
Sweet Wife Is Busy Farming

As soon as she transmigrated, Ding Yao became a mute that was kicked out by her stepmother! It’s okay, don’t panic. She had a fiance who was willing to pick her up. However, her fiance’s family had very bad luck. Today, someone got injured. Tomorrow, the chickens were dead. The day after, there was no more rice to eat…Ding Yao: “Have I been possessed by an unlucky god?” Seeing that her younger siblings were about to starve, Ding Yao’s naive and innocent fiance comforted her. “It’ll be fine, Yaoyao. I’ll go hunting in the mountains tomorrow. I won’t let you starve.” Ding Yao glanced at his broken leg and knew that the credibility of his statement was low. If one relied on the mountains, the mountains would fall. If one relied on others, others would fall. Ding Yao rolled up her sleeves. Well then, let’s make fortune with our own hands! Thinking of the 21st century which she transmigrated from, she has superb medical skills. It was not a problem to treat illness and injuries. Not to mention, she had a system which allowed her to have her own medicine field. It wasn’t a problem to get rich! Under Ding Yao’s leadership, her fiance’s family leaped from being the poorest family in the village to the richest in the country in only three years. The days got better and better, but those who looked for trouble also increased…One night, a familiar assassin dressed in black appeared. Ding Yao was in a daze and thought, ‘Do I deal with this with silver needles? Or poison needles?’ At this moment, her weak fiance stepped forward and pulled her into his arms to protect her. “Don’t be afraid, my darling! No one will hurt you while I’m here.” Ding Yao was confused. Then, she was shocked when her weak fiance kicked the black-clothed assassin. This man had pretended to be weak in order to gain the upper hand!

Dragon Dragon Dragon · Tổng hợp
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81 Chs

Don't Call Me Sister-in-law

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The villagers wanted to continue asking, but Song Xiuyan and the others had already gone far away. At this time, Ah-jie was one step too slow and was stopped by the villagers. He could only tell them everything he knew. After hearing this, the villagers sighed one after another. They cursed Ding Yao's stepmother, Wang Hongxia, for not being human. They all knew about Song Xiuyan's family's situation. It wasn't a wealthy family to begin with, and with a mute girl like Ding Yao, how would they live in the future? Wouldn't they starve to death? However, Ding Yao had saved Song Yang's life. It was understandable that Song Xiuyan took Ding Yao home. It was just that the future would be difficult.

Soon, they arrived at Song Xiuyan's home. Ding Yao looked at it curiously. Song Xiuyan's home was definitely grand. It was a courtyard house that covered a large area. The front and back courtyards were covered by trees. The geographical location was also very good. Not far away, there was a clear stream. This meant that Song Xiuyan's great-grandfather was a person of great taste and was also a rich man.

"Big Brother! Second Brother!" At this moment, a little boy of eight or nine years old and a girl of about seven years old ran out of the house. Both of them had sallow and thin faces. Their small stomachs were round and protruding abnormally.

Ding Yao could tell at a glance that these two children were malnourished. The reason for the malnutrition was partly because of their family's difficulties and their lack of food, but also because they had worms in their stomachs.

The two children looked at Ding Yao curiously. Song Xiuyan was 1.85 meters tall, and Ding Yao was 1.6 meters tall because of malnutrition. The two of them stood together, forming a clear height contrast.

Song Xiuyan pointed at the two children and introduced them to Ding Yao, "My fourth brother, Song Yu, and my fifth sister, Song Xue." After he finished, he said to Song Yu and Song Xue, "This is your sister-in-law, Ding Yao."

Song Yu and Song Xue were both very surprised. They knew that their brother's future wife was a mute girl. Their mother had said before that mute girl wasn't good enough for their brother, but now, their brother had brought mute girl home. He even admitted that she was their sister-in-law. What was going on?

Song Yang reminded Song Yu and Song Xue, "Hurry up and call her sister-in-law!"

Song Yu said, "Sister-in-law!"

Song Xue said, "Hello, sister-in-law!"

Ding Yao only realized the seriousness of the matter when she heard their crisp shouts. She didn't agree, so she turned to discuss with Song Xiuyan. "I'm not that old. Can they not call me sister-in-law for now?"

Song Xiuyan thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. "Sure. Song Yu and Song Xue are younger than you. Let them just call you elder sister. The few of us who are about the same age as you will call you by your name directly. How about it?"

Ding Yao nodded happily. She once again felt that Song Xiuyan was a good person and was willing to accommodate others. However, the way he looked at her was too doting, so doting that it made her feel a little awkward.

Song Yu and Song Xue were very smart. They immediately changed their way of addressing Ding Yao as "Sister", which made Ding Yao look at them more and more affectionately. What pitiful children. Since she had decided to move into the Song family, she wouldn't let the children of the Song family go hungry. As for their health problems, she would also solve them!

When Song Yu and Song Xue saw Ding Yao's expression, they thought that Ding Yao envied them for being able to speak. The two of them felt more and more sympathetic toward Ding Yao, and they were no longer as resistant as before, nor did they feel that she wasn't worthy of their big brother.

The few of them entered the courtyard. Song Xiuyan asked Song Xue, "Is there still hot water in the kitchen?"

Song Xue nodded. "Yes, I just boiled a pot of hot water. I'm going to help my third brother wipe his body."

Song Xiuyan turned to Ding Yao and said, "Go take a shower first. I'll find a set of clothes that you can wear. Make do with it first. I'll bring you to town tomorrow to buy two sets of clothes that you like."

Ding Yao nodded. She was now covered in dirt and wanted to take a shower as well.

Song Yu's fourth brother, Song Xiuyan, saw Song Xiuyan busily carrying water for Ding Yao to take a shower. He widened his eyes in shock. Was he seeing things? Song Xiuyan actually personally carried water for Ding Yao? And he even wanted to buy clothes for Ding Yao? Where did Song Xiuyan get the money? The rice that he cooked tonight was borrowed from the neighbor next door.

Song Yang pulled Song Yu and Song Xue to his third brother, Song Yi's room, amd he said to them, "Our whole family must treat her well, okay? You must never despise her for not being able to speak. She can cure illnesses and save lives. Not only did she save my life, but she might even cure Song Yi's leg!"

When Song Yi heard this, his eyes lit up, and then dimmed again. His second brother, Song Yang, must have said this to comfort him. Seeing that Song Yi and the others didn't believe him, Song Yang quickly told them what had happened on the mountain, and he also showed them the wound on his leg.