
If you're late, you'll have nothing

wait a month? why? "

"You'll know after some time."

Venerable Wu was still very busy and Lu Chen had no choice but to return home.

On the way back, Lu Chen was also thinking about what made him wait for a month to choose his territory.

"Not enough territory? Right now, there are dilapidated villages everywhere outside, and there are also refugees outside the Royal Court. We can just take some refugees and find a place to open up the village."

"Grand Magus, are you worried about me? That's even more impossible. When I was choosing the fighting soul, he told me not to choose an overly powerful one as it would affect me. The powerhouses of the Barbarian race should not be people who are afraid of danger and run away."

While Lu Chen was deep in thought, he returned home.

"You've worked hard, Mao."

I'm fine. Did Your Highness summon your subordinates successfully? "

"It's alright."