
It is Ling Tianya (2)

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ruan Zeyan quickly answered the phone.


Hearing Ruan Zeyan's icy voice, Cheng Chen immediately roared, "Why didn't anyone tell me that Ling Tianya has been kidnapped!" Cheng Chen had subconsciously raised his voice.

An instant later, Ruan Zeyan's cold voice came down the phone. "Why should you be notified?"

Cheng Chen was shocked and then realized that he had subconsciously lost control of his emotions. "Ling Tianya is the CEO of Zhiya Entertainment," he said to Ruan Zeyan, "and is very important to the company. I am the president. Since something so major has happened to our CEO, shouldn't I know about it?"

"Now you know."

Ruan Zeyan's voice was cold, and he sounded as if he was going to end the call. Cheng Chen became anxious. "Do you need me to help with anything?"

"No need."

Ruan Zeyan ended the call.