
Three-digit basic attributes

[ system message: host has spent 2000 mastery points and leveled up barbarian body warrior to Level 2. ]

[ congratulations, host. Strength +3, Constitution +5, agility +2, vitality +5 ]

[ system message: host's upgrade was affected by Barbarian King's bloodline. Host's strength +9, Constitution +15, agility +4, vitality +15 ]

During the upgrade, Lu Chen could clearly feel that his strength and Constitution, which were originally balanced, had risen again, leaving his agility in the dust.

As his strength increased, Lu Chen could feel his muscles expanding. It was the increase in strength, Constitution, and vitality.

As his muscles expanded, Lu Chen's body even grew a little taller. But at the same time, Lu Chen also felt that his body was getting heavier.

However, Lu Chen was still able to withstand the pressure.

"Continue to improve."