
Sekai Knights and threat

In the haze between sleep and wakefulness, Tsukasa found himself enveloped in chaos, a red sky swirling above him, and the urgent cries of a mysterious voice echoing in his ears. "Tsukasa, wake up! We need to go!" it pleaded, the urgency piercing through the chaos surrounding him.

"Dream?" Tsukasa muttered, perplexed by the images still lingering in his mind. Just as he attempted to decipher the strange visions, the door creaked open, and a familiar figure swept into the room. "Big Brother! Wake up!! We're going to be late to the castle!!" The urgency in the woman's voice jolted Tsukasa from his reverie. "S-saki??! What are you doing in my room at this hour?" he exclaimed, startled by her sudden appearance. "What are you talking about, big brother, it's already morning!" Saki retorted, moving swiftly to the window and throwing it open. The flood of sunlight left Tsukasa momentarily dazed. "Arghhh!" Tsukasa faced the sunlight "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" he demanded, frustration evident in his voice. "What are you talking about? I tried waking you up as soon as I came in!"

*A minutes ago*

As the sun lazily crept through the curtains, Saki gently nudged her older brother Tsukasa. "Big brother!! Wake up!!" she called out, hoping to rouse him from his deep slumber. Tsukasa, lost in the realm of dreams, murmured incomprehensibly, unwilling to relinquish his hold on sleep. Exhaling a soft sigh, Saki persisted, shaking his shoulder once more. Just as she was about to give up, Tsukasa's sleep-filled voice uttered a name, "To...ya...!" His tone was tinged with sadness and vulnerability. Hearing the name 'Toya,' Saki's lips curled into a fond smile before she quietly slipped out of the room.

*In the present moment*

Saki's frustration simmered as she struggled to rouse Tsukasa from his slumber. "It was so hard for me to wake you up, you know!" she exclaimed, her tone tinged with annoyance.

"Sorry, Saki. My bad," Tsukasa chuckled in response, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Don't be angry with me, haha."

With a shake of her head, Saki let out a sigh, relenting as Tsukasa began preparing to leave for the castle. Minutes later, they emerged from the Tenma Household, Tsukasa clad in the attire of a knight and Saki adorned in a stunning dress.

"Come on, big brother," Saki urged, her excitement palpable. "They're waiting for you at the castle!"

"Yeah, yeah," Tsukasa replied loudly, his eagerness matching Saki's.

Together, they made their way to the carriage that awaited them, a vehicle long used by their family for such occasions.


"Tsukasa," Saki's voice rang through the moving carriage, breaking the silence. "What's on your mind, big brother?" she asked, curious about his sudden solemnity.

"If I were to ever get a chance to make him back into our life, what would you do?" Tsukasa's question hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their conversation.

Saki's response was swift, filled with determination. "I would stand by your side, no matter what. Despite not sharing our blood, he holds a special place in our hearts.!" Her words were laced with both determination and sadness as she momentarily glanced down, concealing her pained expression before meeting Tsukasa's gaze once more. "And I believe there's a reason why he did that, a reason we still not dont know yet."

Tsukasa's laughter filled the carriage, a warm sound that eased the tension in the air. His hand found its way to Saki's hair, gently patting her head affectionately. "You truly are my little sister," he remarked, his smile genuine and bright.

As the carriage journeyed on, the towering gates of the castle came into view, their grandeur signaling their arrival. With a creak, the gates swung open, welcoming them into the fortress. Moments later, the carriage came to a halt, and the Tenma siblings disembarked.

However, their arrival was met with an unexpected interruption. A voice boomed out before them, breaking the peaceful atmosphere. "Captain Tsukasa!, You're LATE AGAIN!" The words were accompanied by the sight of a man with fiery ginger hair, his demeanor reflecting a mix of authority and frustration.

"Ah, Akito, good morning!" Tsukasa's greeting rang out as they stepped onto the castle grounds.

"Good morning, my ass!" Akito's response was sharp, laced with irritation. "Captain, we're late because of you, again!" His tone held a hint of anger, directed squarely at Tsukasa.

"Haha, let him be, little bro," another knight interjected, his voice a soothing counter to Akito's edge. "Mizuki..." Akito's frustration seemed to wane slightly as he addressed his comrade. "Fine! Captain, we're the only ones not in the knight's room!" He stated, his words tinged with urgency.

"Captain, good morning!" Mizuki's cheerful voice cut through the tension, bringing a burst of energy to the conversation. "Good morning to you too, Mizuki. As always, your energy is high," Tsukasa replied warmly, eliciting laughter from the spirited knight.

"Enough chit-chat, let's make our way to the knight's room already!" Akito's impatience broke through, urging them to action.

"We're off, Saki. Take care on your way to the princess's garden party," Tsukasa said, concern evident in his voice. "Yes, big brother. You take care too," Saki reassured him before a maid guided her towards the party tsukasa said.

After a brisk walk through the corridors of the castle, Tsukasa, Akito, and Mizuki finally reached the imposing doors of the king's chamber. With purposeful strides, Akito approached one of the guards stationed at the entrance and engaged in a brief exchange. Suddenly, the guard's voice boomed out, announcing their arrival. "The Tenma (Sky Knight) is here!" With a swift motion, the guards swung open the doors, granting them entry.

As they entered, the trio proceeded directly to the front of the grand throne, where they knelt, one hand placed over their chests in a gesture of respect. "Majesty, I apologize for our late arrival. The Tenma (Sky Knight) stands ready to heed your commands," Tsukasa spoke with a polite tone, his gaze fixed upon the king.

"It's quite alright. Let us adjourn to the round table and commence the meeting," the king replied in a gentle voice as he stand up from his throne. The king strode purposefully towards the ornate door situated behind his regal throne.

Following the king's lead, Tsukasa, Akito, and Mizuki rose to their feet and trailed behind him. Tsukasa took hold of the door handle. The room welcomed them into a room adorned with lavish windows and a sizable round table. Eleven seats surrounded the table, one noticeably reserved for the king or a person of high rank. Positioned along the walls stood knights who had been waiting, their presence.

As the king settled into his seat, the other knights, taking their respective places. "The Knights of the Round Table have assembled," Mizuki announced, her voice joined by Akito's and another female knight who stood nearby.

With a serious tone, the king declared, "Let us begin the meeting." And so, the proceedings commenced, the fate of the kingdom hanging in the balance of their discussions.

As the king began to address his knights, the tension in the room was palpable. "Tenma, Hoshino, Asahina, Yoisaki, and Hanasato Knight's" he began, his voice echoing in the grand chamber. "There's something of utmost importance that I need to—" His words were abruptly halted by the sudden swing of the door. "Emergency, Majesty!" gasped a guard, his breath ragged from his hurried sprint. "What is it? We're in the midst of a meeting!" the king demanded, his brow furrowing with concern. "The watchers at the north gate have spotted a colossal black dragon approaching the Sekai Empire!" the guard exclaimed. Tsukasa and Akito tensed at the news, ready to spring into action, but the king's reassuring voice cut through the tension. "Calm down!" he said firmly, his words a balm to their frayed nerves, urging them to remain composed despite the impending threat.

Amidst the hushed deliberations in the grand chamber, King's voice cut through the tension like a blade. "We can't be certain if it's truly him," he mused aloud, his brow furrowed with concern. Tsukasa, standing nearby, offered a hesitant affirmation, his words stuttered with unease.

"A black dragon, eh? That poses quite the dilemma," the king remarked solemnly, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse beyond the castle walls. Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, a voice broke the silence. It was one of the knights, speaking with conviction.

"Leave it to the Sun (Asahina) and Sky (Tenma) Knight, Majesty!" the knight declared boldly. Mafuyu, her tone grave, emphasized the weight of the situation. "The black dragon is no laughing matter. If it were to mature, it could destroy our empire in a few hours, just like in the past," she warned, her words echoing in the chamber. Mizuki, nodding in agreement, affirmed Mafuyu's words.

In the presence of such ominous threats, the king weighed his options carefully. But before the king could speak, another knight stepped forward, offering another suggestion. "Let us handle this dragon, Majesty," Tsukasa asserted, his eyes ablaze with determination.

The king regarded Tsukasa with a mixture of admiration and concern. Could they truly face such a formidable foe? With a sigh, he yielded to their resolve. "Very well then. Sky and Sun Knight, guard the gates and protect our city. And the rest of you, ensure the safety of our princesses," he commanded, his voice ringing with authority.

With a unified affirmation, the knights dispersed, each ready to face their respective challenges head-on. In the face of uncertainty and danger, they stood united, prepared to defend their kingdom at any cost.

Ichika's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, her gaze fixed on Mafuyu as she sought clarification. "And what about us?" she queried, her brow furrowed with concern.

King's response was swift and resolute, his eyes flashing with determination. "Ichika, Kanade, and Minori will attend the garden party," He instructed, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "Let's assume that this event was made by another city to disrupt the peace and undermine the trust of the Sekai Empire Or Attack the princesses in the party. If necessary, we must be prepared to thwart any such schemes."

Ichika's expression shifted, a mixture of apprehension and determination crossing her features as she absorbed king words. With a nod of understanding, ichika, kanade and minori and they companions accepted their mission, knowing that the fate of the princess lives rested in their hands.

King commanded with authority, his voice echoing through the grand hall. "Sky and Sunny Knight, guard the gates and shield Sekai City from the dragon's wrath. Meanwhile, Star, Night, and Flower Knights, ensure the safety of our princesses against any threat from rival empires. This is your sovereign's decree!"

With a resounding chorus of "YES!" the knights rise as one, their armor clanking in unison. Each pledged their allegiance to the king and the realm before filing out of the chamber, determination etched on their faces.

As they made their preparations to depart, a sense of resolve settled over them, driving them forward with a shared determination to protect the Sekai Empire and princesses, no matter the cost.

As Tsukasa dashed through the empire, his thoughts echoed, "I hope it's you." Soon, they stood at the gate, witnessing the looming presence of a black dragon.

"There really is," Mizuki quipped, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Sky Knights, prepare for battle!" Tsukasa's command echoed through the ranks, and every knight bearing the Sky banner raised their weapons with determination. "YESSS!!" The unified shout echoed from their ranks.

Amidst the fervor, Mafuyu stood alone without any companions, her solitary figure gripping her sword tightly.

As the black dragon drew nearer, the tension escalated. With a swift descent, the dragon landed, revealing a figure clad in black armor atop its back. Their identity left the sekai knights stunned.

"Toy-" Mid-sentence, Tsukasa's warning was drowned out by the thunderous sound of Akito's charge. "Wait, Akito!" Tsukasa's plea fell on deaf ears as Akito barreled forward with unwavering determination. "Toya, why?!" Akito's anguished cry filled the air as he sprinted, sword clenched tightly in hand. In moments, he closed the gap, unleashing a fierce attack, only to have it deftly parried by Toya's own blade.

"It's been a while, partner," Toya's voice cut through the tension, his expression as cold as ice.

Akito sprang back, his face etched with a mix of determination and sorrow. "Toya, I will defeat you right now, right here," he vowed, his words heavy with resolve. Toya's response was a silent, piercing gaze, his intentions veiled in mystery.

"Asahina, let us handle Toya. You take on the black dragon," Tsukasa urged. "You're up for it, right?"

"Don't underestimate me," Mafuyu retorted, determination burning in her eyes as she unsheathed her sword. Ice enveloped the blade as she shove it into the ground. "Ice Sword," she chanted. Spikes of ice erupted around the dragon's feet, but the ice shattered upon impact because of the dragon scale that was as hard as steel. However, the attack made the dragon fly in the sky and succeeded in forcing Toya to separate from his dragon.

Seizing the opportunity, Mafuyu made an ice wall from the ground to reach the dragon in the sky, with her icy blade in hand.

"Let's move, Mizuki!" Tsukasa commanded, to which Mizuki replied with a crisp "Yes, captain!" With swift orders, Tsukasa directed the sky knights to aid Asahina and the dragon, while he and Mizuki joined Akito in battle.

"Daybreak Sword," Akito chanted, his blade igniting into flames as he lunged towards Toya once more. "When will you learn, Akito?" Toya retorted, meeting Akito's attack with his own sword. "You can't defeat me."

"Yes, I couldn't beat you before, but now I can!" Akito declared with confidence. Suddenly, massive sword-shaped stones materialized above Akito and Toya's place. Akito intensified the flames on his sword, creating a blinding light that momentarily robbed Toya of his vision. Seizing the opportunity, Akito leaped away as the stones crashed down on Toya.

"Good job, lil' bro," Mizuki chimed in with a sarcastic laugh, but Tsukasa's response was measured. "It's too early to celebrate, Mizuki," he cautioned. They watched anxiously as the smoke cleared, revealing Toya unscathed.

"It was a good combo, but not enough to kill me," Toya remarked with an eerie calmness. "Toya, or whoever you are, what are you doing here? What are you planning?" Tsukasa demanded, his voice tinged with urgency.

"I'm here to destroy this empire!" Toya's voice sliced through the tension like a blade. His words echoed off the stone walls, each syllable dripping with determination.

As Toya finished speaking, Tsukasa bolted towards him with incredible speed, swiftly closing the distance. Toya barely had time to react before Tsukasa was upon him, launching a fierce attack that caught him off guard. Unable to evade the tsukasa attack, Toya took the full force of the attack, feeling the impact ripple through his body, causing serious damage that made him fall.

"I see you're not the Toya I know," Tsukasa remarked coolly after delivering the punishing strike. Toya's body crumpled to the ground, a testament to the severity of the attack.

As Tsukasa advanced toward the prone figure of Toya, his sword aimed squarely at Toya's face, he demanded, "Once more, tell me who you are and what your intentions are!" Toya's voice suddenly shifted, betraying a different persona. "Bravo, Sekai Knights! That was quite the performance," he applauded, his hands clapping together. "And because I enjoyed your show, I'll share some information with you." Tsukasa, still wary, listened as the figure identified himself as Rui Kamishiro, a dark sorcerer from parts unknown, bearing a message.

"A message?" Tsukasa inquired, puzzled. "Yes, indeed," Rui replied solemnly. "In seven days, knights from other empires will launch an invasion to conquer the Sekai Empire." Tsukasa's heart sank at the news. "A war?" he asked, his mind racing with the implications. "I cannot say for certain," Rui responded. "I was merely entrusted with this information by an acquaintance."

Tsukasa pressed further, determined to uncover the truth. "Who are you truly? And who gave you this warning? Why would they alert us to such a threat?" But before Rui could fully answer, Toya's body began to fade, disappearing before Tsukasa's eyes, leaving behind only unanswered questions and a looming sense of dread.

Mizuki's confusion was evident in her voice as she questioned, "Huh, what happened?"

Tsukasa replied calmly, explaining the situation, "This thing isn't real, it's just an illusion created by a sorcerer."

Meanwhile, in a distant location, the knights stood vigilant, their attention drawn to a fearsome sight. "She doesn't need help, right?" one knight inquired anxiously. "Yes, definitely!" affirmed another, their gaze fixed on a mighty dragon trapped within a vast block of ice.

I'm happy to create this fan fic

raiikacreators' thoughts