
The Kidnap

Lawrence's P.O.V

It's been three days since I brought Trina here, and although it's unreal living with her, I can't shake off the feeling that we are being watched.

I have surveillance all over the house but I'm still on edge maybe because Trina doesn't want to stay in the same room with me and it's messing with my head, every time I hear something drop, my heart speeds up.

The message the Rainers sent me didn't help matters either 'we're everywhere, and we'll get what we want'. I never get scared or shaken but back then I had nothing to loose, now I have Trina and I can't loose her, it would kill me.

You must have wondered why I haven't gone to the police or used my connections to get back at the Rainers for what they did but I can't, due to the fact that they have a lot of dirt on me as much as I have on them.