
Chapter77 Ten Folds!

"I'll make you pay ten fold's of what you did to me!"Zhao Mei leaves her apartment and disguises up and leaves

At Mao Tent.)

"We understand all the procedures"Mao Xuruo cuts the call

"Miss Mao? you called for me?"Zhao Mei walks in

"You made my company's stock reduce and earn us a lot of negative reviews! do you want to be the cause of our downfall!"Mao Xuruo bangs the table..."Just look at what you're stupidity has brought us!" she switches on the television

"I didn't know how my secret came out! Mao Xuruo! I beg you,please give me a chance!" Zhao Mei kneels down

"A Chance? you mean another chance! I, Mao Xuruo! hates Second chance! if you can't get it right then get lost!"Mao Xuruo calms herself down

"You're firing me ? huh? did you forget, if your secret is out then you'd be the cause of your own failure!"Mei chuckles..."Lets be professionals okay? you dont want to tarnish your name and your girlfriends name,right?"

"You wouldn't dare! you're threatening me! No one threatens Mao Xuruo!"She grabs a gun and shoots her hand

"You think this will stop me from saying it then you're wrong! I am going straight to the media to tell your deeds to them! let's see if you can still be bossy when everyone know you're a LESBIAN!"Mei chuckles..."I'll all drag you to hell!"

"You're fired! get the FUCK out of here!"Mao Xuruo shouts

"Glad to!"Zhao Mei walks out and meets Eula laughing at her

"Seems the Goddess is going back to her gutters!"Eula mocks

"Dont worry Lu Mai! I'll be back soon just dont be too happy!"Mei sneers as she puts back her sunglasses back on and walks out of the company


"I want her dead! she must not live this company!"Mao Xuruo calls

"We'll get on it Boss!"A man answered and they cut the call

"The time you decided to talk is when your death began to come! just wait Miss Zhao! I'll feed your dead bones to my dogs!"

At The Car Park)

"You all will pay!"Zhao Mei mutters as she enters her car

"Stop there! and surrender! "A man with mask comes out with 50 men

"What do you want? let me guess Mao Xuruo called you to teach me a lesson huh? fine go ahead! my life is ended!" Zhao Mei crazily laughs as she on's the recorder in her car and comes down

"Since you know just be a little girl and dont be stupid!"The men grabbed her neck with force and brought out a dagger and killed her.."Boss mission complete!"

"Go and throw her in the sea! and destroy all evidence, if any evidence is found! you'll all die!"Mao Xuruo chuckles as she sends them the money

"Dont worry Boss! this isn't our first mission!"They carried her and put her into a black van and drove to the ocean and dumps her there


"Meimei?"Gao Ping goes in and didn't find her there.."Where did she go to?"She calls her and her phone didn't ring

[ Sorry! this number doesn't exist no more!]

"Doesn't exist? did she commit suicide?"Gao Ping goes to the company