
Chapter 85 – Room

Shang left the fourth floor and went to the second one. Soran had said that Shang would find his room near the beginning of the second floor.

When Shang arrived on the second floor, he saw a long hallway with a lot of doors. Shang guessed that the rooms weren't very big based on how close the doors were to each other.

Shang wasn't quite sure which room was supposed to be his, but he knew that he only needed to test his Emblem on the different rooms. The one that reacted to it would be his.

Shang went to the first door on the right and held his Emblem to it.


And it unlocked.

Shang was surprised when the very first door unlocked, and he looked at his card. 'Did I just get lucky, or is my card defect?'

Shang went to the room beside it and tried his Emblem.

The door didn't react.

Shang tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.