
Sweet Spices

Thoughts are mundane yet complicated. We always see that what we think only affects us and sometimes people around us. What's if there's more... What if simple kind thoughts or carefully thought the malicious plan could affect more than our actions and emotion. This is a story about how a simple thought can affect more than what we imagine, and how the thoughts can affect us deeper than what we felt. A Sweet story, with a bit of Spices.

CheezyChess · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

"So... Do you believe in spirits? Ah, let me change the question, do you believe in legends, folktale, or creepypasta" Roderick asked, his hand playfully poked the yolk of the egg and let the half-cooked yellow stuff melted from it.

Chance yawned before nodding silently, after what happened last night he decided it was better to turn off his logic for a moment. His blank eye still looking at the plate of thick bacon and egg in front of him Roderick couldn't guess what's going on inside the rabbit's mind so he keeps explaining.

"The monster that attacked you last night... That's a spirit. Those things came from people's bad thoughts. Envy, anger, harm, greed, those thoughts will not just sit in your mind alone. They will manifest and form a physical body so it can do more bad things... Like what you experienced last night," Roderick explained as well as he could.

At that time Chance stopped his blank stare and looked at his cousin. "Okay. What the heck. So you're telling me that those things come from our minds? So it's everywhere?"

"Yep, if you have a thought to... Let's say stab me with your fork there. That thought will manifest into spirit. Bad spirit." As the wolf finished his sentence, Chance looked at his fork and slowly stare at his cousin.

"Okay, first of all... it's not that easy and secondly... Your feelings must be real and to a degree that the only thing which stops you from actually stabbing me is your rationality," Roderick said as he uses his own fork to lower the other fork.

"So.. let's say I have a thought that I really want to stab you because you left me alone in the university and almost get me killed. Will those monsters appeared next to me?"

"Well.. ehm... It starts with a weak form called the wisp. It's small, only capable of giving strange vibes, and invisible for most of us. It usually looks like floating orbs of light and harmless if not left alone," he said as he took a bite of his bacon. "But, if the thought around the wisp gets stronger, the wisp will gain more energy and become what we called the spirit. Those things are dangerous and could cause serious harm," he continued.

It didn't take long for Chance to believe what his cousin said, after all, he experienced how dangerous spirit himself. "Then... Why don't people know about this? Why it's hidden?" He asked.

"Oh, people did know," Roderick said as he chewed the bacon and cut the egg into pieces. "You think those folklore and myth are just fictional stories?" He added.

Chance eye widens, it was like a bucket of ice just poured on top of him. "So.. ghost story, creepypasta, legends..." He named a few sources of supernatural entities that he knew.

"Yes. All real, well at very least inspired by it. When someone saw those things, it doesn't really register into their mind completely. People will eventually forget it and the image only exist as a nightmare," he explained and keep eating his breakfast. On the other hand, Chance was too focus on the explanation that he didn't touch his meal at all.

"But still," he paused for a second to swallow his food. "It'll be troublesome if people keep panicking when saw one of them and then post it on Facepage or something. That's why we use this." Roderick pulled a small device from his pocket. The device looked like a tube with a small red button on it, there's a strip of white glass around the top that reminds him of a camera flash.

"You've been flashed by this before right? This little thing called Amnesiac Flash, this little guy can speed up the process of forgetting those spirit in their mind. However I called this thing normalizer because it made everything normal for anyone get struck by it," he said.

"That name sounds familiar. But why I don't-," the rabbit tried to ask but Roderick quickly cut his sentence. "That's the problem. Like I said before, people can't register those images in their minds because of how far-fetched those spirits from reality. But not everyone like that, some people could see or even interact with the spirits and those people can't be affected by normalizer because they couldn't forget them in the first place," he answered and then continued his next sentence with very serious tone. "..and you.. probably one of those people."


A loud sound of a bell broke the silence between them. Roderick sighed as he heard those bell keeps ringing from the speaker above the table they're sitting. He stared upward and looking a bit upset like a teacher whose explanation got interrupted by some loud kid on the back of the class.

"I probably need to check on that. You finish your breakfast and I'll be back in a minute." The wolf stood up and left the rabbit alone in the kitchen.

Chance finally have some time alone to process all the information he just got. Some part of him still holding some doubt and thought that his cousin just messing in him, but the fact that he almost gets killed by one threw away all the doubt out of the window.

"Damn... First day in Ailurpine.." he said while still couldn't believe what he just got into.