


Hello my name is sakimoto jin today is the day yes...this is the day we're I'm gonna enroll the name of school is sports academia i got to admit but the name of school is nice it's only nice hahahaha...back to the topic

here i am at the entrance gate of where I'm gonna enroll while i was standing at entrance gate the guard called me and ask what are you doing here i replied ...

I'm looking at the name of the school at above of entrance gate

the guard replied ok but are you

going to enroll to this school please write your name in this piece of paper and you can have your entry card ..

ok I replied ...i write my name and i go inside the entrance gate and i was surprised that there's to many students who will enroll in this school

i ask the teacher

can i pick any sport i want the teacher said you can but ..

but what that's about teacher I ask

the teacher replied if u want u can join swimming class or jumping class

but why this two teacher