
Chapter 715 – Fleros

Shang only snorted. 


"That doesn't make a lot of sense," Shang said.


"Oh? How come it doesn't make a lot of sense?" Fleros asked with an interested smile.


"I am not repressing anything deep inside myself," Shang said calmly. "I have my goal, and I am striving to achieve my goal with my entire being. If I suppressed something, I wouldn't be able to follow through with my plans and training."


Fleros raised an eyebrow. "So, you're saying that you're not repressing anything and that we don't know how our own training methods work?"


"That seems to be the only explanation," Shang answered evenly.


This took Fleros by surprise.


"I know myself, and I know that my entire being is united in achieving one single goal. I know that I am not suppressing anything. Therefore, something else must be the reason why the Inner Heart Melody sounds so aggravating in my ears."