
Chapter 783 – Jester Is Unhappy

For now, Shang kept focusing on refining his battle style and increasing the power of his body by absorbing Abominations.


The next trial inside his inner world would take place in about 150 years, and he had to be ready for that.


Additionally, Shang was once more uncertain about how to advance, and he wanted to wait for the trial before he made a decision.


Over the next years, Shang remained inside the Isolation Chamber, but he didn't fully close it.


He left a small part open so that Mana could enter, but he mostly closed it to make it difficult for others to look inside while keeping the Isolation Barriers around the Isolation Chamber activated.


Shang was sure that several Clouds were still planning on killing him, and that was one of the biggest reasons for isolating himself like this.


Going out and talking to people was the quickest way to get killed.