
Chapter 877 – King Sanctified Death

The Mage King quietly waited for an answer.


Luckily, he didn't need to wait for long.


"Hey, Samuel. Nice to talk to you! How are you?" said a friendly voice coming from the Communication Crystal.


The Mage King gulped once. "Not very well, sir."


"Oh? Are you having trouble? Do you need some help?" the friendly voice asked.


Samuel laughed bitterly. "Sir, I don't feel very well because I think I know why you are calling."


"We can talk about that after this. So, there are no problems at home or with your meditation? Everything outside of work is okay?" the person asked with a concerned voice.


"Everything's alright, sir," Samuel said.


"Good, good," the voice said. "Hey, listen, I've been hearing a couple of things, and I want to hear your side of the events. Could you tell me, from your point of view, what happened within the last hour?"