
Chapter 72 steel body

[ system message: host has used 1000 mastery points to level up barbarian Blood Warrior to level 10. ]

[ system message: barbarian Blood Warrior has leveled up. Strength +1, agility +1, Constitution +1 ]

[ system message: barbarian Blood Warrior, under the influence of Barbarian King's bloodline, host's vitality +1, Constitution +1 ]

[ ding! Barbarian Blood Warrior has reached level 10. You have obtained a chance to draw a skill. ]

[ system message: host has drawn a skill-Qi wave ]

rippling wave, I remember that this is a pugilist's skill. As expected, even though swordsmen draw their skills from the swordsman's skill bank, barbarian Blood Warriors do not. The skills that they draw from the public skill bank.

Lu Chen already had this feeling when he thought back to his previous skills. Since the swordsman path was completed, Lu Chen could only draw the swordsman skill every time he leveled up.