
Sword & Scale: Legacy of LeoBoirn

In the enigmatic world of Cythinia, where humans struggle, elves thrive, orcs brawl, and dwarves drink, a dark secret binds them all together. In a small elf village, young Leo, a half-elf with striking silver hair, lives a peaceful life with his adoptive elf father and lifelong friend, Aurora. However, their tranquility shatters when a devastating crisis strikes the elf village, leaving destruction in its wake. Amidst the chaos, Leo stumbles upon a mysterious ancient artifact that causes a change of events that leads him to discover an innate ability to wield any weapon with uncanny skill, a gift that could prove to be the key to Cythinia's fate. Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire for revenge, Leo embarks on a perilous journey to uncover his true origin and the source of his newfound powers. Along the way, he encounters an array of allies and adversaries, forming unlikely bonds with humans, elves, orcs, and dwarves alike. Together, they must unite to face a common enemy threatening the entire world.

UnMortalSuki · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Episode 28: The Beginning Of Preparations

The group had been locked in deliberation for what felt like hours, their voices a constant hum of uncertainty, echoing off the chamber's ancient stone walls. It was a decision that bore down on them like a heavy storm cloud, one that would shape the future of their dear friend Leo. The sealing ritual, with all its inherent risks and potential consequences, had become a point of contention, dividing their opinions like a jagged fault line.

As they reached a pivotal moment in their discussion, the room's stillness was abruptly shattered. From the entrance to the room, a sudden commotion erupted. It was as though a tempest had burst through the doors, bringing with it an eerie, dark growl that reverberated through the air, sending shivers down their spines. Before anyone could react, Ezekiel, their unpredictable and often inscrutable companion, came hurtling out of the doorway. He skidded across the chamber's stone floor in a graceless, yet oddly controlled, skid, coming to an abrupt stop right in the epicenter of their solemn gathering.

With the agility of a dancer, Ezekiel sprang to his feet, his movements filled with an uncanny fluidity that defied the laws of physics. His clothes bore the telltale signs of his unanticipated journey, now adorned with a thin layer of shadowy dust. Despite his sudden and dramatic entrance, his laughter, low and melodious, filled the room.

"Well, you could've been a bit more gentle, couldn't you?" Ezekiel quipped with a mischievous grin, his voice infused with a casual nonchalance that bordered on audacious. It was as if he had just emerged from a leisurely stroll in the park, rather than a journey through the enigmatic Trial of Shadows.

Grimble, ever-patient and sagacious, regarded Ezekiel with a measured mixture of exasperation and fondness. His expression conveyed the sentiment of a mentor who had seen this act one too many times.

"Ezekiel," Grimble began, his voice laced with a subtle yet unmistakable tone of reproach, "it's the same thing with you every time. When are you going to let it do its job instead of playing with it?"

Ezekiel's response came swiftly, punctuated by an impish grin that seemed to suggest he had no intention of changing his ways. "Ah, Grimble, my old friend," he drawled, his words carrying a teasing edge, "you're too serious. Maybe it's time the trial had a taste of its own medicine, don't you think? It needs to put me through a trial for once, not the other way around."

The rest of the group observed the exchange between Ezekiel and Grimble with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. It was a familiar dance, one they had witnessed countless times before, yet it never failed to entertain. In the midst of their weighty decision-making process, Ezekiel's unexpected entrance and his irreverent demeanor served as a brief, welcome distraction, like a momentary respite in the midst of a turbulent storm.

Ezekiel's dramatic entrance had disrupted the group's intense deliberations, leaving a momentary lull in the discussion. Trex, the practical and observant member of the group, seized the opportunity to voice a curiosity that had been gnawing at him.

His brow furrowed as he asked, "Ezekiel, when did you leave? I don't recall seeing you once we all set out to search for answers."

Grimble let out a hearty laugh, the sound rumbling like distant thunder. He leaned back, his ample belly jiggling with amusement, and answered for Ezekiel. "Oh, I sent him off to occupy himself a while back. You know how he is, always poking around and causing a ruckus. Figured it was best for all of us if he went on a little adventure of his own."

Ezekiel joined in the laughter. "Well, it seems you guys did just fine without me. But now that I'm back, why don't you fill me in on what's been happening?"

With a nod from Aurora, the group recounted the details of their intense discussion regarding Leo and the proposed sealing ritual. Ezekiel was about to add his own unique perspective to the mix.

Ezekiel, now fully briefed on the situation, stepped into the heart of the discussion. He carried with him an air of nonchalance, but his eyes held a glint of wisdom that the group had learned to respect. His enigmatic persona seemed to take a backseat as he spoke up.

"Well, my friends, it seems you've found yourselves in quite the conundrum," he began, a wry smile playing on his lips. "From what I've heard, this sealing ritual is your best bet, risky as it may be."

The group listened intently to Ezekiel's input. There was something about his words that held a unique perspective, a perspective born from his myriad experiences with the mysterious and the arcane. His approval carried weight, and the group took it seriously.

With a collective nod, the decision was made. The sealing ritual was their path forward. Grimble, knowledgeable when it came to ancient rituals, pulled out a long list of required ingredients and objects. It was a daunting list, filled with rare and obscure items that would challenge even the most skilled of gatherers.

Trex and Livian, recognizing the importance of the situation, sprang into action. They scurried around the room, grabbing a few of the required items at a time and delivering them to Grimble's side. The old wizard, with his sagely demeanor, meticulously arranged the items as they were meant to be, his experienced hands guided by a lifetime of knowledge. Ezekiel, not one to shy away from a challenge, joined Grimble in this task, his deft fingers handling the objects with surprising precision.

Meanwhile, off to the side, Aurora stood beside Leo. Her concern for him was evident in the softness of her gaze and the gentle tone of her voice. She wanted to be certain that this was what he truly wanted, that he understood the gravity of the decision they were about to make. They shared a quiet moment amidst the flurry of activity, reaffirming their support for each other and the path they had chosen to take.

Amidst the quiet conversation between Leo and Aurora, an abrupt tremor coursed through Leo's body. His once steady demeanor shattered, his eyes turning as dark as an abyss, veins bulging beneath his skin, and black liquid flowing through them like a sinister river. Aurora instinctively reached out to him, her hand trembling as she called his name, but it was as if Leo were trapped in a nightmare, deaf to her pleas.

In Leo's mind, he found himself plunged once more into the enigmatic black void. Lynx, the shadowy figure who had haunted his nightmares for so long, stood tall before him. But this time, there was a subtle shift in his demeanor, a softness to his voice that was as disarming as it was unsettling.

"You know, Leo," Lynx began, his tone lacking its usual menace, "perhaps you've been approaching this all wrong. Instead of trying to rid yourself of me, why not embrace what we could become together? I'm genuinely trying to help you be who you want to be."

Leo's rage, usually swift and violent, simmered beneath the surface. He couldn't deny that there was a certain logic to Lynx's words, a twisted kind of reasoning that threatened to ensnare him further.

"How would you ever know who I want to be?" Leo retorted, his voice laced with bitterness. "You've only ever caused pain and death. You've taken everything from me."

Lynx held his hands out, a gesture of supposed peace. "Leo, you're stronger than you realize. If you just let me—"

Leo interrupted him, his anger erupting like a dormant volcano. "You've never helped me! All you've done is cause destruction and chaos. I've lost everything because of you."

Lynx's patience frayed, and he raised his voice, his frustration bleeding through. "Well, if I never pushed you, you would've remained weak and insignificant. Without me, you are nothing, Leo. NOTHING!"

Back in the room, as Leo's inner struggle raged on, Aurora watched with a mixture of concern and helplessness. She longed to reach out to him, to pull him from the dark abyss that seemed to be consuming him, but she knew that this battle was one Leo had to fight within himself.

Grimble, glanced towards the scene of the unfolding turmoil. His weathered face bore an expression of deep concern as he focused on the preparations before him. There was a sense of urgency now, as if they were racing against time itself.

Trex and Livian, driven by the urgency of the situation, worked in tandem to gather the required ingredients and objects. They darted around the room, a well-practiced team, their movements precise and efficient. With each item they placed before Grimble, the tension in the room seemed to heighten.

Ezekiel, who had initially given his approval for the sealing ritual, now found himself drawn into the process. His irreverent demeanor had temporarily faded, replaced by a solemn understanding of the gravity of the situation. He assisted Grimble with a quiet determination, a stark contrast to his usual antics.

As the group worked tirelessly, Leo's internal battle with Lynx continued. The shadowy figure, though still enigmatic and unsettling, persisted in his attempts to convince Leo of the benefits of their unholy union.

Leo, however, was not easily swayed. Despite the darkness that had plagued him for so long, there was a spark of defiance within him. He couldn't forget the pain, the suffering, the lives that had been lost because of it.

But as the argument raged on in his mind, Leo couldn't shake the nagging doubt that Lynx had planted. Was there a way to harness this darkness, to control it, rather than being consumed by it? It was a question that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, even as he clung to his sense of self.

In the room where the group continued to prepare the ritual, the air was thick with a sense of impending reckoning. The fate of Leo hanging in the balance.