
Chapter 743 – Breakthrough

As soon as Shang's body recovered, the amount of Mana flowing into him increased more and more.


First, the Mana had only entered his body to heal him, but now, it was actually pushing him to the next Realm.


The Mana around the Twilight Cave also began to travel towards Shang, and that wasn't even close to everything.


In a matter of seconds, the surrounding 1,000 kilometers began to flow towards Shang.


Then, the surrounding 5,000 kilometers.


The surrounding 10,000 kilometers.


Eventually, even the surrounding 100,000 kilometers began to flow into Shang.


The Mana in the entire Hibye was entering Shang's body to assist in his breakthrough.


That was normal.


Whenever anyone in the Hibye became an Ancestral Mage, the entire Mana in the Hibye flowed into them.


This showed how ridiculously much Mana Ancestral Mages needed.