allowing time for proper healing. Nevertheless, a playful spark still danced in his eyes as he tried to explain himself.

"Why would you interrupt my..." Leo began to protest, but Asher silenced him with a stern but loving look.

"Quiet now, Leo. This is not the time to weave grandiose tales for the little ones. You should be resting and tending to your wounds. I had been thinking of taking your training more seriously, but seeing you out here like this makes me question that," Asher gently scolded, his eyes filled with fatherly concern.

"Father, I'm a lot stronger than you give me credit for, and you'll soon realize that. Watch this!" Leo playfully slapped Asher in the face before swiftly moving between his father's legs. With a mischievous grin, he stood behind Asher as if to say, "Look what I can do."

Asher stood there, taken aback by Leo's audacity. He turned around, his hand coming up to rub his cheek in mock astonishment, imitating a shocked reaction.

"Boy, you did not just..." Asher started to say, but Leo playfully slapped him again before darting away toward the village water fountain. The onlookers couldn't help but chuckle at the incident.

"LEO! You better get back here. I will not stand for this type of embarrassment and disrespect," Asher called out, his scabbard slapping against his back as he took off in pursuit of his daring and mischievous son.

As Leo reached the water fountain, he spotted Aurora approaching him, bathed in the radiant glow of the sun that seemed to cast a spotlight on her. Her presence was captivating, but Leo couldn't bear to meet her gaze fully. The pain of their last encounter still lingered in his mind, haunting every moment he spent in her company. The memory of that night when he returned home haunted him, making it difficult for him to look at her without being reminded of the darkness that engulfed him.

"Leo! It's so good to see you up and moving. I hope those bandages and remedies I put..." Aurora began with genuine concern, but her words were interrupted by Leo, who cut her off before she could finish. He looked down at the ground, fidgeting with his foot in the dirt, trying to distract himself from the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.

"Yes, yes, I know. Thanks again, but as you see, I am currently busy," Leo replied, his voice slightly strained as he tried to maintain a composed facade. He didn't want Aurora to see the turmoil within him, the inner conflict between wanting to be near her and fearing the darkness that lurked in his heart.

Aurora, undeterred by Leo's attempt to push her away, reached out to grab his arm and pull him along. But Leo instinctively pulled his arm back, placing his other hand on it protectively to prevent her from trying again.

"As I said, I'm busy. Maybe later, Aurora," he murmured, trying to keep his distance while his heart longed for her companionship. But before Aurora could respond, Leo changed the subject abruptly, as if to divert attention from his inner struggles.

"Hey father, so about that training?" Leo blurted out, changing direction and jogging towards Asher, who had stopped running and was now observing the interaction from afar.

As Leo left Aurora behind at the water fountain, he couldn't help but steal glances at her from the corner of his eye. Her demeanor spoke volumes, as she looked down at the ground, her fingers fidgeting nervously, clearly trying to hold back tears. He felt a pang of guilt in his heart, knowing that he was the cause of her distress. Despite his inner turmoil, he pushed those emotions aside, determined not to let her see the turmoil he was experiencing.

"Son, now what was that about?" Asher's voice interrupted the silent tension, his curiosity evident as he questioned Leo about the interaction with Aurora.

"Oh, nothing, Father. So about our training, what else must I do to prove I'm ready?" Leo replied with eagerness and determination, trying to shift the focus away from the emotional moment that had just passed.

"Leo, we aren't going to just ignore you slapped me in the..." Asher began, but Leo interrupted him with a burst of laughter.

"You were late, remember? Being late is the difference between life and death," Leo managed to say amidst his uncontrollable laughter, his light-hearted tone contrasting sharply with the seriousness of the situation.

However, Asher quickly put an end to Leo's laughter with a firm slap across his face. The sudden impact silenced Leo, and he instinctively rubbed his stinging cheek, momentarily stunned by his father's action. Despite the sting, Leo couldn't help but see the lesson in his father's actions, and a small smirk tugged at the corners of Asher's lips.

"Yeah, I remember, but the new phrase of the day is 'Never lose focus, and keep your eye on the target,'" Asher said with a hint of amusement, his stern expression softening into a wry smile. He then continued with a sense of purpose, "Go grab your bow, we have to gather food for the village, and don't be slow this time."

Shaking off the slap, Leo regained his composure. "Yeah, no problem. But when did you get so weak? That hit wouldn't even bruise a fly," he teased, trying to lighten the mood between them.

Asher, not one to back down, made a playful attempt to slap Leo again, but this time Leo agilely dodged the incoming strike. With a giggle and a mischievous smile, Leo darted towards his room to retrieve his bow, calling back to his father, "Too slow, better luck next time, Mr. I couldn't hurt a fly." The playful banter between father and son echoed through the village, filling the air with a sense of familial warmth.

Leo burst into the hut, the wooden door swinging wide open as he hurriedly made his way inside. "Slow down, mister, you know no.." Mary's scolding began, but before she could finish, Leo cut her off with a playful and mocking tone, "Blah blah, yes, I know. No running in the house." He continued to rush towards his room, a burst of youthful energy propelling him forward.

Inside his room, Leo's excitement turned into frantic determination as he searched for his prized possession. He scoured every nook and cranny, desperately seeking his bow. Under the bed, in the closet, behind the dresser—his hands moved with urgency, not willing to overlook any possible hiding spot. "Where is this stupid stick of wood with a string?" he muttered with frustration, pulling up a poorly sewn-together blanket and checking under the bed for what felt like the third time.

Just when Leo's hope was beginning to wane, a voice chimed in from the opposite side of the bed. "You mean this thing?" It was Asher, standing there with a sly smile, holding Leo's bow in his hands. He carefully placed the bow on the bed, a knowing glint in his eyes.

"YES! Thank you, Father. I'll race you to the meeting point," Leo exclaimed, snatching up his bow and dashing out of the house with a newfound sense of purpose. He grabbed the quiver of arrows and a bag that hung on a hook right next to the door, wasting no time in preparing himself for their upcoming venture.

Mary, left momentarily confused by the whirlwind of events, tried to continue her reprimand but was swiftly cut off by Leo's playful remark, "He's in my room, take it up with him." And with that, the door was slammed shut, leaving Mary standing there in bewilderment.

Concern etched on her face, she muttered to herself, "In his room? I didn't see Asher come in…" Mary couldn't help but worry about Leo's impulsive actions. He was like a whirlwind of energy, leaving everyone around him caught up in his adventures.

With a heavy sigh, Mary shook her head, resigned to the fact that Leo was simply being Leo. She knew he had a good heart, but sometimes his impetuous nature worried her. As his maid, she felt responsible for his safety and well-being, and she hoped that Asher, as his father, would instill some sense of caution in him.

But for now, all she could do was watch and hope that Leo would grow wiser with time. With a sigh, she returned to her tasks, knowing that she would always be there to clean up after his adventures and care for him as best she could.

Leo continued his journey, making his way through the picturesque village. The sun's radiant rays painted the surroundings with warm hues, casting long shadows as if nature itself was participating in the excitement of the day. The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air, creating an ambiance of camaraderie and joy.

As he approached the meeting point, Leo's eyes caught a peculiar sight. There stood Asher, his father, leaning casually against a sturdy tree trunk. The dappled sunlight filtered through the leaves above, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadows on his figure. With his bow and quiver securely fastened to his back, Asher seemed to exude an air of tranquility and mastery. "What took you so long this time, merboy?"

Leo couldn't help but feel a bit puzzled. Just a moment ago, he was certain he had seen his father in his room, handing him the bow he now clutched tightly in his hands. "What do you mean, father? You were just in my room? You handed me my bow because I couldn't find it," Leo expressed, a glimmer of confusion reflected in his eyes.

Amusement danced in Asher's gaze as he playfully flipped a coin in the air, the metallic object catching the sunlight and sending a brilliant beam of light dancing around them. "Excuses, excuses, my boy," he retorted with a playful grin. "Anyway, let's get going," he said, pushing himself off the tree with an agile grace.

The atmosphere was infused with anticipation as they readied themselves for their hunt. Asher deftly retrieved his bow from his back, a fluid motion that spoke of years of honed skill. An arrow was effortlessly selected from his quiver, and with practiced ease, he readied himself for the hunt. His movements were stealthy and silent as he led the way into the embrace of the woods.

Leo looks back at the village just to notice it's Asher but this time, exactly how Aurora looked the night he got back, he couldn't shake off the strange vision he had just experienced. The image of his father transforming into a familiar face sent a shiver down his spine. "W-what?" Leo whispered in disbelief, his gaze darting back to the village for a moment, half-expecting to see that uncanny sight once more. But the bustling village was just as he remembered it—no trace of the haunting image remained.

Shaking his head to clear his mind, Leo determinedly focused on the present. He rubbed his eyes, reassuring himself that it must have been a mere trick of the light or his imagination playing tricks on him. He looked back to find Asher patiently waiting for him to snap out of his momentary daze.

With a firm resolve, Leo pushed aside his unease and mustered a smile. "I know I didn't just see..." he started, but Asher's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"C'mon, Leo, all the good meat will be gone before we can get to it," Asher reminded him, bringing him back to the task at hand—the hunt.

Leo quickly shook off any lingering doubts and joined his father's side, a grin spreading across his face. "Coming," he replied cheerfully, his bow already in his hands and an arrow at the ready. His heart swelled with anticipation as they ventured into the lush expanse of the woods.

Leo ventured into the lush wilderness with agile grace, treading carefully to avoid disturbing the forest's tranquility. His senses were attuned to every rustle and movement, seeking the faintest hint of prey. The sun-dappled foliage danced around him as he moved, creating an enchanting play of light and shadow.

In the distance, Leo's keen eyes spotted a timid bunny, peacefully grazing on the grass. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he slowly drew his bow, the wood creaking softly in the hushed ambiance. His fingers gently caressed the taut string, the anticipation of the hunt fueling his focus. "Oh poor guy, you don't know it yet, but you are about to taste so good," Leo says with excitement.

With his eye locked on the target, he pursed his lips and exhaled, releasing a small breath to gauge the wind's direction. "Okay, so aim a little to the right since the wind is blowing left. This should be about ri..." He calculated, but before he could finish his thought, the arrow flew from his bow with a sharp twang. It struck the bunny with precision, seemingly ensuring a successful hunt.

But fortune had a different plan. A wild wolf, attracted by the commotion, dashed onto the scene and swiftly snatched the wounded bunny away. Leo's victory turned to dismay as he shouted and chased after the thief, his determination undeterred.

For what felt like an eternity, Leo sprinted through the woods, his voice echoing in the trees. The adrenaline coursing through his veins masked the fatigue as he pursued the crafty wolf. Eventually, the wolf halted at a cave entrance and vanished inside, leaving Leo baffled and out of breath.

Leo hesitated at the cave's entrance, the mysterious voice from that unforgettable night rang through his ears, "Go inside my dear, they mean you no threat."

"No threat, my behind. Did you see the teeth on that thing? It'll go right through me as if I'm paper." Despite his doubts, he reluctantly ventured into the dark cavern, his torch illuminating the shadows as he cautiously explored. To his surprise, the cave turned out to be empty, its vastness harboring only the remnants of a bygone creature's lair.

His eyes were drawn to a giant egg nestled in the corner, surrounded by others that had already hatched. "Now, why were you left behind? Oh well, some yolk soup sounds good," Leo mused with a touch of curiosity. The egg seemed an irresistible find, and with a struggle, he decided to bring it along, carefully placing it in his bag.

Upon exiting the cave, Leo met Asher, who warmly greeted him, his eyes shining with pride. The scene was an endearing one—a father and son sharing their triumphant hunts. But beneath the surface, a secret weighed on Leo's heart, concealed within his bag.

The voice from that mystifying night resurfaced, urging him not to reveal his mysterious discovery. Leo playfully deflected Asher's curiosity about the bag's contents, diverting his father's attention with a bunny tossed his way.

Feeling exhausted, Leo expressed his intention to return home and rest. With a tinge of excitement, he wondered what the night would hold for him and the peculiar egg he had stumbled upon.

As Leo retired to his room, the anticipation of unveiling the egg's mysteries coursed through him. He shut the door softly, casting the world outside away. The egg now rested on his bed, seemingly ordinary but concealing an enigmatic secret.

Leo drew the curtains, dimming the moonlight's intrusion, and focused his gaze on the bag, now containing the extraordinary egg. "What is so special about you? You're just some heavy egg?" Leo pondered aloud, intrigued by the egg's apparent insignificance.

Yet, as Leo lifted the bag to release the egg, a radiant light burst forth, dazzling his vision. He shielded his eyes with both arms, taken aback by the unexpected brilliance. "That was uncalled for right there, Mr. Egg," Leo chuckled, readjusting to the sudden radiance.

As the light subsided, the egg returned to its unassuming appearance. Leo couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue, though, as he gazed at the egg's surface. "I don't know what you are, but I'm going to keep you a secret. Kind of sad considering I wanted some yolk soup." He confided, almost apologetically.

With a hint of disappointment, Leo carefully placed the egg inside his closet, ensuring it was well-covered with a blanket to keep it warm. "That'll keep you warm, I suppose," he said, closing the closet door before heading to bed.

As Leo drifted into slumber, little did he know that his actions had set in motion a remarkable chain of events. The egg trembled and wobbled, and in some distant realm, a resonating roar echoed—a call that would forever change the course of Leo's journey.