
Chapter 908 – Sword Transformation

Shang's next opponent was another beast with a Lightning Affinity, but it also wasn't the most impressive.


It was a white ape that was using a huge club. It mostly used its Lightning Mana to increase its speed.


Sure, the white ape was pretty fast, but its defense was horrible.


After avoiding a couple of attacks, Shang launched an attack of his own, and the battle ended.


However, Shang had felt more pressure in this fight than in the last since he had been forced to rapidly defend many times before he could launch his own attack.


The sheer power and speed of these beasts had reached such levels that Shang was immediately bombarded by an avalanche of attacks, and if he got hit once, he would explode into a shower of blood.


It was a lot of pressure.


Shang fought a couple more battles, and the beasts became more powerful and more dangerous.